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41. Beercans, Dump Digging To Get All about collecting and dump digging for old beer cans. Information on beercan cleaning, metal detecting, and how to find dumps. Also includes dumping stories with pictures of finds. http://hometown.aol.com/mrbeercan/beercan.html | |
42. International Metal Detecting By Ton De Goijer Vanalles rond metaaldetectie voor de hobby. Determinatie, links, tips hints en een forum. Duidelijk overzicht van reinigings methoden aanwezig. http://www.tondeg.cistron.nl | |
43. Maryland Artifact Recovery Society Metal Detector Club metal detecting club. Site offers a newsletter, photos, applicable state park regulations, classifieds, and object identification requests. http://marylandartifactrecoverysociety.org/ | |
44. Metal Detecting Connecticut Devoted to treasure hunting in the state. Contains displays of recovered coins, Civil War era finds, relics and research material. http://bonas.tripod.com/ | |
45. Detecting Page I have been metal detecting for many years. I primarily hunt land sites, ieschools, parks, house yards, sidewalk construction, farm fields, cellar holes http://www.frontiernet.net/~jvokes/detecting.htm | |
46. Canyon Creek Ranch - Welcome! Working ranch in Boundary Country, with tourist facilities. Offers a variety of programs including gold panning, hiking on the Dewdney Trail , metal detecting and campfire programs. Includes contact details. http://www.canyoncreekranch.ca |
47. Ipswich & District Detector Club A family orientated metal detecting club that has been meeting on the last Tuesday of every month since the 1970's. http://www.ipswich-detector-club.org.uk/ | |
48. Mid Kent Metal Detecting Club Club based in Maidstone which maintains displays of members finds at both the Maidstone and Rochester Guildhall Museums. Meetings and news. http://www.mid-kent-mdc.co.uk/ | |
49. Front Navigation Page Of UK DETECTOR NET and one other detecting related subjects that they are likely to talk about.UK DETECTOR NET is your portal to the fascinating world of metal detecting. http://www.ukdetectornet.co.uk/ | |
50. FOLKESTONE METAL DETECTOR CLUB Includes photos, equipment reviews, finds and contacts. http://www.masong.freeserve.co.uk/hp/md.html | |
51. TreasureNet Forum - Metal Detecting Browse thousands of messages related to treasure hunting, archaeology, history,metal detecting, relic hunting, caches, sunken treasures, shipwrecks, http://www.treasurenet.com/forum/metaldetecting/ | |
52. Index A metal detecting club. Includes advice, photographs, and related information and links. http://www.geocities.com/sirtesoro/ | |
53. TreasureNet (tm) - The Original Treasure Hunting Website for metal detecting enthusiasts Subscribe to W ET! Check Out The Annual W ETBest Finds! Return To Top Old Maps Books. KB Slocum Books Maps http://www.treasurenet.com/ | |
54. Lancaster Research & Recovery Club A metal detecting club in lancaster with club history, meetings and events. http://www.lrrc.org/ | |
55. Index Of /~treasure A fullline metal detecting and mining equipment store. http://www.flash.net/~treasure/ | |
56. Main Page Bulletin board features enthusiasts discussions of finds, tips and trips. http://members3.boardhost.com/Charles.C/?1016482352 |
57. Bulletman's Metal Detecting Finds Describes with photographs some artillery, bullets, coins, buttons and other relics from Civil War era that he has found around New Orleans. http://community-2.webtv.net/bullet-man/MetalDetectingFinds/ | |
58. BBC - History - Archaeology And Metal Detecting An examination of how archaeologists and metal detectorists can learn from eachother in their quest for the past. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/archaeology/treasure/metal_detect_01.shtml | |
59. Coinist's Metal Detecting Website Forums, XLT custom programs, Explorer Settings, tips and hints, research center and links to other sites. http://www.coinist.com | |
60. Wayne Schmidt's Metal Detecting Page A brutally honest evaluation of a high end metal detector, comparisons ofpinpointing probes and sand scoops. http://www.waynesthisandthat.com/metaldetecting.html | |
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