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21. Texas State Department Of Geography - General Geography Secondary Social Studies general geography Secondary Teacher Certification Course Work BA 3036 hours, BS36-42 hours geography of North Africa/middle east http://www.geo.txstate.edu/programs/undergrad/courses/gen_teach.html | |
22. FSU 2005-2006 General Bulletin Special Topics in geography middle east (3). History. AFH. 4302 Studies inInternational Politics The middle east (3). Religion. REL. 2210 http://registrar.fsu.edu/bulletin/undergrad/depts/middle_east.htm | |
23. Thebestkidsbooksite.com: Geography For Kids Recommended general Websites. geography America s Public Lands middle eastRecommended general Websites. middle east Arab Culture http://www.thebestkidsbooksite.com/trygeo2.cfm | |
24. Internet Resources For Geography geography general. The web geeks who put together general directories such as middle east and North Africa. Saudi Aramco Publications Arabic News http://homepage.smc.edu/morris_pete/internetgeography.html | |
25. Majors Majors in geography. eastern Hemisphere. BS geography general Geog 470 Asia;Geog 471 middle east; Geog 480 Australia and New Zealand http://www.geog.byu.edu/Undergraduate/Majors.htm | |
26. Geography 103-01 Jim Claflin interdependencies The holistic approach of geography in general and the 21 middle east. 23 BOOK REVIEW The Arabs. 25 middle east Northern Africa http://wizard.csuchico.edu/syllabi/..\syllabi\2005_Spring/GEOG_103-03_Claflin.ht | |
27. Middle East Overview: Geography & Maps Of The Region Recommended for an online interactive middle east geography quiz. Topics andmaterials A general guide for teachers with suggestions for teaching http://www.coe.ohio-state.edu/mmerryfield/global_resources/modules/MEOverviewGeo | |
28. Global Education: Display Modules By Region This would be helpful in learning the geography of the middle east. Be awareof it not being middle east maps in general; the main focus being the http://www.coe.ohio-state.edu/globaled/display.cfm?parent=70&child=152 |
29. JRULM Subject Specialist: Geography: Classification F1 Historical geography general texts; discovery and exploration; early man. H421 South West Asia; middle east. H424 Arabian Peninsula; Saudi Arabia; http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/geography/geogclas.html | |
30. Oxford University Press: The Middle East And North Africa: Alasdair Drysdale You are here OUP USA Home US general Catalog geography. The middle east andNorth Africa. A Political geography. Alasdair Drysdale and Gerald H. Blake http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Geography/?ci=0195035380&view=usa |
31. Miami University: Documents And Policies: General Bulletin MPF 207 Civilization of the middle east (3) Survey of cultural, political, 308 geography of east Asia (3) Analysis of cultural and physical landscapes http://www.miami.muohio.edu/documents_and_policies/bulletin04/courses/geo.cfm | |
32. Miami University: Documents And Policies: General Bulletin MPF 207 Civilization of the middle east (3) MPT 308 geography of east Asia (3).Analysis of cultural and physical landscapes of China, Japan, and Korea. http://www.miami.muohio.edu/documents_and_policies/bulletin06/courses/geo/ | |
33. General Catalog - Middle Eastern Studies general Catalog, University of California, Berkeley Survey 1 geography andethnography of the middle east (minimum one course). http://sis.berkeley.edu/catalog/gcc_view_req?p_dept_cd=M E STU |
34. General Geography Of Iran Iran is the second largest country in the middle east, after Saudi Arabia. general geography of Iran Natural Regions of Iran http://www.destinationiran.com/General_Geography.htm | |
35. Wikipedia:Dewey Decimal System/Geography And History - Wikipedia, The Free Encyc 911 Historical geography 912 Graphic representations of earth 956 generalhistory of Asia middle east (Near east) 957 general history of Asia Siberia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Dewey_Decimal_System/Geography_and_histor | |
36. GEsource - Search Results For middle east (86 records). Subject Gateway general geography and EnvironmentalScience Full Subject AZ Higher level Asia ·. Find Entire database http://www.gesource.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/browsesql.pl?toplevel=general&limit=0&su |
37. Geography Of Middle East geography OF THE middle east (geography 550001) general. The land betweenthe Tigris and Euphrates in the middle east has been referred to as the http://mtsu32.mtsu.edu:11109/MTSU/geography_of_middle_east.htm | |
38. Lesson Plans - Oil And Water In The Middle East Region study maps of Iraq and the middle east to learn the basic geography of the region;;analyze the role Former UN Secretary general Boutros Boutros-Ghali http://www.nationalgeographic.com/xpeditions/lessons/01/g68/iraqoil.html | |
39. World Regional geographyGEOLOGY HOMEPAGE, Welcome to GEO 110 middle east; Asia; general;Central Asia; South Asia; South east Asia; east Asia; Africa; Latin America http://www.uwmc.uwc.edu/geography/110/110syl.htm | |
40. Geography Internet Resources Also contains table of contents from the middle east Review of general Listserv this is the general address for US human geography lists. http://geovoice.otago.ac.nz/web_links.html | |
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