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41. Molecular Microbiology, University Of Groningen, The Research on transport proteins, with emphasis on tranlocation and structurefunction analysis. Introduction to projects, publications, theses and staff at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. http://molmic35.biol.rug.nl/ | |
42. Singapore Microbiologist (November 2000- Jan, 2001)0 About the society, activities, publications and articles. http://www.np.edu.sg/~dept-bio/ssm/start.html | |
43. Laboratory Of Soil Ecology And Microbiology Research projects and publications (University of Rhode Island, USA). http://www.uri.edu/cels/nrs/seml/ | |
44. Microbiology In Ireland, Applied And Environmental Microbiology Publications Check our current research, publications and courses offered to third level RECENT RJ RUSSELL publications (APPLIED ENVIRONMENTAL microbiology) http://www.tcd.ie/Microbiology/page236.html | |
45. Elsevier.nl - De Pagina Kan Niet Worden Weergegeven A journal for pure and applied microbiologists, biotechnologists, technical biochemists and biochemical engineers. http://www.elsevier.nl:80/inca/publications/store/7/3/7/ | |
46. Microbiology In Ireland, Recent Publications Find out more about the Microbiological Sciences in Ireland. Check our currentresearch, publications and courses offered to third level students. http://www.tcd.ie/Microbiology/page23.html | |
47. Instituto "Pedro KourÃ" Describes institute history and research divisions including microbiology, parasitology, and epidemiology, with information on publications and conferences.English/Spanish http://www.ipk.sld.cu/ | |
48. Diana E. Northup publications and other information on cave microbiology research at sites including Lechuguilla cave and Cueva de Villa Luz. http://www.i-pi.com/~diana/ | |
49. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Biology/Microbiology/Publications/Journal FEMS microbiology FEMS publishes five journals in the field of microbiology . Eukaryotic Cell - bimonthly journal that commenced publication in http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Biology/Microbiology/Publications/ | |
50. Institute Of Microbial Technology Focused on exploitation of microbiology offering research programs in fermentation technology. Includes projects, patents, collaborations, publications and details of facilities in Chandighar, India. http://www.imtech.res.in/ |
51. Microbiology - Publications Brachymonas denitrificans in pilot plant operations. Accepted for publicationin World Journal of microbiology and Biotechnology. Home Updated 200501-25. http://www.biotech.kth.se/microbiology/publications.htm | |
52. THE DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Assistant Professor at University of Louisville School of Medicine. Research involves bacterial gene expression associated with infectious diseases. Includes a description of research and publications. http://www.louisville.edu/medschool/microbiology/faculty/graham/research.html | |
53. MMG Home Page Offers two undergraduate majors, one in microbiology and one in Molecular Genetics, has a Ph.D. Program in microbiology and Molecular Genetics, and is responsible for educating medical students in pathogenic microbiology and research strengths ranging from very basic molecular, structural, and computational biology to cellular, pathogenic, and environmental microbiology. Includes programme information, research and facilities details, publications, faculty and contact information. http://www.uvm.edu/microbiology/ | |
54. John McCusker Lab Study fungal genetics and microbiology. Features research projects, publications, and plasmid sequences. http://www.duke.edu/web/microlabs/mccusker/index.html |
55. Microbiology - Publications Voytek microbiology HOME Personnel publications Photo Gallery RelatedResearch Recent publications. MM Lorah and MAVoytek , 2004. http://water.usgs.gov/nrp/proj.bib/microbiology/publications.html | |
56. Elsevier.nl - De Pagina Kan Niet Worden Weergegeven Fermentation technology, biochemical engineering, food technology and microbiology. Published by the Society for Bioscience and Bioengineering, Japan. http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/5/0/5/5/1/6/ | |
57. Molecular Microbiology- Publications 2005 publications. Organisation. Organisation. GBB at a glance. GBB staff. Contact.Organisation. Job Opportunities Molecular microbiology publications 2005 http://www.rug.nl/gbb/research/researchgroups/molecularmicrobiology/publications | |
58. Molecular Microbiology- Publications 2005 Molecular microbiology publications 2005 microbiology, 1511683-9. Lolkema JS,Sobczak I, Slotboom DJ. Secondary transporters of the 2HCT family http://www.rug.nl/biologie/onderzoek/onderzoekgroepen/molecularmicrobiology/publ |
59. Helsinki University Of Technology Laboratory Of Biochemistry And Microbiology: P List of publications HELSINKI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Laboratory of Biochemistryand microbiology. publications http://www.tkk.fi/Yksikot/Biokemia/Publications.htm | |
60. Centre For Molecular Microbiology - Publications This page contains selected publications for each group within the centre. Applied and Environmental microbiology, 66, 33103329. P. Daborn, S. Boundy, http://staff.bath.ac.uk/bsspaw/publications.html | |
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