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81. Transition From Research To Operations In The Atmospheric Sciences; (COMPLETED) His research specialty is synopticdynamic meteorology. director of NOAA sExperimental meteorology Laboratory (1971-1974), Corcoran Professor of http://www4.nas.edu/webcr.nsf/CommitteeDisplay/BASC-U-99-02-A?OpenDocument |
82. Naval Research Laboratory Monterey Satellite Meteorology http://www.humboldt.edu/~weather/nrl_disclaim_frame.htm | |
83. 03-06Catalog The School of meteorology is actively engaged in research on all the abovementioned Laboratory facilities for meteorology include a basic synoptic http://www.ou.edu/bulletins/html/Geosciences_Meteorology.htm | |
84. SULAIR: Branner Library And Map Collections: Climatology And Meteorology Antarctic meteorology research Center (AMRC) Climate and Radiation NASA sGoddard Space Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Atmospheric research http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/branner/research_help/earth_sciences/climate.h | |
85. University Of Hawaii Meteorology | Courses Offered 101 L Introduction to meteorology Laboratory (1) (1 3hr lab) Modern operationaland research forecast models. Hands-on laboratory includes simple to http://lumahai.soest.hawaii.edu/Dept/meteorology/courses.html | |
86. METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY (METOC) This curriculum in meteorology and oceanography involves approximately 4) An oceanographic or meteorological research experience germane to Naval http://web.nps.navy.mil/~ofcinst/code373.htm | |
87. METEOROLOGY meteorology is a five or sixquarter course of study with entry dates in January Thesis research Quarter 6 MR3252 (3-4) Tropical meteorology/Laboratory http://web.nps.navy.mil/~ofcinst/code372.htm | |
88. NSSL Frequently Asked Questions NSSL FAQ on meteorology careers. National Weather Service (http//www.nws.noaa.gov/) and research labs, such as the National Severe Storms Laboratory. http://www.nssl.noaa.gov/faq/metcareer.shtml | |
89. DEPARTMENT OF METEOROLOGY The Ph.D. program is offered in the Department of meteorology in the followingareas of The lab supports classified research projects, and theses, http://www.nps.navy.mil/ofcinst/mrdept.htm | |
90. Research Polar meteorology research Associate Professor Peter Guest research FACILITIESIDEA Laboratory The Interactive Digital Environmental Analysis (IDEA) http://www.nps.navy.mil/research/ResearchSummaries/2001/meteorology.html | |
91. Oceanography : CTI Centre For Geography, Geology And Meteorology Alfred Wegener Institute Oceanography and Marine research Mainly North Sea research Proudman Oceanic Laboratory British Oceanographic Data Centre A http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/cti/oce.html | |
92. Department Of Geography - Meteorology Laboratory meteorology Laboratory. Located on the third floor of Buckingham Building, Meteorological equipment is used widely to support teaching and research in http://www.envf.port.ac.uk/geo/resources/metlab/metlab.htm | |
93. HRD History In 1964 NHRP was redesignated the National Hurricane research Laboratory (NHRL) The Experimental meteorology Laboratory (EML) in collaboration with NHRL http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/hrd_sub/stormfury_era.html | |
94. Data - Meteorology & Weather Data - NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Labo research Data Products and Services Outreach About GLERL News and meteorology Weather Data. Precipitation, air temperature, wind speed, http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/data/pgs/meterology.html | |
95. Graduate Studies In Meteorology Numerical meteorology Oceanography Center, the Naval research LaboratoryMonterey, Kevin Cheung, research Assistant Professor, Tropical meteorology http://www.weather.nps.navy.mil/faculty/graduate_studies_in_meteorology.htm | |
96. Meteorology The Department of meteorology at Reading is worldrenown for its top-rated researchin Synoptic meteorology Laboratory Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics 1 http://www.rdg.ac.uk/ug/subjects/print/subID47.html | |
97. DEQ Programs By Division Modeling and meteorology (517) 3737042 Email Address irvinerl@michigan.gov Laboratory Services (517) 335-9800 Email Address averyb@michigan.gov http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,1607,7-135-3306_3329_21563-54665--,00.html | |
98. Agro-Meteorology Laboratory Welcome to the WWW Pages of Agrometeorology Laboratory. National AgriculturalResearch Center for Hokkaido Region Go to Japanese Page http://www.cryo.affrc.go.jp/seisan/meteo/indexe.html | |
99. Risø - Wind Energy Department - Home A very distinguished wind energy research center. Author of European wind energyatlas and WASP program. One of the two wind turbine certification and http://www.risoe.dk/vea/ | |
100. Atmospheric Science Research Guide The Laboratory is an arm of the Earth Sciences Directorate. National Instituteof Water and Atmospheric research (NIWA) Established in 1992 as one of http://osulibrary.oregonstate.edu/research/srg/atmsci.htm | |
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