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81. Ecology Department The Ecology Department intends to maintain the highest quality and highest Molecular microbial ecology Realtime assessment of bioavailability and http://www-esd.lbl.gov/ECO/ | |
82. CPB: Microbial Ecology microbial ecology means different things to different research traditions and what we hope to do might be called microbial population biology the http://www.cpb.bio.ic.ac.uk/microbial/microb.html | |
83. Microbial Ecology Required is basic knowledge of ecology and microbiology. coordinator. LA Huisman, drs. contents. Lectures theory, and possibilities for ecological http://www.rug.nl/biologie/informatievoor/exchangestudents/MicrobEcol | |
84. BBSR Microbial Ecology Course Marine microbial ecology June 26 July 9, 2005. Instructors Dr. Craig Carlson, University of California at Santa Barbara; Dr. Robert M. Morris, http://www.bbsr.edu/Education/summercourses/microbial_ecology/microbial_ecology. | |
85. :::: SAMS Website :::: PELAGIC microbial ecology. PELAGIC GROUP OVERVIEW. Dr Eric Fouilland, Dr Johanna Fehling, Mr Romain Pete, Dr Keith Davidson, Mr Sam Wilson http://www.sams.ac.uk/research/pelagic/pelagic.htm | |
86. Microbial Ecology At UMass Lowell home recent publications ongoing work lab members courses links Juliette N. RooneyVarga Associate Professor Biological Sciences http://faculty.uml.edu/jrooney/Research/ | |
87. Microbial Ecology The Department of microbial ecology was established in 1994 after a major Unfortunately, species identification in microbial ecology does not always http://www.nioo.knaw.nl/SCIENCE/PLAN/ResPlanME.htm | |
88. Australian Antarctic Division - Marine Microbial Ecology Marine microbial ecology. This program studies the microscopic life in the Southern Ocean single celled plants and animals (phytoplankton and protozoa), http://www.aad.gov.au/default.asp?casid=3381 |
89. Faculty Research Interest Molecular/Microbial Ecology Penn Molecular Dynamics, Molecular Genetics, Molecular Microbiology, Molecular/microbial ecology, Mycology 9 result(s) for Molecular/microbial ecology http://www.environment.psu.edu/faculty/faculty_results_keyword.asp?varKeyword_ID |
90. Biology Department - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Working Groups Microbiology microbial ecology Microbial studies encompass the distribution, abundance, physiological status, and growth rates of http://www.whoi.edu/science/B/dept/working_groups/microbiology.htm | |
91. Impact Of Elevated CO2 On Soil Microbial Ecology Through international collaboration with CSIRO in Canberra we were able to address these questions, bringing together their expertise in plant physiological http://www.mluri.sari.ac.uk/research/co2_res.html | |
92. Microbial Ecology microbial ecology. microbial ecology. This page is only available in Dutch (this course is given in Dutch). last modified 23 Sep 2004. Naar boven http://www.microbiology.science.ru.nl/education/ecomicro/ | |
93. Error Message (www.onderzoekinformatie.nl) Program microbial ecology. Show printerfriendly view Print View switch to nl Abstract, The Department of microbial ecology at the University of http://www.onderzoekinformatie.nl/en/oi/nod/onderzoek/OND1304996/toon | |
94. Molecular Investigations Of Marine Microbial Ecology Green_Ball.gif (257 bytes) Marine microbial ecology. Green_Ball.gif (257 bytes) New tools and Molecular investigations of marine microbial ecology http://www.mbari.org/rd/projects/1998/project5.html | |
95. SwetsWise: Login microbial ecology Research Group SoBS UoBmicrobial ecology Research Group, School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol. http://www.swetswise.com/link/access_db?issn=0095-3628 |
96. HighWire Press Browse By Topic Microbial Ecology Introduction and progress of molecular microbial ecology The effect of thermal power plant on microbial ecology and environmental quality http://highwire.stanford.edu:4141/cgi/topics?category=627645&journal=mywire |
97. Vls.icm.edu.pl/cgi-bin/sciserv.pl?collection=sprin HighWire Browse Journals microbial ecologyBrowse Journals publishing on microbial ecology, (return to Topic List page) Alphabet, , Frequency of articles in microbial ecology http://vls.icm.edu.pl/cgi-bin/sciserv.pl?collection=springer&journal=00953628 |
98. ARS Project: Understanding Competitive Exclusion Through Microbial Ecology (4041 1) Develop an increased understanding of the microbial ecology of the gut and the mode of action of CE as it relates to improving the benefits of CE, http://www.ars.usda.gov/research/projects/projects.htm?ACCN_NO=404160 |
99. ARS Project: Microbial Ecology And Transmission Of Human Pathogens During Poultr Research Project microbial ecology and Transmission of Human Pathogens During Poultry Processing. Location Bacterial Epidemiology and Antimicrobial http://www.ars.usda.gov/research/projects/projects.htm?ACCN_NO=404326 |
100. DOE GTL Boston microbial ecology, Proteogenomics Computational Optima. DOE Genomes to Life Center at Harvard/MIT/BWH/MGH. Polonies Collaborating Principal investigators http://arep.med.harvard.edu/DOEGTL/ | |
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