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21. Chartering Change: Michigan's Public School A...  [Michigan Education Report]
Unfortunately, michigan s charter school law has not yet been able to substantially The standards and accountability of all schools will improve because
Current Issue Search Subscribe Contact ... Mackinac Center Summer 2005 Spring 2005 Summer 2004 Hiatus 2003 Fall 2002 Early Fall 2002 Spring 2002 Winter 2002 Fall 2001 Early Fall 2001 Spring 2001 Winter 2001 Fall 2000 Early Fall 2000 Spring 2000 Winter 2000 Fall 1999 Early Fall 1999 Spring 1999 Winter 1999 Fall 1998 Cover Story:
Award-Winning Teacher Says Parental Involvement Is Key

Articles MEA PAC Gives $13,000 to Pro-Tuition Tax Credit Candidates
Engler and Fieger Spar over Education

West Branch Teacher Sues Union over Right to Resign

Detroit Archdiocese Commits $60 Million to School Expansions
Charter School Helps At-Risk Youth

Student Focus Addy Has Her ACT Together
Commentaries Chartering Change: Michigan's Public School Academies
Public Education and the Benevolence of the Butcher

Private Scholarship Program Provides Educational Opportunity
Tuition Tax Credits or Vouchers-What's the Difference? Diverse Viewpoints Why Public Money Shouldn't Go to Private Schools Public Money for the Public Fall 1998 Issue Posted: Nov. 2, 1998 Chartering Change: Michigan's Public School Academies by James N. Goenner

22. Charter Schools Development Center
Tom Watkins founded michigan s first charter school, served as Director of the performance standards and assessment, and vouchers, the charter school

Charter School Resources Starting a Charter School UW/RAND Report Thanks to the UW/RAND Program on Reinventing Public Education for sharing this document. Funding for this report was provided by the Boeing Company and the Exxon Educational Foundation. Table of Contents 1. Introduction....................................................................................................................2
-About this report
-About the conference participants
-About the charter school concept
-A cautionary note
2. Getting started................................................................................................................6

-Common vision
-Character and conflicts of interest
-The conversion school -Sources of assistance -The non-profit technical support organization -Dealing with opposition and the media 3. Moving through the process.........................................................................................15 -Group decision-making -The educational program -Finding a building -Liability, insurance and risk management

23. Employer-Linked Charter School Initiative - OverView
INTERMEDIATE school DISTRICT SPONSORSHIP OF charter ACADEMIES is knowledgeableabout industry standards as they simultaneously work to obtain michigan
Resources Highlighted Practices School Profiles ... Contact Us INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT SPONSORSHIP OF CHARTER ACADEMIES
Submitted by: St. Clair TEC Academies, Port Huron, MI Summary Links Full Description Contact ... Advice
SUMMARY Clair County Intermediate School District (ISD) has sponsored the establishment of six charter schools in order to gain employer involvement in school governance. Four of the six academies, in turn, purchase administrative and professional services from the ISD in order to take advantage of its expertise in these areas.
Reasons for Practice The primary reasons for the St. Clair ISD's sponsorship of charter academies were to: (1) involve major local employers in an unprecedented and meaningful way as board members of the academies, and (2) utilize instructional staff who had worked in industry and who were knowledgeable about the skills needed for employment in major local businesses.
Length of Time in Effect
The purchased service agreement has been in place since the ISD first sponsored the Plastics Manufacturing Technology Academy in 1996. Since that time, the same compact has been used by the three other academies chartered by the ISD (the Health Careers, Hospitality, and Information Technology academies).

24. The Charter School Dust-Up: Examining The Evidence On Enrollment And Achievement
michigan North Carolina Pennsylvania Wisconsin. Ageof-school influences on Appendix A. Using different standards for evaluating charter and regular
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RELATED PUBLICATIONS Losing Ground in Early Childhood Education: Declining Workforce Qualifications in an Expanding Industry, 1979-2004
Losing Ground in Early Childhood Education

Advantage None: Re-Examining Hoxby's Finding of Charter School Benefits

Do charter schools cut it? No
Exceptional Returns: Economic, Fiscal, and Social Benefits of Investment in Early Childhood Development

Martin Carnoy
Rebecca Jacobsen Lawrence Mishel Richard Rothstein ... Purchase The Charter School Dust-Up: Examining the evidence on enrollment and achievement online. For a printer-friendly version of this report, download an Acrobat PDF version of this paper Email This Page Printer friendly version. The Charter School Dust-Up Examining the Evidence on Enrollment and Achievement Martin Carnoy, Rebecca Jacobsen, Lawrence Mishel, and Richard Rothstein About the authors Purchase this book from EPI (or purchase from  TC Press Materials for news media: News release Fact sheet Jump to:  Table of Contents Introduction and Summary This book's table of contents and introduction also available in PDF format Listen to a March 30 national news conference call with the authors Table of contents Introduction and summary Chapter 1. The reaction to the AFT's report on charter school scores

michigan and Texas, for instance, all have openended charter school laws Announcing publicly charter school students’ progress on state standards
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    July 17, 2002
    Leslie Getzinger
    starting 7/14:
    AFT STUDY REVEALS CHARTER SCHOOLS NOT MEETING EXPECTATIONS LAS VEGAS Based on its findings, the AFT report concluded that policymakers should not expand charter school activities until more convincing evidence of their effectiveness or viability is presented. In too many instances, charter schools are a distraction to meaningful reform rather than a model for effective change, Feldman noted. Do Charter Schools Measure Up? The Charter School Experiment After 10 Years , studied the decade-long charter school movement. Charter schools are publicly funded schools that are operated by community-based groups, private business, or groups of educators and parents. The charter schools generally are freer from public school rules and regulations and often are held less accountable for student achievement than other public schools. Former AFT president Albert Shanker first proposed the idea of charter schools in 1988, describing them as laboratories of innovation where new curriculum or teaching strategies could be developed without burdensome red tape. Shanker saw charter schools as a tool to improve instruction, student learning and raise achievement levels.

26. Washington Charter School Resource Center
based on educational reasons high academic standards, small class size, In michigan, charter schools showed greater gains than the statewide
Reasons to Support Charter Schools Putting Children First HOT PAGE

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Learn > Reasons to Support Charter Schools Reasons to Support Charter Schools Our Current Public School System is Failing Too Many Children Our Current Public School System Is Failing Too Many Children One-third of all students and one-half of all African-American and Latino students who enter our public school system do not graduate with their entering class. It's time to try some new approaches to education.
Source: Graduation and Dropout Statistics For Washington’s Counties, Districts, and Schools - School Year 2002–03
published by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. [Return to Top] Charter public schools are open to all children and are tuition-free. Like traditional public schools, charter public schools cannot discriminate in their admissions or operations based on race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, gender, income level, disabling condition, proficiency in the English language, or athletic ability. They are often designed to serve low-income and/or at-risk students who are falling through the cracks of the traditional public school system.

27. Charter School Info
charter schools are public schools, open and free to all michigan children. charter public schools are setting new standards in this arena.
Charter schools 101 — Learn as much as you can about Charter schools, also known as Public school Academies
What is a Charter School?
  • public schools governed by publicly appointed boards free — they do not charge tuition open to all — Random Selection Drawings are conducted when applications outnumber seats required to employ certified teachers required to administer the state MEAP tests subject to health and safety codes, like all other public schools
A charter is a written agreement.
Charter schools are independent public schools made possible by a 1993 Michigan law. It empowers local and intermediate school districts, community colleges and state universities to sign charters authorizing the schools. These contracts govern areas such as educational goals, curriculum standards, assessment measures, governance and financing. Teams of education professionals, parents and often community or business leaders create the schools. They have flexibility in shaping the school and its programs, pulling ideas from experts worldwide.
Increased enrollment
Enrollments Again Prove Escalating Demand for Education Options
While just six new charter public schools opened this fall, enrollments continued to escalate, climbing 13 percent to 66,451 students.

28. Response To The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation Report By Gerald W. Bracey
that today have both mediocreto-inferior academic standards and charter schoollaws, michigan’s charter school Initiative From Theory To Practice.
A review of: " The State of State Standards."
(Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, January 2000)
Reviewed by: Gerald W. Bracey, Education Policy Project fellow (February 2, 2000) Center for Education Research, Analysis, and Innovation
School of Education
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
PO Box 413
Milwaukee WI 53201
CERAI-00-07 Response to The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation Report "The State Of State Standards" By Gerald W. Bracey January 2000 In 1997 and 1998, The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, under the direction of its president, former assistant secretary of education Chester E. Finn, Jr., issued reports evaluating the quality of the educational standards adopted by various states. In January, 2000, the Foundation updated these evaluations, declaring that the states were inching towards better standards. In the Foundation’s new report, each state is given a letter grade of A to F for each of the five areas evaluated – English, mathematics, history, geography and science. Only five states make the report’s honor roll, while 42 are rated negatively. The problem with the evaluations is a simple one: the states’ rankings for quality of standards are inverse to their performance on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and on the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). That is, the same states that have done the best job in the eyes of the Fordham report’s authors in implementing high standards have shown the poorest performance on widely accepted national tests for student achievement, and vice versa. These states have also performed poorly when compared to other nations.

29. NYSUT - Charter School Update
Do All charter Schools Meet State Achievement standards? Two charters forschools in michigan were revoked when the applicants failed to raise the
NYSUT Home Research and Educational Services Bulletins New York State United Teachers
Information Bulletin
Research and Educational Services Charter School Update
December 1997 The District of Columbia and 27 states have enacted charter school legislation. Approximately 500 charter schools are in operation. Several charters have been revoked due to financial mismanagement. Recent reports reflect:
  • Minority students are well represented in charter schools.
  • On average, charter schools have a lower proportion of students with disabilities.
  • On average, charter schools have a lower proportion of Limited English Proficient students.
  • On average, charter schools enroll approximately the same proportion of low-income students as other public schools.
  • It is still too early to determine the educational effectiveness of charter schools.
Three charter school bills have been introduced in the New York State legislature. Current reform vehicles in New York State include CR100.11, Variances, and 21st Century School Legislation.
December 1997
What Is The History Of The Charter School Movement?

30. NCSI Learning Resources
It covers various aspects of michigan’s accounting standards for governmentalentities Principles and standards for Quality charter school Authorizing

31. Quality Counts 2004: Count Me In: Michigan
standards and Accountability While michigan has adopted standards in the coresubjects, the state has a strong charter school law, helping its grade.

32. Charter School Accountability Update -- December 2002
michigan charter school Students Perform Well on State Tests Idaho’s charterschools Receive Grant to Establish Classroom standards
Charter Friends Initiative
- on -
ACCOUNTABILITY BACK to Accountability Main Page CFNN ACCOUNTABILITY UPDATE – DECEMBER 16, 2002 A periodic update on developments on charter schools and accountability
Jon Schroeder, Project Director
Michelle Godard McNiff, Accountability Consultant Inside this edition of CFNN’s Accountability Update…
CHARTER SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE NEWS Charter Schools to Participate in the National Assessment of Educational Progress Michigan Charter School Students Perform Well on State Tests California Charter Schools Begin New Accreditation Program Good News from Georgia ... Waiting Lists Increasing in Nation’s Charter Schools
OTHER ACCOUNTABILITY NEWS Chicago Public Schools Implement New Accountability Plan Arizona Schools Receive Achievement Profiles New Research Finds Schoolwide Reform Improves Student Achievement New State-by-State Performance Report Card Released
Next-Generation Accountability Model Profiles Available Two New NCLB Resources Available from U.S. Department of Education

33. Charter School Accountability Update -- July 2002
Does it allow schools flexibility in how they meet standards? October 2425,Dearborn, MI michigan charter Schools Conference sponsored by the michigan
Charter Friends Initiative
- on -
ACCOUNTABILITY BACK to Accountability Main Page CFNN ACCOUNTABILITY UPDATE – JULY 2002 A periodic update on developments on charter schools and accountability
Jon Schroeder, Project Director
Michelle Godard McNiff, Accountability Consultant In this issue…
STATE ASSOCIATIONS ADDRESS CHARTER ACCOUNTABILITY NEEDS: AN UPDATE State charter school associations in California, Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, and Oregon continue to make progress on developing charter school accountability programs under a grant awarded late last year by the U.S. Department of Education. The Colorado League of Charter Schools is spearheading this project and providing their existing program as a model the other four states can start with as they tailor their accountability programs to their states' unique charter school needs.

34. School Of Education, University Of Michigan Flint
A Guide to Selected michigan standards, Laws, Regulations, and Policies For Our resulting system of public schools (including public charter schools) is

Academic Majors
Catalog Courses Offered Online Courses/Blackboard ...
SEHS Student Advisory Council
Department of Education
University of Michigan-Flint
430 French Hall
Flint, MI 48502 Phone: (810) 762-3260
Fax: (810) 762-3102
Office Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm
Monday through Friday
A Guide to Selected Michigan Standards, Laws, Regulations, and Policies For Teachers Introduction As you may already know, our United States Constitution makes no reference to the education of its citizens, young or old. Accordingly, the responsibility for the establishment and regulation of schooling in America falls upon the Legislature in each individual state. In Michigan, our state constitution mandates that “schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.” (M.C.L. 8.1) Our resulting system of public schools (including public charter schools) is regulated by a series of important laws enacted over the years by the Michigan Legislature and known today as the Revised School Code (RSC). The Revised School Code establishes the fundamental structure for public schooling in our state. It also has created a State Board of Education, which is empowered by the Legislature to “provide leadership and general supervision over all public education…” In doing so, the State Board establishes specific regulations and rules for our public schools, consistent with state law. Today, many of the procedures followed by Michigan public schools have been established in order to comply with State Board of Education regulations and rules.

35. Michigan School Cuts Highlight Financial Meltdown Facing US States
With Proposal A, the state codified its charter schools law. They want todestroy the living standards of school workers, increase inequality in public
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Michigan school cuts highlight financial meltdown facing US states
By Debra Watson 17 December 2004 Use this version to print Send this link by email Email the author A lagging state economy, high unemployment and the loss of thousands of industrial jobs, along with over a decade of state property and corporate tax cuts, have led to chronically anemic tax receipts in industrial heartland states like Michigan. According to a recent report from the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), a liberal Washington think tank, at least 22 states now project shortfalls averaging six to seven and a half percent of their total general fund revenue for the upcoming (2006) fiscal year. The combined deficit adds up to approximately $25 billion to $30 billion, with even more states expected to report deficits in the coming weeks. They point out that deficits of this magnitude have plagued states since the downturn in the US economy in 2001. Michigan and most other states require a balanced budget, and in the current anti-tax climate this invariably leads to cuts in vital programs and services. The Midwestern states of Ohio, Minnesota, Indiana, and Wisconsin and Michigan are expected to have deficits of over $500 million in the 2006 fiscal year. The projected deficit in Ohio could go as high as $2 billion. New York and New Jersey face deficits of 14 to 15 percent of their general fund, totaling between $3 and $6 billion.

36. Thomas B. Fordham Institute - How Charter Schools Are Different: Lessons And Imp
Livingston Technical Academy in Lowell, michigan, is another such school. requires that charter schools set clear academic standards for what they

37. Charter School Database
Private companies that run most of michigan s charter schools don t always Often, fewer of their students meet state standards on elementary and middle
@import url(/dn/includes/css/enhanced.css); @import url(/includes/css/enhanced.css); Special Reports home
Comment on this Story Email this story Charter Schools Private companies that run most of Michigan's charter schools don't always deliver on their promise of a better education for students. Often, fewer of their students meet state standards on elementary and middle school exams than their counterparts in traditional public schools. Sources: Michigan Department of Treasury, Michigan Department of Education, Detroit News research Read the special report in Schools Michigan charter schools Abney Academy Academic Transitional Academy Academy for Business Academy for Plastics Academy of Det-West Academy of Flint Academy of Inkster Academy of Lathrup Village Academy of Michigan Academy of Oak Park Academy of Southfield Academy of Waterford Academy-Westland Aisha Shule Allen Academy Ann Arbor Learning Arbor Academy Arts and Sciences B. Harbor Charter Bahweting Bay County PSA Bay-Arenac Comm HS BC Learning Center Beacon Academy Benjamin Carson Black River Blue Water Bradford Academy Bruce Academy Burton Glen Canton Capitol Area Acad Carver Academy Casa Richard Casman Academy Center Academy Center for Literacy Central Academy Cesar Chavez Chandler Park Chandler Woods Charlotte Forten Charyl Stockwell Academy Chatfield Cherry Hill School Cole Academy Colin Powell Commonwealth Concord - Petoskey Concord-Boyne Concord: Antrim Conner Creek Conner Creek East Countryside Creative Learn Acad Creative Montessori Creative Tech Cross Creek Crossroads Charter

38. Substandard Charters Fail 17000 Pupils - 10/26/03
While charter schools overall are less likely to meet state standards than Ten years after michigan first allowed charter schools, there s been little
@import url(/includes/css/enhanced.css); Latest Schools reports
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39. All About Charter Schools In Michigan: Charter Legislation And Law, Charter Scho
And they chose to ignore the evidence in michigan that charter schools have To show parents the standards students are being held to under the MEAP test
Charter Schools in Michigan
Law: Passed in 1993 Rank : 5th strongest of the nation's 40 charter laws CER Grade : A Schools Students
  • November 6-7, Dearborn, MI: The Michigan Association of Public School Academies Annual Conference, "Because Every Child Matters." For more information contact Michigan Association of Public School Academies (MAPSA), Phone: 517-374-9167, Email: Website:
  • MONEY MATTERS: A new Michigan study on charter school funding dispels the allegation that charter schools cost traditional public schools money. In fact, the study released by the Michigan Chamber Foundation, shows that Michigan charter schools are funded on an average of $1,036 less per pupil than traditional public schools. The amount is broken down to an average of $355 in operating funds and $681 in capital funding. The range is higher in places such as Ann Arbor, where the differences in operational funding, is as high as $2,000. The biggest disparity between traditional public schools and public charter spending is a staggering $3,800 in the city of Southfield. The clear conclusion is that charters save money and if traditional systems followed the example of charters, all children would benefit from the additional resources. The complete report can be found at

40. Critical Issue: Dynamic Debate—Determining The Evolving Impact Of Charter Schoo
charter schools in Connecticut, michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, standards,new accountability systems, and changes in pedagogy are familiar.
Critical Issue:
This Critical Issue was researched and written by NCREL Program Associate Rhetta Detrich, Program Associate Rebecca Phillips, and former NCREL Policy Information Director Deanna Durrett.
ISSUE: In the decade since the first charter school opened, an incredibly diverse array of charter schools have opened their doors to an equally diverse mix of instructional models, students, and staff. Stories of success, failure, struggle, and achievement have surfaced in this effort to improve public education. Tracking the true measure of their success will continue well into the new millennium, but there is no doubt that the dynamic debate they ignite has already had enormous impact in the educational arena. The pros and cons of charter schools have opened a dialogue, which in itself is impacting, energizing, and informing school improvement research, policy, and practice. This Critical Issue looks at that dynamic. This Critical Issue also puts charter school development in an historic as well as legislative context, posits three ongoing themes that permeate the ongoing debate surrounding charter schools, and delineates common traits among successful charter schools.
Goals Action Options Pitfalls ... References OVERVIEW: During the past 20 years, segments of the American public have expressed growing dissatisfaction with public education. The belief that education is failing many of our children has led to an exhaustive array of initiatives, movements, and mandates designed to improve educational offerings. All of these initiatives have taken place within the context of the traditional public school structure operated by federal, state, and local governing bodies.

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