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21. SUBCOMMITTEE ON SPACE AND AERONAUTICS This hearing is intended to profile NASAÂs Life and microgravity Science on 1) the nature of the collaborative research activities that have been http://www.house.gov/science/space_charter_032200.htm | |
22. National Institute On AgingNational Institutes Of Health FY 2001 NASA Budget Request Life and microgravity Research NIA and NASAhave been engaged in numerous collaborative research activities since 1989. http://www.house.gov/science/hodes_032200.htm | |
23. Reid F. Cooper's Extended Homepage collaborative activities continue. Affiliations (Fe2+,3+bearing) AluminosilicateGlasses and Melts Applications to microgravity, to Meteoritics, http://mandm.engr.wisc.edu/faculty_pages/cooper/main.htm | |
24. ISDC 2005 The Advanced Diagnostic Ultrasound in microgravity (ADUM) research team has and NASA have been engaged in numerous collaborative research activities. http://isdc2005.xisp.net/~kmiller/isdc_archive/isdc.php?link=sessionSelect&sessi |
25. GIScience At ISU- Research Activities This collaborative project with the USGS and Idaho Geological Survey funds microgravity and Magnetic Study of Dikes, Fissures, and Lava Tubes of the http://giscenter.isu.edu/ucgis/research.htm |
26. CRS Report: 97-634 - The National Aeronautics And Space Administration: An Overv The Life and microgravity Sciences and Applications (LMSA) category provides collaborative activities with the National Institutes of Health (NIH). http://www.ncseonline.org/NLE/CRSreports/Science/st-15a.cfm | |
27. Integrated Modeling Of Cardiac Mechanical And Electrical Function conditions to develop simulations of longterm cardiac adaptation to microgravity . We have engaged in productive collaborative activities with other http://www.nsbri.org/Research/Projects/viewsummary.epl?pid=16 |
Â[ÂWÂvÂæÂÃÂà scientific data on the biological effects of microgravity and space radiation . Furthermore, such collaborative activities promote dignity for the http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jsbss/letter/centrifuge05.html | |
29. Department Of Medicine - St. Michael's Hospital primary research activities, I have active research collaborative projects with Effect of microgravity due to space flight on bone formation; and 4. http://medicine.facmed.utoronto.ca/English/page-1-1162-1.html | |
30. Chapter 4: Overcoming Barriers | Design In The New Millennium: Advanced Engineer The increase in collaborative activities is being driven by economic and to conduct experiments on board the KC135 microgravity research aircraft. http://books.nap.edu/html/adv_eng_env_p2/ch4.html | |
31. FLUG REVUE Update: Week Ending July 4, 1999 Swissair and SAA have been engaged in collaborative activities since September 1998 . The two companies began offering Shuttle microgravity flight http://www.flug-revue.rotor.com/FRNews99/FR990704.htm | |
32. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS About Aeronautics And Space microgravity results from giving a spacecraft enough forward velocity to These cover a broad spectrum of collaborative activities, ranging from the http://www.empowermentzone.com/spacefaq.txt | |
33. General Information And Fees in microgravity and Space Sciences IV (Formerly microgravity Transport Processes for collaborative research activities among scientists and engineers. http://www.engconfintl.org/5awbody.html | |
34. Paper00aport Objectives The principal activities of the microgravity collaborative studieshave been developed in the area of aerospace biomedical engineering with http://www.ipct.pucrs.br/microg/papers/paper00aport.html |
35. Annual Report 1998 CONTENTS [Introduction] [Outline Of Research activities such as international conferences, collaborative research Two Phase Fluid Behavior and its Application under microgravity Surfaces http://www.aist.go.jp/MEL/soshiki/tokatsu/annu1998/ica.htm |
36. Annual Report 1999 Annual Report 1999 Annual Report 1998 Annual with international activities, ie, international conferences, collaborative Two Phase Fluid Behavior and its Application under microgravity Surfaces http://www.aist.go.jp/MEL/soshiki/tokatsu/annu1999/ica.htm |
37. Program Announcement - NASA/NSF Joint Program In Plant Biol It is hoped that this type of collaborative activities will have a synergistic If research requires a microgravity environment for concept verification, http://www.bio.net/hypermail/ARABIDOPSIS/1994-February/001887.html |
38. AR 2000. Introduction the approval of the European Space Agency project microgravity effects on the start of collaborative activities with local health structures and the http://www.lisin.polito.it/english/annual_reports/ar2000_uk/ar00_intro.htm | |
39. Statistical Analysis Of National Science And Technology Programs experiment under microgravity, moon exploration, etc. and the efforts have been Therefore, the frequency of collaborative activities between the two http://www.nistep.go.jp/achiev/ftx/eng/rep026e/text/rep026e.txt |
40. SCIENCE, AERONAUTICS AND TECHNOLOGY OFFICE OF LIFE AND microgravity SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS Life Sciences collaborative activities with nonNASA entities include foreign partners http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/codeb/budget/olmsa1.html | |
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