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         Meningitis:     more books (100)
  1. Meningitis: 100 Maxims (100 Maxims in Neurology, 4) by Karen L. Roos, 1996-05-16
  2. Meningitis (Diseases and Disorders) by John F. Grabowski, 2006-11-08
  3. Bacterial Meningitis by Allan R. Tunkel, 2001-02-15
  4. Meningitis (Twenty-First Century Medical Library) by Connie Goldsmith, 2007-07-31
  5. Meningitis (Deadly Diseases and Epidemics) by Brian Shmaefsky, 2005-04-30
  6. Meningitis (Diseases and People) by Edward Willett, 1999
  7. Emerging Strategies in the Fight Against Meningitis by C. Ferreiros, 2002-03-21
  8. Don't delay drugs in adult bacterial meningitis; a big factor in mortality.(News): An article from: Family Practice News by Bruce Jancin, 2004-02-01
  9. Neonatal Meningitis (Clinics in Developmental Medicine (Mac Keith Press)) by Pamela A. Davies, P. T. Rudd, 1995-01-27
  10. Steroid enhances treatment of bacterial meningitis. (Death Rate Cut in Half in Adults).: An article from: Internal Medicine News by Miriam E. Tucker, 2002-12-01
  11. Two unusual sequelae of tuberculous meningitis despite treatment.(Case Report): An article from: Southern Medical Journal by Allen J. Blaivas, Alfred Lardizabal, et all 2005-10-01
  12. Bacterial Meningitis - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References by ICON Health Publications, 2004-03-24
  13. Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer: Carcinomatous meningitis by A.M. Tish Davidson, 2002-01-01
  14. Infliximab-induced headache and infliximab-induced meningitis: two ends of the same spectrum?(Case Report): An article from: Southern Medical Journal by Nikita Hegde, Charina Gayomali, et all 2005-05-01

181. Student Health And Welfare: Meningitis Information
University of Oxford meningitis the facts you need to know.

Meningitis: the facts you need to know
Student Health and Welfare
Freshers and meningitis
Any student entering higher education for the first time should have been vaccinated against meningitis C, ideally before coming to the University. This applies to all freshers, regardless of age . If you have not already been immunised before arrival, this can be done by your college doctor. It is important to remember that this vaccination only gives protection against the group C strain of meningitis, which used to account for 40% of all meningitis cases in students. You should be vigilant for the signs and symptoms of the group B strain of meningitis.
Vital signs
The symptoms of meningitis and septicaemia are:
  • High temperature or fever
  • Being violently sick
  • Severe headache
  • Neck stiffness (can't touch your chin to your chest)
  • Joint or muscle pains
  • Feeling drowsy or lethargic
  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Rapid deterioration of health
  • Rash of tiny red/purple pin prick spots, which may spread to look like fresh bruising.

182. Rwanda Meningitis Kills 65

183. Bacterial Meningitis
High fever, headache, and stiff neck are common symptoms of meningitis in anyone over the age of 2 years.
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Bacterial Meningitis
What is meningitis?
Meningitis is an infection of the fluid of a person's spinal cord and the fluid that surrounds the brain. People sometimes refer to it as spinal meningitis. Meningitis is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Knowing whether meningitis is caused by a virus or bacterium is important because the severity of illness and the treatment differ. Viral meningitis is generally less severe and resolves without specific treatment, while bacterial meningitis can be quite severe and may result in brain damage, hearing loss, or learning disability. For bacterial meningitis, it is also important to know which type of bacteria is causing the meningitis because antibiotics can prevent some types from spreading and infecting other people. Before the 1990s

184. Tuotromedico: Meningitis
Translate this page La meningitis es una afectación infecciosa de las meninges (que son las membranas de recubrimiento del cerebro y de la médula espinal).
MENINGITIS DEFINICIÓN INCIDENCIA SÍNTOMAS ... FUENTES DEFINICIÓN Haemophilus influenzae tipo b (Hib) y por la Neisseria meningitidis (grupos A, B, C, Y, W-135), puede haber otras bacterias causantes pero menos representativas por su frecuencia en epidemias. INCIDENCIA La frecuencia de las causas de epidemia son: Neisseria meningitidis grupo B Neisseria meningitidis grupo C Neisseria meningitidis grupo A y otras SÍNTOMAS
  • Fiebre Dolor de cabeza Rigidez de nuca Molestias al mirar la luz Presencia de un rash (manchas) en la piel Convulsiones Dolores musculares generalizados A veces diarrea
CONTAGIO Se trasmite por las secreciones nasales, saliva y por el aire contaminado de estornudos o toses de los enfermos afectados. Es decir que el contacto debe de ser cercano para que se pueda trasmitir. Salvo en casos de problemas de falta de defensas por enfermedades previas (linfomas, inmunodeficiencias, diabetes, etc...) la susceptibilidad es escasa, ya que la bacteria causante suele estar en la garganta del 10% de los individuos y no se desarrolla la enfermedad. La enfermedad se desarrolla ante un contacto intenso con las bacterias de las secreciones de un individuo afectado de meningitis.

185. - Ohio Starts Vaccinating Students - June 8, 2001



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Ohio starts vaccinating students
Ohio health officials plan to vaccinate 5,600 students and teachers against meningococcal disease ALLIANCE, Ohio (CNN) Thousands of students began getting vaccinations Friday against a bacterial outbreak that has left two teen-agers dead and a third hospitalized from meningitis-related illnesses. The state health department plans to inoculate 5,800 students and teachers at six high schools around Alliance. School superintendent Lou Ramunno told CNN the six schools were chosen because interactions among the children there were most frequent. By the time the vaccination program closed Friday, Ohio Health Commission spokeswoman Beth Gianforcaro said at least 4,200 people had received inoculations. She said anyone who missed Friday's immunizations could go to their local health deparment to get vaccinated. Health officials said the bacteria can only be transmitted by close contact, such as kissing or sharing utensils, not by casual contact.

186. Meningitis
meningitis is not easy to identify at first because the symptoms are similar Someone with meningitis will become very ill. The illness may progress over
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187. - Collegians May Be At Greater Risk For Meningitis - July 16, 2002



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Collegians may be at greater risk for meningitis
Editor's note: CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta answers medical questions submitted by e-mail on "Your Health," which airs at 2:30 p.m. EDT Saturdays. Questions and answers are posted on after the show. Q: How serious is the meningitis threat at colleges? Erin in Syracuse, New York. A: College students can be at a significantly increased risk for bacterial meningitis. In fact, freshmen living in dorms may face a greater threat, with nearly a six-fold increased risk over other college students, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The bacteria most common among college students is called meningococcus and is spread through bodily fluid contact. It is a serious illness that requires immediate care.

188. Hirnhautentzündung (Meningitis) Allgemein
Translate this page meningitis ist eine Entzündung der Hirnhäute (Meningen). Bakterien oder Viren sind die häufigsten Verursacher der meningitis. In vielen Fällen kommt es auch
Anzeige Suche: NetDoktor Medikamente Startseite Aktuell Nachrichten Features Newsletter Lexikon Krankheiten Symptome Untersuchungen Eingriffe ... Medikamente Themen ADHS Asthma Erektile Dysfunktion Haare ... Alle Themen Service Teste Dich Selbst Quiz Diskussion Selbsthilfe Information Kontakt Impressum Manfred Schneider , Arzt
Was ist eine Meningitis?
Bakterien oder Viren
Enzephalitis ). Der Arzt spricht dann von Meningoenzephalitis.
haben ein besonders hohes Risiko, an einer Meningitis zu erkranken.
Wie entsteht eine Meningitis?
  • oder eine
    bakterielle Meningitis
    bekommen. Meningokokken sind ein normaler Bestandteil des Nasenrachenraumes. Dort richten sie aber keinen Schaden an.
Welche Symptome treten auf?
, hohes Fieber , Erbrechen und Lichtscheu. Selten treten Benommenheit bis hin zum Koma auf.
behandelt werden. Wie stellt der Arzt die Diagnose? Lumbalpunktion Liquordiagnostik Blutprobe Die bakterielle Meningitis wird mit Antibiotika Wie ist die Prognose? Quellen Robert Koch-Institut Redaktion Dr. med. Katharina Larisch

189. - Pneumonia, Not Meningitis, Likely Killed Woman - February 11, 2002


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Pneumonia, not meningitis, likely killed woman
The hotel in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, was quarantined for eight hours Sunday. CHERRY HILL, New Jersey (CNN) Medical authorities said Sunday they suspected that a woman attending a convention in suburban Philadelphia died of pulmonary bacteria pneumonia and not meningitis, as initially thought. Joanne Hemstreet, 45, of Kingston, Massachusetts, died early Sunday at Kennedy Memorial Hospital in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, according to hospital officials, at least four days after coming down with flu-like symptoms. "We don't know the exact cause of her demise at this time, though ... this looks like a case of Pneumococcal pneumonia with a very severe complication," said Dr. David Condoluci, the hospital's chief of infectious diseases. The hospital admitted six women and one man staying at the same Hilton Hotel in Cherry Hill, about 10 miles southeast of Philadelphia.

190. Steroids Can Help Some Meningitis Patients

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