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         Microbial Ecology:     more books (100)
  1. Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment by Charles N. Haas, Joan B. Rose, et all 1999-04-26
  2. Advances in Microbial Ecology, Volume 15 (Advances in Microbial Ecology)
  3. Microbial Ecology: Organisms, Habitats, Activities (Cambridge Studies in Ecology) by Heinz Stolp, 1988-07-29
  4. Microbial Ecology of Aerial Plant Surfaces (Cabi Publishing)
  5. Aspects of Microbial Metabolism and Ecology (Special Publications of the Society for General Microbiology Vol II)
  6. Factors Affecting Life and Death of Microorganisms (Microbial Ecology of Foods Vol 1)
  7. Microbial Ecology of Foods: Vol 1 Factors Affecting Life and Death of Microorganisms by Icmsf, 1980-01-01
  8. Micro-Organisms in Action: Concepts and Applications in Microbial Ecology by J. M. Lynch, 1988-05
  9. Methods in Gut Microbial Ecology for Ruminants
  10. Microbial Ecology Of The Soil And Plant Growth by Pierre Davet, 2004-07
  11. Microbial Ecology of Growing Animals: Biology of Growing Animals Series (Biology of Growing Animals) by Wilhelm Holzapfel, Patrick Naughton, 2005-04-19
  12. Interfaces in Microbial Ecology by K. C. Marshall, 1976-01-01
  13. Soil Microbial Ecology Applications in Agricultural and Environmental Management (Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment) by F. B. Metting, 1992-10-16
  14. Microbial Ecology of the Phylloplane

21. Department Of Microbial Ecology, University Of Vienna
Vienna Ecology Centre University of Vienna Department of microbial ecology A new software for digital image analysis in microbial ecology.
Vienna Ecology Centre University of Vienna
Department of Microbial Ecology
Home ... Contact DOME resources: probeBase daime Open forums Environmental chlamydia genome database ...
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First release of daime available:
This new software for digital image analysis in microbial ecology is now available for Linux and Windows operating systems. more...
DOME Open Forums:
Our website now hosts forums for the discussion and exchange of knowledge on FISH, DNA microarrays, daime, and probeBase. No registration is required; visitors are invited to help make these forums a vivid resource for microbial ecologists.

Wintersemester 2005:
alle Lehrveranstaltungen Online-Anmeldung ... Diplomarbeiten
Am Department für Mikrobielle Ökologie ist ab November 2005 die Stelle eines/r
Doktoranden/in auf dem Gebiet der mikrobiellen Ökologie/molekularen Symbioseforschung
zu besetzen. mehr...
START Award for Matthias Horn FWF press release [German]; Der Standard [German]; Forschungsnewsletter
TV feature in Modern Times (ORF): Molecular analysis of complex microbial communities.

22. Cornell Enology
Evaluations of grape cultivars, grape growing and vinification techniques on wine quality plus basic research in microbial ecology of wine fermentations by Thomas HenickKling

Links: Wine Industry Workshop 2005 Graduate Studies Undergraduate Studies
Enology and Viticulture Curriculum

23. US Long Term Ecological Research Network - Home
Research Collaborations/ Synthesis Informatics Data Technology microbial ecology More LTER. International LTER. Schoolyard LTER

24. ProbeBase
University of Vienna Department of microbial ecology. Home People Research Publications Press coverage Download Education Lecture series
University of Vienna
Department of Microbial Ecology Home People Research Publications ... Contact DOME resources: probeBase daime Open forums Environmental chlamydia genome database ...
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Currently probes, microarrays, and references (last update 06.06.05)

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Find all probes targeting your sequence(s), e.g. from a rRNA gene clone library. Lists
View lists of probes (grouped in certain categories), microarrays, references, etc. Submission
Submit new or missing probes to probeBase. Forum Open discussion forum for users of probeBase (no registration required). Links Websites relevant to ribosomal RNA. Credits Introduction and credits. Most recent probes (Zoothamnium niveum ectosymbiont) (Zoothamnium niveum ectosymbiont) (Collimonas sp.) (specific for phylotype Rs-Q42/RsW01-017 in Propionibacteriaceae) (Helicobacter ganmani) Most recent papers Rinke, C., S. Schmitz-Esser, K. Stoecker, A. D. Nussbaumer, D. A. Molnar, K. Vanura, M. Wagner, M. Horn, J. A. Ott, and M. Bright. (2005). Molecular identification of the ectosymbiotic bacteria covering the giant marine ciliate Zoothamnium niveum. submitted

25. Microbial Ecology Resources
section of the Digital Learning Center for microbial ecology presents various materials (books, videos, and software) that may be of interest to students and teachers of microbiology and microbial ecology.
List By Author List By Title List By Media Type Microbial Ecology Resources
The Microbial Ecology Resources section of the Digital Learning Center for Microbial Ecology presents various materials (books, videos, software, etc.) that may be of interest to students and teachers of microbiology and microbial ecology. In order to help you find items of interest to you, we have listed the resources in three ways: by author, by title, and by media type. We will be continuously updating this list as new resources are created or as ones not currently on our list come to our attention. Some entries are more complete than others; we will generally include any resource for which we have enough information (such as the telephone number of the publisher) that you can find out more yourself. Please note: unless otherwise specified, descriptions of resources are those supplied by the creators, owners, or distributors of the items. They might, in some cases, have a more positive view of the value or quality of the item than would a neutral reviewer! When appropriate, any resource can be reached via all applicable listings. For example, "Illustrated Glossary of Protoctista" can be found by this name in the "List by Title" section. You can also look it up under "Margulis, Lynn" in the "List by Authors" section, or you can locate it in the "Book" subsection of the "List by Media Type" section.

26. The Bacteriophage Ecology Group - Phage Ecology And Evolutionary
Possibly the only site dealing with bacteriophage virus ecology. The site includes a wealth of photos and drawings of these viruses as well as all

27. Microbial Ecology - Biological Sciences
The microbial ecology lab is a research unit of the Department of Biological Sciences, Advances in microbial ecology, 12113181. New York Plenum.
Home Research Biological Sciences Programs ... Microbial Ecology Quick Links and Search Find VIMS People Search VIMS Web Events / Calendars Library search Contact Us Directions to VIMS Site Index Privacy / FOIA Prospective students Current students Alumni Job Openings - For VIMS Use - ITNS Help Request Web Email VIMS Forms VIMS Policies Scheduling Resources CORE Reports Research Sites, Data Images Collaborators Facilities ... People Microbial Ecology
Biological Sciences
The Microbial Ecology lab is a research unit of the Department of Biological Sciences Bacterioplankton are the smallest and most numerous autonomous organisms on the planet. Most cells are less than 0.5 microns in diameter, contain just a few femtograms (=10 grams) of carbon and have rather small genomes. Yet they are numerous, reaching densities of over 1 million cells per ml in the coastal and open sea, and even higher levels in estuaries. Bacterioplankton are the most widely distributed organisms on earth, flourishing near geothermal vents in the deep sea, in polar sea ice, and all areas in between these extremes. In many areas, bacterial biomass approaches or exceeds that of phytoplankton and zooplankton: they are an important component of marine foodwebs, and important agents of nutrient cycling and geochemical reactions. Our group studies the population dynamics and biogeochemical roles of bacterioplankton throughout the marine realm, from rivers and upland streams feeding Chesapeake Bay and the Bay itself, to the coastal oceans the open sea and the marginal ice zones on Antarctica. We measure bacterial biomass using video image analysis, and estimate bacterial productivity with a variety of approaches, including radioisotopic tracers of DNA or protein synthesis and cell division. Some of our past and current work is described in the references and websites given below. For more information, please see:

28. Protocol For T-RFLP By Capillary Electrophoresis
Detailed protocol for terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP), which allows the fingerprinting of a community by analyzing the polymorphism of a certain gene. Article by V Gr¼ntzig, B Stres, HL Ayala del R­o and JM Tiedje, Center for microbial ecology, Michigan State University, USA

29. SpringerLink - Publication microbial ecology in Health and Diseasemicrobial ecology in Health and Disease is the official journal of the Society of microbial ecology in Health and Disease (SOMED) and is also recognised by

30. Graduate Programs
The Central Michigan University Department of Biology offers the master of science (M.S.) degree with emphasis in aquatic biology, ecology, conservation biology, behavior and behavioral ecology, physiology, microbial ecology, molecular biology, and immunology. The degree is offered with both thesis and nonthesis options.
GRADUATE PROGRAMS Your browser does not support inline frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames. SUMMER 2005 Research Assistant Recommendation Form Master of Science The Department of Biology has two master of science degrees: 1) MS in Biology (general) and 2) MS in Biology with an emphasis on conservation. The general biology MS is designed to prepare students for careers in all areas of biology. The conservation biology MS is designed to prepare students for careers with state and federal agencies or non-governmental organizations. The Department of Biology offers both the Plan A and the Plan B Master of Science degree. Plan A requires completion of six credit hours in BIO 798 (Thesis), one credit hour in BIO 730 (Seminar), 23 hours of graduate course work approved by the student's adviser and advisory committee, and an oral defense of the thesis. Plan A is recommended to those students preparing for research-oriented careers or for doctoral study. Plan B requires the completion of 36 credit hours of graduate-level course work approved by the student's adviser and advisory committee and a written and/or oral comprehensive examination over the course work. Admission Requirements To be eligible for Regular Admission to the graduate program in biology, applicants should have:

31. A Taylor & Francis Journal: Microbial Ecology In Health And Disease - Instructio
A Taylor Francis Journal microbial ecology in Health and Disease Topics covered include *the microbial populations of the mouth and skin,
Contact Us Members of the Group All Products Books Journal Article eBooks Alphabetical Listing Journals by Subject New Journals Advertising ... eBooks Instructions for Authors: Click here to check your article status ***Note to Authors: please make sure your contact address information is clearly visible on the outside of all packages you are sending to Editors. Scope
Topics covered include: *the microbial populations of the mouth and skin, and in the respiratory, gastro-intestinal, and genito-urinary tracts *investigative methods *animal and in vitro models *the effect of antibiotics or diet on the commensal flora or its development *alterations in the host environment (e.g. the effect of foreign bodies or change in organs and tissues) *the role of immunological and other mechanisms that help maintain a stable flora *the clinical application of commensal flora in treatment and prevention of disease.
Manuscripts based on gnotobiotic research are particularly welcome.
The material published includes Original Articles, Review Articles, Commentaries, Short Communications, Case Reports, and Letters to the Editor. Preparing for submission
Submitted manuscripts should be arranged according to the rules stated in "Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals" Ann Intern Med 1997; 126: 36-47

32. The Center For Microbial Ecology
RDP II now includes a comprehensive tutorial for data analysis, rRNA derived phylogenetic trees, and aligned and annotated rRNA sequences, maintained at the Center for microbial ecology, MSU, East Lansing, MI.
Announcements CME is pleased to announce the release version 1.27 of the Center for Microbial Ecology Image Analysis System (CMEIAS software) , designed to strengthen microscopy-based approaches for understanding microbial ecology. To learn more about CMEIAS and download its free program files and operator manual, go to Congratulations to two CME faculty members, Dr. James M. Tiedje and Dr. Michael F. Thomashow, on their election to the prestigious National Academy of Sciences! see article, May 2003
An Improved Protocol for T-RFLP by Capillary Electrophoresis developed at CME is now available. The Biodegradative Strain Database (BSD) now contains strain-level information on degradative microorganisms and over 150 hazardous substances. Ribosomal Database Project II - Release 9 is now available . Release 9.30 (11 Aug 05) contains aligned and annotated Bacterial small-subunit rRNA sequences, with additions made monthly. Four new and improved tools Hierarchy Browser, Sequence Match, RDP Classifier

33. Grice Marine Laboratory
The Grice Marine Laboratory supports teaching and research in evolutionary biology, marine biogeography, developmental and molecular biology, benthic ecology, microbial ecology, phytoplankton ecology, environmental physiology, fish systematics, and invertebrate zoology.
Grice Marine Laboratory
Update your link. Go to

34. Microbial Ecology
microbial ecology. microbial ecology. Genomic Technologies for Microbial Community Analysis. DNA microarray technology has been used primarily to
Environmental Sciences Division
Microbial Genomics Group
Microbial Ecology
Genomic Technologies for Microbial Community Analysis
DNA microarray technology has been used primarily to monitor gene expression and regulation on a genome-wide scale. By contrast, the use of microarray hybridization for microbial community detection and analysis has not been previously explored in a rigorous manner. A major focus of the ESD Genomics Laboratory concerns the application of microarray-based genomic technology for the analysis of the composition, function, and dynamics of microbial communities in natural environments. In the laboratory, we have developed three kinds of glass-based microarrays for addressing specific research questions in microbial ecology (below).
Functional Gene Arrays (FGAs)
Comprehensive Microbial Functional Gene Microarrays (FGAs) for the Study of
Microbial Diversity and Processes in the Environment
Christopher W. Schadt, Jost Liebich, Song C. Chong, Terry J. Gentry, Zhili He and Jizhong Zhou
  • Rhee, S.K., Liu, X., Wu, L., Chong, S.C., Wan, X., and Zhou, J. (2004). Detection of biodegradation and biotransformation genes in microbial communities using 50-mer oligonucleotide microarrays.

35. Welcome To The Rrndb - The Ribosomal RNA Operon Copy Number Database
Database of over 300 operons, including 77 from whole genome sequence projects, enabling search through the phylogenetic distribution from the Center for microbial ecology at MSU, Lansing, MI.
Fri Sep 23 20:41:22 EDT 2005 About Credits FAQs Feedback ... Michigan State University

36. The Griffith University Microbial Ecology Research Group
microbial ecology, Environmental, bacteria, Cyanobacteria, biofilm, wetlands, microbiology, Estuaries, Marine, Freshwater, Peter Pollard, Melissa Wos,
The Griffith University Microbial Ecology Research Group
Microbial ecology, Environmental, bacteria, Cyanobacteria, biofilm, wetlands, microbiology, Estuaries, Marine, Freshwater, Peter Pollard, Melissa Wos, Michelle Jones, Viruses, biofiltration, wastewater, stormwater, sewage treatment, physiology, environmental, Eloise Larsen, Sewage overflow
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37. Microbial Ecology - Home
This site gives information about the research carried out at the Division of microbial ecology of the Department of Ecology, Lund University.
Microbial Ecology Home Research Publications Staff ... Lund University
Department of Ecology, Lund University, Sweden
Welcome to the Division of Microbial Ecology! Please use the menu to the left for navigation into the ecology of microorganisms in their environment, with a special focus on soil. Head of division: Anders Tunlid
Office: Anette Persson
Address: Microbial Ecology, Ecology Building, Lund University, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden
Phone: +46 46 222 37 63, Fax: +46 46 222 41 58
Publisher: Anders Tunlid
Webmaster: Johannes Rousk
Last updated: June 13, 2005 10:44

38. GML Frames
The marine laboratory of the College of Charleston and the University of Charleston, housing academic programs in marine biology. The lab supports teaching and research in evolutionary biology, marine biogeography, cellular and molecular biology, benthic ecology, immunology, microbial ecology, phytoplankton ecology, environmental physiology, fish systematics, and invertebrate zoology and other marine sciences.
This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.

39. The Center For Microbial Ecology
The intellectual focus of the Center for microbial ecology is to understand factors that influence the competitiveness, diversity and function of microorganisms in their natural and managed habitats.
Announcements CME is pleased to announce the release version 1.27 of the Center for Microbial Ecology Image Analysis System (CMEIAS software) , designed to strengthen microscopy-based approaches for understanding microbial ecology. To learn more about CMEIAS and download its free program files and operator manual, go to Congratulations to two CME faculty members, Dr. James M. Tiedje and Dr. Michael F. Thomashow, on their election to the prestigious National Academy of Sciences! see article, May 2003
An Improved Protocol for T-RFLP by Capillary Electrophoresis developed at CME is now available. The Biodegradative Strain Database (BSD) now contains strain-level information on degradative microorganisms and over 150 hazardous substances. Ribosomal Database Project II - Release 9 is now available . Release 9.30 (11 Aug 05) contains aligned and annotated Bacterial small-subunit rRNA sequences, with additions made monthly. Four new and improved tools Hierarchy Browser, Sequence Match, RDP Classifier

40. Soil Ecology And Restoration Group
Primary focus is on soils and belowground processes in arid and semiarid ecosystems with emphasis on microbial ecology and plant-microorganism relationships (San Diego State University, University of California Riverside, USA).
Welcome to the Soil Ecology and Restoration Group (SERG) Web Page last update August 6, 2005 Boletus amygdalimus Arbuscular mycorrhiza Restoration in the Mojave
You are Visitor Number Since August 21, 1995
Soil Ecology and Restoration Group
Program Managers: Tom Zink
Senior Research Scientist
Dr. Michael Allen
Center for Conservation Biology
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
Research and Implementation Advisor
David Bainbridge
Associate Professor
Alliant International University
Scripps Ranch
San Diego, CA 92131
Telephone: (619) 594-2883 Fax: (619) 594-3483 Direct E-mail to: Jeff Cooper (For for technical questions about the webpage.) Direct E-mail to: Tom Zink (For questions/comments regarding SERG)
Biology Department College of Sciences San Diego State University San Diego, CA 92182
About the Soil Ecology and Restoration Group (November 8, 2000) Announcements / Job Opportunities (August 6, 2005) Personnel (June 30, 2005)

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