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81. EUROPA - Development - Countries - Federated States Of Micronesia The Federated States of micronesia inherited a system of government modelled onthe United States. Each of the four States has a high degree of autonomy and http://europa.eu.int/comm/development/body/country/country_home_en.cfm?cid=fm&st |
82. PacLII Document Collections Federated States of micronesia Interim Reporter (FSM Intrm) Kosrae State Digest Court System government FSM government Legal Information System http://www.paclii.org/databases.html | |
83. Micronesia Law & Government - LawResearch 1. A research tool for Lawyers or Business or Corporate use. http://www.lawresearch.com/v10/global/zfm.htm | |
84. Micronesia Law & Government 1. A research tool for Lawyers or Business or Corporate use. http://www.lawresearch.com/v2/global/zfmg.htm | |
85. United Nations Human Rights Website - Treaty Bodies Database - Document - Core D In 1982 the government of the Federated States of micronesia and the governmentof the United States executed a Compact of Free Association between the two http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/0/bb42923685c669b4c12563a3004e24c0?Opendocument |
86. National Library Of Australia - Pacific Island Government Internet Resources governments on the WWW Marshall Islands. micronesia. governments on the WWWmicronesia National government of the Federated States of micronesia (FSM) http://www.nla.gov.au/gov/pacific.html | |
87. US Department Of State Background Notes Micronesia, June 1996 FOREIGN RELATIONS The government of the Federated States of micronesia conductsits own foreign relations. Since independence, the FSM has established http://www.umsl.edu/services/govdocs/backgroundnotes/micronesia.txt |
88. Tagish S Directory Of UK Central Government Web Sites Foreign/External Affairs Information for, micronesia (Federated States Of) Below are links to additional government websites for these countries, http://www2.tagish.co.uk/Links/embassy1b.nsf/Email Embassies: Host Countries - F | |
89. Federated States Of Micronesia - Atlapedia Online In the 1960 s moves began towards preparing micronesia for self government andin a July 1978 referendum of the trust territory states, Pohnpei, Kosrae, http://www.atlapedia.com/online/countries/micrones.htm | |
90. My Micronesia ABC Radio Australia On the Marshall Islands, the US government has Saipan Tribune Continental micronesia is taking a wait and see attitude on calls http://www.mymicronesia.com/ |
91. Micronesia, Federated States Of Government 2002 - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geograph micronesia, Federated States of government 2002 Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography,Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, http://www.greekorthodoxchurch.org/wfb2002/micronesia_federated_states_of/micron | |
92. Governments On The WWW: Micronesia Links to websites of governmental institutions and political parties in micronesia. http://www.gksoft.com/govt/en/fm.html | |
93. Micronesia Economy - GDP, Budget, Industry And Agriculture micronesia economic information and statistics from factrover. micronesiaGovernment micronesia People micronesia Geography micronesia History http://www.factrover.com/economy/Micronesia_economy.html | |
94. IBP USA, USA; IBP USA, USA: Micronesia Foreign Policy And Government Guide IBP USA, USA; IBP USA, USA micronesia Foreign Policy and GovernmentGuide,Conservative,Book Club,Reagan,Homeschool,Human Events,Eagle Publishing,Religion http://www.forbesbookclub.com/bookpage.asp?prod_cd=IKU8U |
95. Statistical Sites On The World Wide Web Official United States Bureau of Labor s links to statistics and information frommore than 70 agencies in the United States Federal government. http://www.bls.gov/bls/other.htm | |
96. Micronesia, Federated States Of - 2004 - Introduction Geography People Governmen micronesia, Federated States of 2004 - Introduction Geography PopulationGovernment Economy Communications Transportation Military Issues Maps Flags. http://www.theodora.com/wfbcurrent/micronesia_federated_states_of/ | |
97. Micronesia, Federated States Of 2001 - Introduction Geography People Government micronesia, Federated States of 2001 Introduction Geography Population GovernmentEconomy Communications Transportation Military Issues Maps Flags. http://workmall.com/wfb2001/micronesia_federated_states_of/ | |
98. Globalis - An Interactive World Map - Micronesia - Central Government Expenditur micronesia, Global Virtual University / UNEP/GRIDArendal micronesia Centralgovernment expenditures on education http://globalis.gvu.unu.edu/indicator_detail.cfm?IndicatorID=141&Country=FM |
99. Asian Development Outlook 2003 - Federated States Of Micronesia - ADB.org The governments of the Federated States of micronesia (FSM) and the US have beennegotiating the extent and nature of continued Compact funds since 1999. http://www.adb.org/Documents/Books/ADO/2003/fsm.asp | |
100. Federated States Of Micronesia Country Guide - History And Government - World Tr World Travel Guide Federated States Of micronesia - Overview, Visa and Passportrequirements, vacation advice, holiday guide, international travel, http://www.worldtravelguide.net/data/fsm/fsm580.asp | |
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