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61. BulletinMeteorology Discipline 101 Introduction to meteorology Laboratory (1) GE Special study in thelaboratory, field, or research under the direction of a member of the http://www.sfsu.edu/~bulletin/noindex/9496/courses/crs-m/metr.htm | |
62. Embry-Riddle - Prescott Campus Overview Aeronautical Science students also have access to a modern meteorology lab and a The Wind Tunnel Laboratory contains researchquality subsonic and http://www.erau.edu/pr/campus/ | |
63. Paid Internship In Physics/Meteorology Laboratory At Michigan Tech PAID Summer research Internship Opportunity in Dr. Will Cantrell s Physics/MeteorologyLaboratory at Michigan Tech. OPEN to Secondary Science/Math Teachers http://wupcenter.mtu.edu/education/professional_development/paid_intern_2005.htm | |
64. Program Announcement LAB 99-03 The scope of the research to be supported under this announcement is the It is for that reason that the submission dates for DOE laboratories and http://www.science.doe.gov/grants/lab99_03.html | |
65. Department Of Meteorology Introductory meteorology Laboratory (1). Corequisite MET 1010. ColloquiumTopics in meteorology research (1). (S/U grade only.) MET 5930. http://registrar.fsu.edu/9899general/meteor.html | |
66. Department Of Meteorology University Of Utah - Meteorology Computation And Visua The Department of meteorology Computation and Visualization Laboratory (CVL) is a lab assignments, weather discussions, research seminars, and informal http://www.met.utah.edu/academics/resources/cvl | |
67. Oceanography Department Courses Laboratory exercises concentrate on Chesapeake Bay parameters as seasons change . SO49X Independent research in Oceanography or meteorology (1, 2, http://www.usna.edu/AcDean/courses/so.html | |
68. Proceedings Of The Symposium On Tactical Meteorology And Oceanography: Support F Tim Bakock, Naval research Laboratory, Washington, DC John Cook, Naval researchLaboratory, Monterey William Curry, Fleet Numerical meteorology http://books.nap.edu/html/tactical/appendix.html | |
69. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF METEOROLOGY AND HYDROLOGY General meteorology, climatology, agrometeorology and agrometeorological daily radar observation and a laboratory for research of ice forming qualities http://www.cl.bas.bg/BAS/directory/geo/nimh.htm | |
70. MSU :|: Department Of Geosciences The majority of our meteorology courses are accompanied by laboratory exercises . research assistantships are also often available to graduate students. http://www.msstate.edu/dept/geosciences/operational-meteorology.htm | |
71. MSU :|: Department Of Geosciences Within the climate lab and broadcast meteorology studio students learn how to research assistantships are also often available to graduate students. http://www.msstate.edu/dept/geosciences/broadcast-meteorology.htm | |
72. DEPARTMENT OF EARTH AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES A550 Advanced meteorology Laboratory; and EAS.A589 research Seminar. A minimumof two courses each in dynamic, general, and physical meteorology. http://www.eas.slu.edu/Programs/grmetreq.html | |
73. ISU Ag Meteorology Graduate Program The Agricultural meteorology program benefits from outstanding research facilities . meteorology 301L. Weather Observations Laboratory. Taught by staff. http://www.mesoscale.iastate.edu/agmet/gradprog.htm | |
74. WCSU Undergraduate Catalog - Arts & Sciences, Physics, Astronomy And Meteorology Provides laboratory and research experiences using modern MTR 370 Internshipin meteorology 4SH or MTR 450 Senior research in meteorology 4SH http://www.wcsu.edu/catalogs/undergraduate/sas/programs/pam.asp | |
75. Student Research Papers 1999 Argonne National Laboratory Undergraduate research Symposium, for Davenport and Omaha, meteorology Mini research Projects Presentations, UNI, http://www.earth.uni.edu/stu_presentations.html | |
76. Scout Report Archives The NOAA Air Resources Laboratory s Field research Division created this websiteto promote The Shelf Sea Oceanography and meteorology research Group, http://scout.wisc.edu/Archives/SPT--AdvancedSearch.php?FieldName=GEM Subject&Fie |
77. Meteorology Hotlist meteorology HOTLIST. (revised 12/9/04) Steven Babin MD PhD NCAR Home Page Radio Communications research Unit at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK) http://www.atmos.umd.edu/~stevenb/metlist.html | |
78. MET - Meteorology (3 lecture, 2 laboratory) The basic course in meteorology. The atmosphere, itsstructure and Summary paper required for work and/or research activities. http://catalog.unco.edu/2005-06HTML/2005-2006-12-66.html | |
79. About Byrd Polar Research Center Graphics Studio; Machine Shop; meteorology Laboratory; Remote Sensing Laboratory Dr. W. Berry Lyons, Director of the Byrd Polar research Center http://www-bprc.mps.ohio-state.edu/aboutBPRC.html | |
80. Status And Future Directions In U.S. Weather Modification Research And Operation He received his Ph.D. in meteorology from Florida State University. Scientist atthe National Severe Storms Laboratory conducting research related to http://www4.nas.edu/webcr.nsf/CommitteeDisplay/BASC-U-01-01-A?OpenDocument |
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