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         Microbiology Publications:     more books (100)
  1. Problem-orientated Clinical Microbiology and Infection (Oxford Medical Publications) by Hilary Humphreys, William L. Irving, 2004-08-19
  2. Essentials of Food Microbiology (Hodder Arnold Publication) by John Garbutt, 1997-06-26
  3. Computer-Assisted Bacterial Systematics (Society for General Microbiology Special Publication Series, No 15)
  4. Essential Clinical Microbiology: An Introductory Text (Wiley Medical Publication) by E. M. Cooke, G. L. Gibson, 1983-10
  5. Immune Responses, Virus Infections and Disease (Special Publications of the Society for General Microbiology, Vol 27)
  6. Bioactive Microbial Products: Search and Discovery (Special publications of the Society for General Microbiology)
  7. Microbial Inoculation of Crop Plants (Society for General Microbiology Special Publications)
  8. Biotyping in the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory (American lecture series ; publication no. 1023) by Albert Balows, Henry Isenberg, 1978-10
  9. Antigenic Variations in Infectious Diseases (Society for General Microbiology Special Publications)
  10. Molecular Microbiology (A Wiley Biomedical-health Publication) by J.B.G. Kwapinski, 1974-04
  11. Mixed Culture Fermentations (Special Publications of the Society for General Microbiology, 5)
  12. Developments in Industrial Microbiology. A Publication of the Society for Industrial Microbiology. Volume 24 by Claude H., III, & Leland A. Underkofler, eds. Nash, 1983
  13. Sourcebook of Experiments for the Teaching of Microbiology (Special publications of the Society for General Microbiology) by S. Primrose, 1982-06
  14. Transfusion Microbiology Practice (WHO Regional Publications, Eastern Mediterranean Series) by Alan D. Kitchen, Mohammed M. El-Nageh, et all 1997-01-01

1. American Society For Microbiology
Membership Publications Meetings Education Awards Journal EAlerts Web site questions Members Only Governance Microbiology on the

2. Applied And Environmental Microbiology Publications - Department Of Biology At G
Applied and Environmental microbiology publications. View All 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004. Select a year and the appropriate

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Applied and Environmental Microbiology Publications
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3. Applied And Environmental Microbiology
A monthly journal published by the American Society for Microbiology.

4. Applied And Environmental Microbiology Publications (2003) - Department Of Biolo
Applied and Environmental microbiology publications. View All 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 **Please note Publications are listed in

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Applied and Environmental Microbiology Publications
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George, M., Ahearn, D., Pierce, G. and M. Gabriel. 2003. Interactions of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus epidermidis in adhesion to a hydrogel. Alexandre, G. and I. B. Zhulin (2003) Different evolutionary constraints on chemotaxis proteins CheW and CheY revealed by heterologous expression studies and protein sequence analysis. J. Bacteriol 185:544-522 Gilbert, E. S., A. W. Walker, and J. D. Keasling 2003. A constructed microbial consortium for biodegradation of the organophosphorus insecticide parathion. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 61:77-81. Chang, I., E. S. Gilbert, N. Eliashberg, and J. D. Keasling. 2003. A three-dimensional, stochastic simulation of biofilm growth and transport-related factors that affect structure. Microbiology. 149:2859-2871.
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5. The Journal Of Bacteriology
American Society of Microbiology journal covering all aspects of bacteriology

6. STRI - Soil Microbiology Publications
The Sports Turf Research Institute Soil microbiology publications.

7. The Journal Of Virology
American Society for Microbiology journal which covers all aspects of virology

8. Microbiology Publications - UK Department Of Animal Sciences
UK College of Agriculture Department of Animal Science microbiology publicationsWeb Page.
Bothun, G.D, B. L. Knutson, H. J. Strobel , S. E. Nokes, 2005. Molecular and phase toxicity of compressed and supercritical fluids in biphasic continuous cultures of Clostridium thermocellum , Biotechnol. Bioeng. 89:32-41. Bothun, G.D, Berberich, J.A., Knutson, B.L., Strobel, H.J. , Nokes, S.E. 2004. Metabolic selectivity and growth of Clostridium thermocellum in continuous culture under elevated hydrostatic pressure. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 65:149-157. Erbeznik, M., S. E. Hudson, A. B. Herman, and H. J. Strobel . 2004. Molecular analysis of the xylGFH operon, coding for xylose ABC transport, in Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus . Curr. Microbiol. 48:295-299. Bothun, G.D, Knutson, B.L., Strobel, H.J. , Nokes, S.E. 2003. Mass transfer in hollow fiber contactor Extraction using compressed solvents. J. Membr. Sci. 227:183-196. Bothun, G. D. B. L. Knutson, H. J. Strobel , S. E. Nokes, E. A. Brignole, and S. Díaz. 2002. Compressed solvents for the extraction of fermentation products within a hollow fiber membrane contactor. J. Supercrit. Fluids 25:119-134. Jones, C. R., M. Ray, and

9. FEMS Microbiology
Devoted to the promotion of microbiology in Europe. FEMS is linking 42 microbiological societies.

10. Microbiology Journals. Publications For The Microbiologist
Microbiology Journals. A directory of journals relevant to the microbiologist. Publications for Microbiologists

11. Journal Of Clinical Microbiology
Publishes current research on the microbiological aspects of human and animal infections and infestations, with emphasis on their etiologic agents

12. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Biology/Microbiology/Publications
Top Science Biology microbiology publications Search Microsoft Manualof Style for Technical Publications Third Edition. List Price $29.99
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Columbia Scientists Develop Cancer Terminator Viruses (September 20, 2005) full story Soy Protein Reduces Effects Of Diabetes On Liver (September 8, 2005) full story Electronic Lab Notebooks Useful For Teaching, But Not Ready To Replace Paper (September 7, 2005) full story LSD Finds New Respectability (September 1, 2005) full story Improving Security Of Handheld IT Devices (August 31, 2005) full story 200-year Experiment Changes Face Of Forest Management (August 21, 2005) full story A Picture Does Not Automatically Activate A Thousand Words (August 19, 2005) full story Bone Loss After Liver Transplants Can Be Prevented (August 18, 2005) full story [ More news about Publications
PERMACULTURE: A Designers' Manual

by: B. C. Mollison Tagari Publications Bill Mollison Reny Mia Slay
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13. Science Biology Microbiology Publications - DMOZ -
10km de Lacq Vincent Toumazou, c Search Top Science Biology microbiology publications Journals (36) See also

14. Microbiology Publications - UK Department Of Animal Sciences
UK College of Agriculture Department of Animal Science microbiology publications Web Page

15. Stoltzfus Publications
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16. Microbiology Microbiologia Publications Publicacions Institut Ecologia Aquatica
microbiology publications. 20051995. CALVO, L., LJGARCIA-GIL.2004. Use of amoBas a new molecular marker for ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. microbiologia 2.htm
MICROBIOLOGY PUBLICATIONS CALVO, L., L.J. GARCIA-GIL. 2004. Use of amoB as a new molecular marker for ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. Journal of Microbiological Methods CALVO, L., X. VILA, C. A. ABELLA, L.J. GARCIA-GIL. 2004. Use of the ammonia-oxidizing bacterial-specific phylogenetic probe Nso1225 as a primer for fingerprint analysis of ammonia-oxidizer communities. Appl. Microbiol Biotechnol MARESCA, J.A., A.G.MAQUEO CHEW, M. ROS PONSATÍ, NIELS-ULRIK FRIGAARD, J. G. ORMEROD, D.A. BRYANT. 2004. The bchU gene of Chlorobium tepidum encodes the C-20 methyltransferase in Bacteriochlorophyll C biosynthesis. Journal of Bacteriology Archives of Microbiol y, 179: 108-115. Chloronema strain UdG9001. Archives of Microbiology, SERRA, T., X. VILA, M. SOLER, J. COLOMER. 2003. Spatio-temporal heterogeneities of a planktonic Thiocystis minor population derived from a laser in situ particle analyzer. Freshwater Biology Chlorobium phaeobacteroides strain UdG6053 grown at light limitation. Photosynthesis Research

17. National Blood Service Hospitals
TRANSFUSION microbiology publications Click on the date to go to the list ofpublications for those dates. Last Updated 03 Nov 2003
Do you want? Return to Services Micro Index Bacteriology
Transfusion Micro Reference

Post-2000 General Tx Micro Bacteriology Total Click on the date to go to the list of publications for those dates Last Updated: 03 Nov 2003

18. National Blood Service Hospitals
Some useful Microbiology links. Transfusion microbiology publications Completelists of publications from Transfusion Microbiology
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Introduction and History of Transfusion Microbiology in the NBS
Bacteriology Laboratory
Find out more about the Bactriology Laboratory and its work Transfusion Microbiology Reference Laboratory
Find out more about the Transfusion Microbiology Reference Laboratory and its work Surveillance and Epidemiology Departments
Find out more about the Surveillance and Epidemiology Departments and their work Transfusion Microbiology Development
What are the new developments in Transfusion Microbiology? Transfusion Microbiology Staff
Names, contact numbers and specialities of Transfusion Microbiology Staff Educational Links
Some useful Microbiology links Transfusion Microbiology Publications Complete lists of publications from Transfusion Microbiology Introduction and History of Transfusion Microbiology in the NBS With the reorganisation of the blood service in England, initially into three zones and then an integrated National Service, the role of the Department changed. The Processing Testing and Issues (PTI) directorate became responsible for the routine donor testing laboratories. The Transfusion Microbiology Department became part of the Directorate Diagnostics and Research and the National Transfusion Microbiology Laboratories were formed under the leadership of Dr John Barbara in February 2000. In April 2001 Dr Barbara took partial retirement and Dr Roger Eglin assumed the position of Head of the Department. During the process of reorganisation five distinct divisions were created:

19. Department Of Ecological Microbiology: Publications
Aporrectodea caliginosa, International Journal of systematic and evolutionarymicrobiology, 55, Search Publications Complete list of publications
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List of publications
Publicationen of the year 2005
Bodelier, PLE; Sorrell, B; Drake, HL in press Drake, HL Details Drake, HL Schramm, A ... Horn, M in press Details Horn, M Ihssen, J Matthies, C ... Schramm, A ; Acker, G; Drake, HL : Dechloromonas denitrificans sp. nov., Flavobacterium denitrificans sp. nov., Paenibacillus anaericanus sp. nov., and Paenibacillus terrae strain MH72, N2O-producing bacteria isolated from the gut of the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa, International Journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, Details Knief, C; Kolb, S ; Bodelier, PLE; Lipski, A; Dunfield, P: The active methanotrophic community in hydromorphic soils changes in response to changing methane concentration, Environmental Microbiology, submitted Details Ogram, A; Bridgham, S; Corstanje, R;

20. Department Of Ecological Microbiology: Publications
Listing of publications Department of Ecological Microbiology Küsel, KMicrobial cycling of iron and sulfur in acidic coal mining lake sediments,
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Listing of publications Department of Ecological Microbiology
Bodelier, PLE; Sorrell, B; Drake, HL in press Drake, HL Details Drake, HL Schramm, A ... Horn, M in press Details Horn, M Ihssen, J Matthies, C ... Schramm, A ; Acker, G; Drake, HL : Dechloromonas denitrificans sp. nov., Flavobacterium denitrificans sp. nov., Paenibacillus anaericanus sp. nov., and Paenibacillus terrae strain MH72, N2O-producing bacteria isolated from the gut of the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa, International Journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, Details Knief, C; Kolb, S ; Bodelier, PLE; Lipski, A; Dunfield, P: The active methanotrophic community in hydromorphic soils changes in response to changing methane concentration, Environmental Microbiology, submitted Details Ogram, A; Bridgham, S; Corstanje, R;

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