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Metal Detecting: more books (49) | |||||||
61. Millennium Diggers Site Main Home Page Nonprofit club in Oregon that will help promote the hobbies of metal detecting, prospecting, rock hounding, and treasure hunting. http://www.millenniumdiggers.com/ | |
62. Metal Detecting - Yorkie Bill - Coins Cannons Badges Insignia metal detecting, badges, insignia, Roman finds, medals, coins, silver, medievil,dark ages, ancient, archeology, detecting, detectorists, message board, http://www.metaldetecting.org.uk/ | |
63. METAL DETECTOR L'unica Rivista Italiana Dedicata Al Metal Detecting Sito ufficiale della rivista specializzata in metal detecting http://www.metaldetector.it | |
64. Clean Cloth Cotton Traders - Perth Western Australia - Cleaning Cloth Supplies W Manufacture and supply of cotton rags, wiper cloth and cleaning cloth supplies. Specialists in metal detecting cut rag to enhance workers safety. http://www.cleancloth.com.au/ |
65. Boardhost: File Not Found Post messages about your finds and share tips. http://members.boardhost.com/bdmdc/ | |
66. Calgary Metal Detecting Club Based in Calgary, Canada. With meeting information and find photographs. http://www.cmdc.org/ | |
67. Www.smr.herefordshire.gov.uk/archaeology_metal_detecting Herefordshire Council, like many others, discourages metal detecting unless Whilst it is often the case that metal detecting only removes objects from http://www.smr.herefordshire.gov.uk/archaeology_metal_detecting.htm | |
68. Alaska Gold Forum :: Alaska Prospecting Forum An Alaskan message forum dedicated to gold prospecting in all forms. Gold dredging, panning, metal detecting. We discuss it all. http://bb.bbboy.net/alaskagoldforum-viewforum?forum=2 |
69. Gold Dredging, Metal Detecting, And Alaska Mining Information Gold pans, sluice boxes, highbankers, tools, gold dredging, metal detecting, accessories, books, regulations, permits, sites, and mining claims. Steve's Mining Journal, clubs, organizations, mining classes and links. http://www.akmining.com/mining.htm | |
70. Metal Detecting | Metal Detecting Forums | Treasure Quest metal detecting online treasure hunting community. metal detecting forums,auctions, guides, Coin Auctions,directories and more. http://www.treasurequestxlt.com/ | |
71. Charlie C's Metal Detecting Web Site Photo galleries of coins and artifacts found in the UK. http://c.cater.users.btopenworld.com/HTMLFiles/index.html |
72. BUDS METAL DETECTING HOME PAGES metal detecting finds from Northeasten Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshirefrom Bud Smith. http://members.aol.com/tinman456/ |
73. IMDA Club Page Web based club, offering membership in the FMDAC and IMDA. Photo ID's, news, contests and related links. http://detectorist.tripod.com/club.html | |
74. VoyForums: From The Land Of The Bluenose Metal Detecting Forum where enthusiasts can meet to chat about their finds, trips and tips. http://www.voy.com/98887/ | |
75. Metal Detecting Forums The New Treasure Depot The Forums, The biggest metal detecting site on the web! Departments. metal detecting Dealer Classifieds The Photo Forum The Classifieds http://www.thetreasuredepot.com/ | |
76. Gold Prospectors Of The Rockies Redirect A family prospecting club open to all, teaching beginners and experienced prospectors to find gold through panning, sluicing, highbanking, dredging, metal detecting and dowsing, and publishes a monthly newsletter. http://www.lornet.com/prospector/ |
77. Ginkgoware "i-detect" Metal Detecting Software Journal Manufactures and sells Ginkgoware idetect , a metal detecting journal software for computers. http://www.ginkgoware.com | |
78. Rob Allison's Nuggethunting.com, Prospecting For Gold Nuggets With A Minelab Met Features message board where electronic prospectors can discuss outings, equipment and new finds. http://www.nuggethunting.com | |
79. Lil'Penny's Metal Detecting Page! Canadian enthusiast's site features photos of finds, diary, places to hunt, pet peeves and code of ethics. http://www.geocities.com/sonicsink/index.html | |
80. Find's Treasure Forums Dedicated to help metal detecting enthusiasts understand the machine from Down Water and Beach metal detecting Forum dedicated to all water and beach http://www.findmall.com/ | |
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