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41. Lambda X Specialized in the field of design, image processing and metrology optics. Aiming to valorize and promote the expertise developed by the microgravity Research Center (MRC), of the ULB (Universit© Libre de Bruxelles). http://www.lambda-x.com/ | |
42. Erasmus Experiment Archive which were performed during missions and campaigns on/in various space platforms and microgravity groundbased facilities over the past 30 years. http://www.spaceflight.esa.int/eea/ | |
43. Sonoluminescence In Space At Boston University Proposes to study sonoluminescence in space and in microgravity. http://www.bu.edu/paclab/sono/sono.html | |
44. DESC : Dutch Experiment Support Center Offers information regarding ground based and real microgravity (life) sciences experiments. http://www.desc.med.vu.nl/ | |
45. CAMMP - Center For Advanced Microgravity Processing The Center for Advanced microgravity Materials Processing (CAMMP) is a NASAsponsored Center established in 1997 at Northeastern University. http://www.dac.neu.edu/cammp/ | |
46. Zwergkrallenfrösche - Hier Findet Man Informationen Zu Hymenochirus Boettgeri. Es werden Infomationen zu Haltung, Ern¤hrung und Zucht dieser Amphibien im Aquarium geboten sowie Erfahrungsberichte zum Thema Ballonkrankheit (Hydrops) und Trockenfutter. http://www.microgravity-systems.com/hymenochirus/ | |
47. Microgravity Science Division / GRC The microgravity Science Division (MSD) at NASA Glenn Research Center is responsible for developing and managing space experiments in technology and http://zeta.lerc.nasa.gov/sedhome.htm | |
48. Bauanleitungen Für Hamstergehege Und Hamsterkäfige Anleitungen mit Text und Fotos f¼r den Bau von Gehege und K¤fig sowie Tipps zur Einrichtung werden geboten. http://www.microgravity-systems.com/hamsterparadies/ | |
49. MICROGRAVITY RESOURCES microgravity A Teacher s Guide with Activities for Physical Science (EG103), Vogt, NASA Television. The Pitch for microgravity, March 1996. http://zeta.lerc.nasa.gov/school/resource.htm | |
50. SüÃwasserschnecken Im Aquarium - Gastropoda.de Es werden Informationen zu Haltung, Ern¤hrung und Klassifizierung von S¼Âwasserschnecken geboten sowie Literaturhinweise. http://www.microgravity-systems.com/gastropoda/ | |
51. NASA Scientists Discover Spiral-shaped Flames But in the microgravity of space, we are not dealing with just another old familiar In microgravity, where convective flows are absent, the flame is http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2000/ast12may_1.htm | |
52. Aquaristik Info - Tipps Für Aquarien Im Biologischen Gleichgewicht Informationen rund um funktionierende kleine Aquarien. Tipps und Hinweise f¼r ein rund laufendes Aquarium im biologischen Gleichgewicht. Mit Aquaristiktipps f¼r Einsteiger und Profis. http://www.microgravity-systems.com/aquaristikinfo/ | |
53. NASA/Marshall Microgravity Science: Overview Unlike these two science areas, microgravity science is in its infancy. This third part of our mission at NASA is microgravity science. http://science.nasa.gov/msl1/themes/micrograv_over.htm | |
54. Value Of Space Science Questioned CNN http://cnn.com/2003/TECH/space/05/27/sprj.colu.microgravity.science.ap/index.htm |
55. Microgravity.msad.hq.nasa.gov/ microgravitymicrogravity. The nearweightless environment of space opens up a multitude of possibilities for microgravity and Industry Symposium (Paris, April 1989) http://microgravity.msad.hq.nasa.gov/ |
56. NASA - Space Research - OBPR Presentations, Newsletters And Documents published quarterly by the Marshall Space Flight Center in Conjunction with Hampton University. http://spaceresearch.nasa.gov/general_info/prespublic.html#newsletters | |
57. Space Outreach: What Is Microgravity? microgravity can be created by accelerating to orbital velocity, microgravity can also be created for short periods of time by lofting a smaller rocket, http://spaceoutreach.com/micro.htm | |
58. Spacelab A reusable laboratory designed to allow scientists to perform experiments in microgravity conditions while orbiting Earth. It was developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and was mounted inside the cargo bay of NASA's Space Shuttle. Carried to orbit in the Shuttle, Spacelab provided a versatile laboratory where scientists researched many different fields of science. http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/shuttle/spacelab/ | |
59. Weightlessness - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia This condition is also known as microgravity (see below). The term microgravity is also used because weightlessness in eg a spaceship or other container http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microgravity | |
60. NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center Investigating the physical, chemical and biological effects of the microgravity environment of space. Located at Marshall Space Flight Center. http://microgravity.nasa.gov | |
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