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         Microbial Ecology:     more books (100)
  1. Microbial Ecology of Lake Plusssee (Ecological Studies) by Jurgen Overbeck, Ryszard Chrost, 1994-01
  2. Estuarine microbial ecology, (The Belle W. Baruch library in marine science)
  3. Advances in Microbial Ecology, Volume 16 (Advances in Microbial Ecology)
  4. New Approaches in Microbial Ecology ; Dr. K. G. Mukerji Festchrift Volume by J.P. Tewari, 1997
  5. Molecular Microbial Ecology Manual - Supplement 1
  6. Microbial Ecology by S.K. Dubey, 2007
  7. Microbial Ecology of Oxygen-Sulfide Interfaces in Marine Benthic Ecosystems by Frank P. van den Ende, 1997
  8. Experimental Microbial Ecology by Sheldon Aaronson, 1970-05
  9. Outlines & Highlights for Microbial Ecology by Atlas, ISBN: 0805306552 by Cram101 Textbook Reviews, 2007-08-29
  10. Modern methods in the study of microbial ecology;: Proceedings of a symposium (Bulletins from the Ecological Research Committee)
  11. Principles of Microbial Ecology by BrockThomas, 1966
  12. Microbial Ecology of Biofilms (Water Science and Technology) by Rittman, 1999-05-01
  13. Advances in Microbial Ecology
  14. Advances in Microbial Ecology, Volume 12 (Advances in Microbial Ecology)

41. Bioremediation Discussion Group
An extensive collection of resources (and links to other Internet resources) about microbial ecology and biogeochemistry, as well as applications to biological remediation.
Welcome to the Home Page Welcome to the home page of the BioGroup,
a moderated ListServer: Hosted/Managed By:
     Schaffner Applied BioGeoSciences, LLC
Founded By:

A technical forum for discussing enhanced bioremediation science/engineering and monitored natural attenuation.

42. Microbial Ecology
The Virtual Museum of Bacteria offers general and advanced bacteria information for the general public and researchers. This site has integrated hundreds of
Jump to Category: Choose Category What Are Bacteria Pathogenic Bacteria Evolution Bacterial Species How We Fight Bacteria Special feature files
Jump to Exhibit:
Choose Exhibit History of diseases Images of bacteria The black Death Wine and Vinegar making Bacteria and Plants Bacteria and Insects Bacteria and Crime Bioterrorism You are here: www.bacteriamuseum > Special feature files > Microbial Ecology
Related: go to: Extremophiles go to: Applied Microbiolgoy
Special feature:Microbial Ecology
Microbial ecology is the study of ecosystems that are composed of or influenced by microscopic organisms. Microbial ecology includes many different topics (Source: International Society for Microbial Ecology) Ofcourse an ecosystem does not consist of bacteria exclusively. Even arid land soil crusts harbor an ecosystem in which many bacterial species live together with eukaryotic algae, fungi, lichens, and bryophytes. (Source:

43. Current Issues In Intestinal Microbiology
Publishes review papers in all areas of intestinal microbiology pertaining to human and other animal systems, including microbial ecology, pathogenic organisms, probiotics and prebiotics.
New book alert ... Foodborne Pathogens:
Microbiology and Molecular Biology

Available soon!!! ...
ISSN 1466-531X (print) ISSN 1466-5328 (on-line) CIIM is abstracted in Index Medicus, Medline Pubmed , CAB Abstracts, CAB Health, EMBASE (Excerpta Medica), and BIOBASE (Current Awareness in Biological Sciences). Table of Contents and abstracts available free online.
Aims and Scope
Current Issues in Intestinal Microbiology (CIIM) is a peer-reviewed, international journal. CIIM publishes high-quality papers, in English, in all areas of intestinal microbiology pertaining to human and other animal systems, including: microbial ecology, pathogenic organisms, probiotics and prebiotics. The journal is published in print and electronic forms. Two issues per year.
Call for Papers
CIIM is currently seeking the submission of reviews, minireviews and original research papers in all areas of intestinal microbiology. Full Submission Details are available. Your manuscript is assured a warm welcome and prompt attention.
Open Access Publishing Policy
Please read our Open Access Publishing Policy . A selection of our Open Access papers is available at

44. 11th International Symposium On Microbial Ecology ISME -11, Vienna, Austria, Aug
Become a member of the International Society for microbial ecology, and gain a free subscription to the Journal of microbial ecology.
Symposium Secretariat
Kenes International
17 Rue du Cendrier
P.O. Box 1726
CH-1211, Geneva 1
Tel: +41 22 908 0488
Fax: +41 22 732 2850
Join The Mailing List To join the mailing list of the 11th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology ISME -11, Vienna, Austria August 20 - 25, 2006 please enter your email address:
Join the International Society
for Microbial Ecology
Become a member of the International Society for Microbial Ecology, and gain a free subscription to the Journal of Microbial Ecology
For details please visit Home Welcome Committees ... ISME Society website

45. Microbial Ecology Resources: Environmental Design Making
microbial ecology Resources' software designed for students. Allows students to create ecosystems to gain understandings of ecosystem functionality and productivity.
Microbial Ecology Resources: Software
Microbial Ecology Resources: Software
Title: Environmental Design Making (EDM)
Odum, Elisabeth C.; H.T. Odum; and Nils S. Peterson
Media Type: Software
Description: This is a part of the BioQuest Library on CD-ROM. "With EDM, students use 'connect-the-components' visual programming tools to create and study model ecosystems. Students build models of increasing complexity, which can include social and economic forces, and study parameter variations to gain understandings of ecosystem functionality and productivity." ~ by the authors
Audience: Students
Date Published:
The BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium
The ePress Project Academic Software Development Group Computer Science Center , Building 224 University of Maryland College Park , MD 20742
Phone: Fax: Cost: Computer System Requirements: Apple Macintosh with 2.5 Mbytes RAM (in System 6.0.5) or 4 Mbytes RAM (with system 7). CD-ROM drive.

46. LTER Microbial Ecology
Describes the LongTerm Ecological Research (LTER) programs concerned with microorganisms at a wide variety of sites around the world.
LTER Microbial Ecology
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement #DEB-0236154 . Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Please contact us with questions, comments, or for technical assistance regarding this web site.

47. Department Of Microbial Ecology, University Of Vienna
Research documents, publications, programs, projects, staff. Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany.
Vienna Ecology Centre University of Vienna
Department of Microbial Ecology
Home ... Contact DOME resources: probeBase daime Open forums Environmental chlamydia genome database ...
Imprint / Impressum
First release of daime available:
This new software for digital image analysis in microbial ecology is now available for Linux and Windows operating systems. more...
DOME Open Forums:
Our website now hosts forums for the discussion and exchange of knowledge on FISH, DNA microarrays, daime, and probeBase. No registration is required; visitors are invited to help make these forums a vivid resource for microbial ecologists.

Wintersemester 2005:
alle Lehrveranstaltungen Online-Anmeldung ... Diplomarbeiten
Am Department für Mikrobielle Ökologie ist ab November 2005 die Stelle eines/r
Doktoranden/in auf dem Gebiet der mikrobiellen Ökologie/molekularen Symbioseforschung
zu besetzen. mehr...
START Award for Matthias Horn FWF press release [German]; Der Standard [German]; Forschungsnewsletter
TV feature in Modern Times (ORF): Molecular analysis of complex microbial communities.

48. US Long Term Ecological Research Network - Microbial Ecology
A 1999 document titled LTER Research in microbial ecology was compiled to list some of the microbial ecology interests of the LTER sites.

About LTER
LTER Sites

Network News



For Graduate

For Undergraduate
Students Post-Docs New Jobs New Funding New Conferences Research Core Areas Collaborations/ Synthesis Informatics Data Technology Microbial Ecology ... Bibliography More LTER International LTER Schoolyard LTER LTER Site Web servers MAP OF LTER SITES LTER Network Office Andrews LTER Arctic LTER Baltimore Ecosystem Study Bonanza Creek LTER California Current Ecosystem LTER Central Arizona - Phoenix Cedar Creek LTER Coweeta LTER Florida Coastal Everglades Georgia Coastal Ecosystems Harvard Forest LTER Hubbard Brook LTER Jornada Basin Kellogg Biological Station Konza LTER Luquillo LTER McMurdo Dry Valleys Moorea Coral Reef North Temperate Lakes Niwot Ridge Palmer Station Plum Island Ecosystem Santa Barbara Coastal Sevilleta LTER Shortgrass Steppe Virginia Coast Reserve
LTER Microbial Ecology
Research and interest in microbial studies is extensive within the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network program of the National Science Foundation. A 1999 document titled " LTER Research in Microbial Ecology " was compiled to list some of the microbial ecology interests of the LTER sites. A White Paper on

49. BIO 471 And BIO 571  Microbial Ecology Spring 2001 Bruce Hungate And Nancy John
microbial ecology Spring 2005 Bruce Hungate and Nancy Johnson. Cline Library, electronic reserves 471 syllabus 571 syllabus Lecture Schedule
BIO 471 and BIO 571
Microbial Ecology
Spring 2005
Bruce Hungate and Nancy Johnson
Cline Library, electronic reserves

471 syllabus
571 syllabus
Lecture Schedule
(for notes from a lecture, please click on the date of that lecture)
Discussion Schedule and Leadership Assignments
Date Topics Readings W Introduction F History of microbial ecology ppt Chung and Bryant 1997 , Chung and Ferris 1996, Chung and Case 2001 M Earth history 1 ppt Schopf 1992 Copley 2003 W Earth history 2 ppt Brocks 1999 Cech Catalytic RNA ... Waggoner F Discussion: Brenda Harrop, Jessica Collins Discussion Questions M Biological evolution ppt Amabile-Cuevas 2003 Cohan 1996 ... Pennisi 2004 , (Of interest, Levy 1997 W Antibiotic resistance ppt F Discussion: Jeff Coyle, Jessica Collins Discussion Questions M Microbial diversity ppt Finlay 2002 Torsvki et al 2002 ... Morell 1997 W Bacterial lineages ppt Of interest ( Cohan 2002 F Discussion: Karen Adair, Nate Hubert Discussion Questions M Methods: stable isotopes etc. ppt Kirk et al 2004 W Methods: lipid analyses etc.

50. Astrobiology Web
Microbes and other life forms in extreme environments. (Although the title of this site implies that it is about space, this is an excellent resource about microbial ecology in unusual environmental conditions here on Earth.)

51. Microbial Ecology-Springer Microbiology Journal
microbial ecology is an international journal whose aim is the advancement and dissemination of information describing the interactions between,11855,5-10034-70-1035692-0,00.
Please enable Javascript in your browser to browse this website. Select your subdiscipline Agriculture Aquatic Sciences Behavioral Sciences Biochemistry Bioinformatics Cell Biology Developmental Biology Ecology Entomology Forestry Microbiology Plant Sciences Zoology Home Life Sciences Ecology
Select a discipline Biomedical Sciences Chemistry Computer Science Economics Education Engineering Environmental Sciences Geography Geosciences Humanities Law Life Sciences Linguistics Materials Mathematics Medicine Philosophy Popular Science Psychology Public Health Social Sciences Statistics preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,11978,5-0-17-900180-0,00.gif'); preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,11978,5-0-17-900170-0,00.gif'); preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,11978,5-0-17-900190-0,00.gif'); preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,11978,5-0-17-900200-0,00.gif'); preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,11978,5-0-17-900369-0,00.gif'); preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,11978,5-0-17-900344-0,00.gif');

52. The Nüsslein Lab
Ongoing reserach on microbial ecology carried out by the Nusslein Lab, University of Massachusetts, USA.

53. IngentaConnect Publication: Microbial Ecology In Health And Disease
microbial ecology in Health and Disease. ISSN 0891060X visit publication homepage microbial ecology in Health and Disease logo Taylor and Francis Ltd

54. Microbial Ecology Group, University Of Zurich
Home page of the microbial ecology group at the University of Zuerich (Switzerland)
Education, Training Collaborators Special Events Research Diversity of Microorganisms (BioIII)
Biochemistry of Prokaryotes

Microbial Ecology

Evolution of Microorganisms
Biology and Environment (ETH)

Geomicrobiology Seminar
Research Colloquium

Special Seminars

Studying Microbiology
Distance Learning Access to OLAT Projects Microbiology Engineering Biology Alpine Ecology Simulation/Modelling Patricia Colberg
Kurt Hanselmann

Thomas Horath
Janine Kessi ... Munti Yuhana Group News Discussion Forum Field Trips/Excursions Marine Microbiology Geobiology Course ... Mountain Research Station Research Agencies Swiss NSF Swiss Academy Sciences Swiss Alpine Studies European Science Foundation Research Societies Swiss Soc Microbiology Am Soc Microbiology UK Soc Gen Microbiology VAAM Microbiology German Food Hygiene Swiss Applied Microbiology SGHLimnology Swiss AIBS AAAS Sigma-Xi Swiss Sigma-Xi Tools Former Collaborators Special Topics Thermodyn Methods Supply Companies Laws and Regulations ... Guests Microbiology Careers World Health and Epidemics Avian flu 2004 High Mountain Research Meromictic Lago Cadagno Iron Cycle Toxic Cyanobacteria Biofilms SIMOLIFE BioSym Water of the Alps Astrobiology Microbial Diversity Physiology/Biochemistry Microbial Ecology Prokaryote Genetics Geomicrobiology Environmental Microbiology Literature Searches Libraries Journals Search Engines Visits since 12-04-00

55. Microbial Ecology - The University Of Montana-Missoula
Undergraduate Program. Mountains. Graduate Program Faculty, Labs, and Research Why microbial ecology in Montana? Contact US
PhD Research Assistantships Available
Undergraduate Program
Graduate Program Faculty, Labs and Research ... Links
Graphics, Design, and Layout by Dana Kelly.
Spectral Fusion

56. Wiley::Microbial Ecology Of The Oceans
microbial ecology is now recognized to be fundamental for understanding the microbial ecology of the Oceans elucidates the role of microbes in food web
Location: United States change location Shopping Cart My Account Help ... Contact Us
By Keyword By Title By Author By ISBN By ISSN Wiley Microbiology and Virology Microbial Ecology of the Oceans Related Subjects Clinical Microbiology


Cell and Molecular Biology
Biological Anthropology

Join a Related Titles Microbiology and Virology
Subsurface Microbiology and Biogeochemistry (Hardcover)

by James K. Fredrickson (Editor), Madilyn Fletcher (Editor)
Ground-Water Microbiology and Geochemistry, 2nd Edition (Hardcover)

by Francis H. Chapelle Guide to Foodborne Pathogens (Hardcover) by Ronald G. Labbe (Editor), Santos Garcia (Editor) Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology, 6 Volume Set (Hardcover) by Gabriel Bitton (Editor) Modern Microbial Genetics, 2nd Edition (Hardcover) by Uldis N. Streips (Editor), Ronald E. Yasbin (Editor) Food Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual (Paperback) by Ahmed E. Yousef, Carolyn Carlstrom Microbial Physiology, 4th Edition (Paperback) by Albert G. Moat (Editor), John W. Foster (Editor), Michael P. Spector (Editor) Microbiology and Virology Microbial Ecology of the Oceans David L. Kirchman (Editor)

57. Microbial Ecology
This paper serves as a companion piece for the microbial ecology workshop. It outlines the role of microbes in the estuaries and introduces the concept of
A live Internet session on December 8, 2000 (1-3:30pm) , highlighted the work of Dr. Paul del Giorgio and Dr. Roger Newell of the University of Maryland’s Center for Environmental Science. These researchers believe that differences in microbial activity will be noticeable among marshes of varying levels of restoration and pristine quality. In an effort to measure the success of restored salt marsh, these researchers have developed a biological indicator of bacterial activity that measures the functional value of the marsh community. Currently, managers may be limited to structural definitions of marsh health—like counts of the number of marsh grass sprouts, number of species, etc. Managers could use this indicator, Bacterial Growth Efficiency, or BGE, as a functional measure of success in restoration or improving marsh health. Additional Information “Using Microbial Metabolism to Assess Ecological Function of a Saltmarsh” (You must have the Acrobat Reader to view this file)
This paper serves as a companion piece for the Microbial Ecology workshop. It outlines the role of microbes in the estuaries and introduces the concept of Bacterial Growth Efficiency (BGE). The paper and the workshop try to explain how BGE can be effective indicator of saltmarsh health. The report has background information on the researchers as well as the CICEET Research Program. In addition, technical information associated with the viewing of the Internet Streaming video presentation, and additional sources of information on Microbial Ecology is provided.

58. Home > Microbiology & Immunology > Microbial Ecology
Made available on the Web by the Center for microbial ecology at Michigan State University. Industrial Microbiology; Databases, Factual;
low graphics
Microbial ecology
BSD : biodegradative strain database Home page of the Biodegradative Strain Database (BSD), developed at the Center for Microbial Ecology at Michigan State University in collaboration with the University of Minnesota Biocatalysis/Biodegradation Database and the Ribosomal Database Project II. The BSD aims to "consolidate strain-level microbial data" in order to "establish the phylogenetic distribution of described, biodegrading microorganisms with the goals of identifying patterns of microbial degradative processes within a phylogenetic context and of gaining insights into the evolution of those processes." The data can be accessed via either browsable data lists (strain lists, substrate (chemical) list, reference list) or by browsing The Phylogenetic Tree Interface. Alternatively, a search facility is also available. Made available on the Web by the Center for Microbial Ecology at Michigan State University. Industrial Microbiology Databases, Factual Database [Publication Type] Biodegradation ... Environmental microbiology The Environmental Microbiology journal, published by Blackwell Science, focuses on microbial communities, their interactions, responses to environmental signals and stress factors, microbial community genetics and evolutionary processes as well as new technological developments in microbial ecology. The site contains information regarding subscriptions, instructions to authors, tables of contents as well as referees reports and links to other relevant sites. Abstracts are also freely available from their online site, with full-text available to subscribers only.

59. DEES Reno Facilities: Microbial Ecology Laboratory
DRI, Division of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences (DEES) Facilities. microbial ecology Laboratory (Dr. C. Fritsen)
Microbial Ecology Laboratory ( C. Fritsen The Microbial Ecology Laboratory provides facilities for conducting a broad range of ecological studies concerning soil, sediment, and aquatic microorganisms. These studies include the processing and analysis of water and sediment samples from Antarctic lakes and ice; culturing and characterizing of ice biota; and storing and processing periphyton samples from the western U.S. State-of-the-art equipment for analyses of microalgae include standard microbiological instrumentation for culturing and observing bacteria, algae and protozoa; including centrifuges, balances pH meters, fume hood, fluorometer (Turner Designs 10-AU), spectrophotometer (Crary 300), light and temperature-controlled incubators, DO and pH electrodes, water quality sondes (YSI), vacuum lines and pumps, vacuum manifolds and filtration apparatus, autoclave, drying and ashing ovens, refrigerator and freezer, and two gas chromatographs with FID and TCD detectors. A research epifluorescence microscope (Olympus BX-60 with cryostage) is equipped with Digital cameras and integrated to digital image analysis system. The p ositive-pressure clean rooms are temperature controlled for ice core processing and sample preparation. Freezer rooms dedicated for the cultivating of low temperature-brine biota are outfitted with backup power and alarm systems to maintain cold conditions necessary for long-term cold-oriented research.

60. DEES Reno Facilities: Molecular Microbial Ecology Laboratory
DRI, Division of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences (DEES) Facilities. Molecular microbial ecology Laboratory (Dr. A. Murray)
Molecular Microbial Ecology Laboratory ( A. Murray The Molecular Microbial Ecology Laboratory is fully equipped for state of the art molecular biology (RNA and DNA) research including capabilities to facilitate high-throughput work (multichannel pipettors, 96 sample gel apparatus, vacuum apparatus for 96-well plate mini-prepping and purifications). The lab is equipped with two thermal cyclers, refrigerated and room temperature microfuges, hybridization oven, several gel electrophoresis boxes and DGGE unit, UV transilluminator and digital camera, and software for image analysis. Specific equipment to perform DNA microarray hybridizations includes staining dishes and racks for array manipulations, hybridization cassettes, water baths, hot blocks, centrifuge with microtiter plate spinning capacity. The lab contains a Adjacent shared-use equipment include a Varian spectrophotometer, laminar flow hood, autoclave, and Olympus BX60 Epifluorescence Microscope with MTI CCD camera and image-Pro Plus image analysis software.

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