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Michigan Parochial Schools: more detail | ||||
41. Detroit Schools Takeover Approved By Michigan Legislature Following the passage last week, by the michigan House of Representatives, from public to private and parochial schools, as is being done in Milwaukee. http://www.wsws.org/articles/1999/apr1999/det-a06.shtml | |
42. Homeschooling In Michigan school if in compliance with the Private, Denominational and parochial schools Please contact the appropriate local school district or the michigan http://www.homeschoolingonashoestring.com/Michigan_MDE_info_excerpts.html | |
43. EagleHerald | Marinette, Wisconsin/Menominee, Michigan USA Changes in parochial schools will cost Marinette district By state law, public school districts must transport parochial school students within the http://www.eagleherald.com/nbus0802.asp | |
44. City Of Riverview Welcome to the City of Riverview, michigan Building for the Future for the use of The Community also has two parochial schools one elementary at St. http://www.cityofriverview.com/ | |
45. Private & Parochial School Nurses Cindy Mecsey, michigan cmecsey@cranbrook.edu, Newsletter Registered nurses who work in private and parochial schools, practice in a unique setting, http://www.nasn.org/community/ppsn.htm |
46. The Shiawassee Regional Chamber Of Commerce: Shiawassee Area Educational Institu Public schools Private and parochial schools - Shiawassee Regional Educational Baker College - michigan Universities and Colleges. Public schools http://www.shiawasseechamber.org/website04/communities/com_education.html | |
47. City Of Taylor, Michigan - Schools Private/parochial schools. Blue Rule. Baptist Park  12501 Telegraph  (734) 2872720 Principal Roger Cook. Blue Rule http://www.cityoftaylor.com/schools/default.htm | |
48. Cadillac Area Chamber - Education parochial schools. Cadillac Heritage Christian School Since the middle of the 20th century, Northern michigan Christian School has offered quality http://www.cadillac.org/discover/education.htm | |
49. Fremont Area Chamber Of Commerce - Fremont, Michigan School also has one of the finest theater programs in michigan with many The private and parochial school systems are built for and dedicated to the http://www.fremontcommerce.com/about/Schools.php | |
50. History Of St Mary School, Monroe, Michigan This involved shared time between the parochial schools of Monroe and the public schools. Public school buses took 7th and 8th Grade parochial students to http://www.stmarymonroe.org/school/history.htm | |
51. Header.gif MI CASE, the michigan Creative After School Experiences database, can help make projects in public, private, charter and parochial schools in michigan. http://www.michiganhumanities.org/teachers/ | |
52. CyberSports For BasketBall michigan High School Athletic Association North Dakota High School Activities Association Texas Association of Private and parochial schools http://www.cybersportsusa.com/organization.asp?sport_id=1&lev_id=1 |
53. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Diocese Of Marquette Edward Fenwick was the first bishop to visit Upper michigan. 64 stations, 3 chapels, 1 academy, 20 parochial schools with 5440 pupils, 1 orphan asylum, http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09689a.htm | |
54. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Detroit, Michigan He was one of the founders of the University of michigan, which began with and for the parochial schools the Christian Brothers, the Sisters of Notre http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04758b.htm | |
55. John Engler: Onward Christian Soldiers THE state s parochial schools have been trying to get their fingers into To galvanize michigan parents and taxpayers behind the idea of school choice http://www.metrotimes.com/johnengler/004.html | |
56. Economic Development, City Of Novi, Michigan (MI) Public schools Part of four school districts including Novi, Northville, South Lyon, and Walled Lake; Private/parochial schools Novi Christian, http://www.ci.novi.mi.us/Business/EconomicDevelopment.htm | |
57. Parochial Elementary & Secondary Schools, Detroit, Michigan, MI, SuperPages, Yel SuperPages.com can help you find parochial Elementary Secondary schools business listings in our online Yellow Pages directory service. http://www.superpages.com/yellowpages/C-Parochial Elementary & Secondary Schools | |
58. Parochial Elementary & Secondary Schools, Grand Rapids, Michigan, MI, SuperPages SuperPages.com can help you find parochial Elementary Secondary schools business listings in our online Yellow Pages directory service. http://www.superpages.com/yellowpages/C-Parochial Elementary & Secondary Schools | |
59. NAACP Legal Defense Fund -- Cases Federal Court Applies University of michigan Ruling to Affirm Voluntary School education competitive with private and parochial schools in the county. http://www.naacpldf.org/content.aspx?article=318 |
60. Michigan Virtual University - Contact Us She is also a board member of the Metropolitan Detroit Bureau of School Studies and three charter schools and many private and parochial school systems. http://www.mivu.org/content.cfm?ID=169 |
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