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61. Study Finds Charter School Students Less Likely To Meet State Performance Standa Western michigan State University who has written a book on charter schools.The study also provided statistical data showing that charter schools serve http://www.nsba.org/site/view.asp?TRACKID=&VID=50&CID=479&DID=34856 |
62. Joannejacobs.com: Progress In Michigan michigan charter students are posting larger gains than the state average. No class my daughter takes in her charter high school is lower than an http://www.joannejacobs.com/mtarchives/015262.html | |
63. Policy Brief Charter Schools Their mission, educational programs, pupil performance standards, curricula, michigan tests show charter schools lagging. Education Week on the Web. http://www.ael.org/rel/policy/charter.htm |
64. A Work In Progress By DAVID ARSEN, DAVID N. PLANK, And GARY SYKES - Education Ne As a result, most michigan charter schools are completely autonomous from the With increasing reliance on standards for curriculum, student assessment, http://www.educationnext.org/20014/7arsen.html | |
65. Dean.html Central michigan University authorizes more charter schools than any other by establishing strong standards for each of our charter schools and http://www.ehhs.cmich.edu/~tcsrj/dean.html | |
66. Chicago Tribune Religious Schools In Bid For Charters of several parents alleging that a michigan charter school was teachingcreationism, In Illinois, charter schools are given a fiveyear contract, http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-0507150147jul15,1,1785302.story?col |
67. Lansing State Journal: Report Evaluates University-sponsored Schools; Many CMU C which sponsors about a third of michigan s charter schools, CMU whichrefused to extend the school s charter beyond June 30 - said such training http://www.lsj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20040818/NEWS05/408180326/1004 |
68. LOOKING FOR A BETTER EDUCATION: Unhappy Parents Go Back To DPS The charter school she chose, the Detroit Academy for Arts and Sciences, Dan Quisenberry, president of the michigan Association of Public school http://www.freep.com/news/education/charter-bar210e_20050510.htm | |
69. CLASSROOM CRISIS: Detroit Parents See Charters As Best Hope For Kids academic and financialreporting standards as traditional public schools? In the decade since the first michigan charter schools opened in 1995, http://www.freep.com/news/childrenfirst/charter9e_20050509.htm | |
70. Education Exchange, April 1998 A charter school is an autonomous entity that operates on the basis of a Luzier explained the development of the PTA s six national standards for parent http://www.educationpolicy.org/newsletter/EEApr98.htm | |
71. Charter Schools A Ruse For Destroying Public Education? were overwhelmingly defeated in November in California and michigan. charter schools would have to meet or exceed the performance standards as those http://www.sullivan-county.com/nf0/nov_2000/char_sch.htm | |
72. Study Of Charter Schools Serving LEP Students: Literature Review In michigan, most charter schools are located in urban areas; on average, The standardsbased education reform movement is catalyzing change in http://www.ncela.gwu.edu/pubs/reports/charter/literature.html | |
73. The State News - Www.statenews.com The report said charter school students improved more than their public school a national charter school management company with 22 schools in michigan. http://www.statenews.com/article.phtml?pk=9244 |
74. Mayor Peterson Approves Charters For Two New Schools and; whether the school s academic standards align with Indiana s standards . Five Mayorsponsored charter schools are currently in operation. http://www.indygov.org/eGov/Mayor/Education/Charter/PR/20040205a.htm | |
76. Charter Schools. ERIC Digest charter schools are freed of many restrictive rules and regulations. in thesummer of 1997 to manage nine nonsectarian charter schools in michigan, http://www.ericdigests.org/1999-2/charter.htm | |
77. Report: Charter Progress Outpaces Public High...  [Michigan Education Report] Quisenberry noted that the faster pace of the charter schools improvement More michigan schools this year met Adequate Yearly Progress, the benchmark http://www.educationreport.org/pubs/mer/article.asp?ID=7037 |
78. Charter Schools Offer An Array Of Choices - Michigan - GreatSchools.net The degree of freedom that charter schools have differs by state. michigan offersover 250 charter schools, placing it near the top of the nation. http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/mi/241/improve | |
79. Charter Schools IDEA Holding charter schools accountable for educating all students is a task for the and enforces its standards for accountability for charter schools, http://www.psrn.org/Charter Schools Accountability.html |
80. Race Matters - Charter Schools Fall Short How can we consider charter schools to be an option for dealing with failing michigan State University who has written a book on charter schools. http://www.racematters.org/charterschoolsfallshort.htm | |
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