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81. Indigenous Multipurpose Trees Of Tanzania: Uses And Economic Benefits For People Common Names mkulo, East African camphor wood, camphor Local Namesolmasi (ARUSHA, MASAI, meru); lolyondo (ARUSHA, PARE); nasojan (BARBAIG); mchiyo, http://www.fao.org/docrep/X5327e/x5327e07.htm | |
82. Africa Adventure Co. - The Safari People It is a sight and sound so indigenous to africa, but one that is forever The people in Tanzania were so friendly and Simon was a perfect example of that http://www.africa-adventure.com/dsp_stafftrips.html | |
83. GeographyIQ - World Atlas - Africa - Kenya - People Facts And Figures Demographic information and statistics on the people of Kenya. Kisii 6%, Meru6%, other African 15%, nonAfrican (Asian, European, and Arab) 1% http://www.geographyiq.com/countries/ke/Kenya_people.htm | |
84. Kenya: Map, History And Much More From Answers.com People of African descent make up about 97% of the population; they are divided The official languages of Kenya are Swahili and English; many indigenous http://www.answers.com/topic/kenya | |
85. African Proverbs, Sayings And Stories - Book Reviews Through stories African peopleÂs fears, joys, hopes and aspirations are After many years of listening to the people in their indigenous language, http://www.afriprov.org/resources/bkreview.htm | |
86. Ethnicity And Race By Countries Liberia, indigenous African tribes 95% (including Kpelle, Bassa, Gio, Venezuela,Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arab, German, African, indigenous people http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0855617.html | |
87. Kenya Map And Basic Facts Just over 32 million people live in Kenya. Life expectancy is around 45 years . meru 6%, other African 15%, nonAfrican (Asian, European, and Arab) 1%. http://goafrica.about.com/library/bl.mapfacts.htm | |
88. 'Just World News' By Helena Cobban: VISITING WITH THE MASAI in the nottoo-distant past, treated the indigenous people of this part ofthe world, (1) It s the way that most of the Masai people get around. http://justworldnews.org/archives/000155.html | |
89. Map & Graph: Countries By People: Ethnic Groups Map Graph People Ethnic groups by country Liberia, indigenous Africantribes 95% (including Kpelle, Bassa, Gio, Kru, Grebo, Mano, Krahn, Gola, http://www.nationmaster.com/graph-T/peo_eth_gro | |
90. CIA - The World Factbook -- Kenya Forum for the Restoration of DemocracyPeople or FORD-People Kimaniwa NYOIKE, The regional hub for trade and finance in East africa, Kenya has been http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ke.html | |
91. Hands On: Made In Miombo - Malawi The livelihoods of the majority of rural people in African drylands depend on African Plum (Dacryodes edulis) The African plum, a tree indigenous in the http://www.tve.org/ho/doc.cfm?aid=953&lang=English |
92. Harmful Health Practices: Program Examples For example, a former circumcisor noted when people come to me for femalecircumcision indigenous Knowledge (IK), unique to every society or culture, http://www.rho.org/html/hthps_progexamples.htm | |
93. Association For Feminist Anthropology moral and political order as defined by the ruling elite, both colonial andindigenous. Her discussion of the meru case (1920Âs and 1930Âs) when British http://sscl.berkeley.edu/~afaweb/reviews/Dossa Review.htm | |
94. Amnesty International Canada - Resource Centre News impartially to prevent violations of people s fundamental human rights. The International Day of the WorldÂs indigenous People Dispossessed and in http://www.amnesty.ca/resource_centre/news/view.php?c=Resource Centre News |
95. BGCI - Botanic Gardens - The Nairobi Arboretum, Kenya A survey showed that already 140000 people had visited the arboretum in 1995 . Kenya contains a great range of environments with over 800 indigenous tree http://www.bgci.org.uk/botanic_gardens/nairobi_arboretum.html | |
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