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61. Middle Eastern Links We will refocus the list on academic middle east centres, departments, and resources Archaeology, Ancient Near east. ABZU Guide to the resources on the http://www.hf.uib.no/smi/links.html |
62. Course Offerings ARCHAEOLOGY. at the University of Virginia Topics to be covered include thehistory of the middle east, the history of the WestÂs interest in the http://www.virginia.edu/archaeology/ArchCourse.htm | |
63. Travelocity.com - Middle East Photo Gallery Guides Advice Photo Gallery middle east Jerusalem. The Rockefeller Museumof Archaeology houses many artifacts unearthed during excavations. http://dest.travelocity.com/DestGuides/multimedia_photogallery/0,3161,AOLSVC|299 | |
64. The Mediterranean And The Middle East (from Archaeology) -- Encyclopædia Brit The Mediterranean and the middle east (from archaeology) Archaeology proper beganwith an interest in the Greeks and Romans and first developed in http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-58722 | |
65. The Middle East (from Archaeology) -- Encyclopædia Britannica The middle east (from Archaeology) Interest was increasing in the beginnings ofa villagefarming community way of life in southwestern Asia, although not http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-232548 | |
66. The King Fahd Middle East Studies Program From University of Arkansas, Yarmouk University, the King Fahd middle east StudiesProgram. Excavation of Byzantine tombs, recording, and analysis of http://www.uark.edu/~jcrose/field/ | |
67. Art Of The Ancient Near East: Web Resources The term Ancient Near east means basically the middle east before 600 AD (beforeIslam), British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara links. BIAA http://www.art-and-archaeology.com/timelines/mideast/mideast.html | |
68. King David's Fabled Palace: Is This It? - Africa & Middle East - International H An Israeli archeologist says she has uncovered in east Jerusalem what she believes Hani Nur elDin, a professor of archaeology at Al Quds University, http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/08/04/news/david.php | |
69. AEMES (Ancient Egypt & Middle East Society) Current World Archaeology Digs Discoveries from around the world. CurrentArchaeology Current World AEMES (Ancient Egypt middle east Society) http://www.archaeology.co.uk/directory/viewsoc.asp?soc=943&cat=2 |
70. Heritage Archaeology And History Of Europe Near And Middle East Archaeology And Letters of the Great Kings of the Ancient Near east The Royal Correspondenceof the Tepe Yahya its implications for Near eastern archaeology http://www.heritagemp.com/results-book.asp?period=Archaeology and History of Eur |
71. OSU Middle East Studies Center (20th century culture and literature; Germany and the middle east) (GrecoRoman,Byzantine and Near east Archaeology and History) http://oia.osu.edu/mesc/faculty.html | |
72. Museum Of Anthropology middle east Archaeology. middle east Archaeology In contrast to all othercollections outside the Near east, which focus on complete objects of http://www.lsa.umich.edu/umma/research/divisions/middleeast/ | |
73. PETRA Lost City Of Stone - News - January 31, 2005 Petra and middle east Archaeology. No two archaeological sites are alike, sayslocal teacher and archaeologist Neal Bierling. http://www.calvin.edu/petra/news/2005-february01.php | |
74. GORP - Archaeological Sites - History, Parks, Battlefields, Memorials, Scenic Ar Made Up of Time An introduction to the world of the Maya - archaeology, Africa the middle east. A Visit to Jordan and Jerusalem - Walk in the http://gorp.away.com/gorp/resource/archaeol/main.htm | |
75. Oxbow Books/David Brown Book Company A Century of American Archaeology in the middle east Looking Back and LookingAhead (Neil A Silberman); Archaeology in the eastern Mediterranean Where We http://www.oxbowbooks.com/bookinfo.cfm/ID/55220;$ACw$C6U?/Location/Oxbow |
76. Middle East Technical University  Areas Of Interest  Settlement Archaeology middle east Technical University Areas of Interest. Settlement Archaeology Program Settlement Archaeology Program AREAS OF INTEREST http://ia.metu.edu.tr/en/as/000d0512yerlesimarkeolojisiyukseklisansprogrami.htm | |
77. Middle East Technical University  Areas Of Interest  Archaeology middle east Technical University Areas of Interest. Archaeology. Faculty Membersand Units interested in Archaeology http://ia.metu.edu.tr/kw/en/ia_archaeology.htm | |
78. Tomfolio.com: Archaeology, Sites: Middle East a group of buildings with basreliefs and inscriptions on the mound of Khorsabad Stock 26519. Vg/vg. Ancient Archaeology Tigris Euphrates middle east http://www.tomfolio.com/bookssub.asp?subid=3457 |
79. MENA: Middle East Studies Resources Center for middle east Studies at the University of California at Berkeley. University of Connecticut Ancient Near east Archaeology http://www.cc.utah.edu/~jwr9311/MENA/Academic/MEStud.html | |
80. Archaeology Aegean Coast Turkey Home Educational Travel Educational Archaeology middle east Add YourTravel Services Or Accommodations Add Your Archaeology Aegean Coast Turkey http://www.realadventures.com/pages/educational/archaeology/middle-east.htm | |
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