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41. Fort Kearny's Unconventional Army Units Arguably, the Pawnee scouts were the best military unit stationed at Fort Kearny . The federal government, therefore, recruited confederate prisoners of http://bchs.kearney.net/BTales_200502.htm | |
42. Enlisting In The American (Confederate) Army and Texas incorporate confederate units as part of their national guard history.How military units that, if successful would have broken up the United http://www.rtis.com/touchstone/april2005/p14.html | |
43. Black Confederates Although the confederate Congress did not authorize Colored units in the The 1st Louisiana Regiment of Native Guards was a military unit composed of http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Bunker/1163/black.html | |
44. Confederate Army Passes checker test SCV Camp 674 GA CSA military History Passes checkertest confederate Buff Brief History of Three units from N.Carolina (13th Inf. http://r.webring.com/hub?ring=csregiment |
45. Military & Pension Records For Union Civil War Veterans study regarding specific military units which participated in the Civil War . Louisiana Archives Index confederate Pension Appilcation Records Index http://www.oz.net/~cyndihow/pensions.htm | |
46. Military Records Guide Sheet -- State Historical Society Of Missouri Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union (and confederate) Soldiers Who for tracing activities of military units, and this 128 volume set is indexed. http://www.umsystem.edu/shs/military.html | |
47. Confederate Soldiers And Sailors - Research Primer At All Info AboutGenealogy The other is Compiled Records showing Service of military units in ConfederateOrganizations (microfilm publication M861, 74 rolls). http://genealogy.allinfoabout.com/features/confederate.html | |
48. Civil War Reseach - Confederate confederate military units Louisiana confederate Pension Applications Database confederate military units. Official Records of the Union and confederate http://dixiememories.com/scv/files/research.html | |
49. A Brief History Of The Confederate Flags Johnston, the ranking confederate officer, ordered all military units to use theflags of their states. But only Virginia had supplied her troops with their http://mshistory.k12.ms.us/features/feature2/histconflag.html | |
50. Confederate States Army: Information From Answers.com Some other prominent confederate generals who led significant units operating Elias Cornelius Boudinot military history of the confederate States http://www.answers.com/topic/confederate-states-army | |
51. Georgia Units In The Civil War confederate. Overview of military organization Click here for information onGeorgia soldiers and units that volunteered for Union service http://www.cviog.uga.edu/Projects/gainfo/gaunits.htm | |
52. Program Overview History of military units at the University of Virginia Mosby and his partisanrangers were later incorporated into the regular confederate army. http://www.virginia.edu/arotc/Overview/history.htm | |
53. Native Americans - Stand Watie A Guide to Cherokee confederate military units, 1861 1865 from Lars Gjertveit;Stand Watie s contributions and Grant and Last Year http://www.nativeamericans.com/StandWatie.htm | |
54. Confederate Brigade Charter American Civil War Association Current The collective confederate military units of the ACWA shall be referred to as theCSA Brigade or simply, the Brigade. The Brigade shall portray the http://www.voss-serenka.com/ACWA/Confederate/CSACharter.htm | |
55. CONFEDERATE ISSUE JACKETS PART 1 The study of American military uniforms has been pursued with increasing 163, 176, 198, 219, and 236, all of which depict early war confederate units. http://www.military-historians.org/company/journal/confederate/confederate-1.htm | |
56. Did Blacks Typically Serve Slaves were forced into service by confederate military units as civilian laborers,teamsters, cooks, hospital personnel and other noncombat duties, http://www.coax.net/people/lwf/burke_cw.htm |
57. Fort Blakeley, Alabama - Scene Of Last Major Battle Of The Civil War I. confederate military units which participated in operations in the vicinityof Mobile, Alabama January 1, 1865 to May 1865 http://www.siteone.com/tourist/blakeley/regimentlist.htm | |
58. Battle Of Olustee - The Battle Itself Among the confederate units, the 32nd Georgia lost 164 men and Bonaud s In early March, 1865, the last military operation of any significance in Florida http://extlab1.entnem.ufl.edu/olustee/battle.html | |
59. Broadfoot's Civil War Unit Records Union or confederate military unit is a transcription from that unit smicrofilmed record entitled Compiled Records Showing Service of military units. http://www.soldiersearch.com/unit_record.html | |
60. Civil War Unit Histories: Regimental Histories And Personal Narratives military historians will find the vivid personal accounts of battles and majorcampaigns, Some confederate units never had a formal history published. http://www.lexisnexis.com/academic/2upa/Aacw/CivilWarUnitHistories.htm | |
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