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41. Margery Kempe Both scholarly and general audiences will enjoy the comprehensive text. Margery Kempe, a controversial woman mystic in medieval history, wrote The Book http://www.kings.edu/womens_history/margerykempe.html | |
42. The Cistercians And Trappists An introduction to the history of the Cistercians and Trappists by Dr. Deborah Vess. Includes virtual tours of monasteries, Cistercian primary sources, general references, and information about Cistercian technology, famous medieval and modern Cistercians, and Cistercian art and architecture. http://www.faculty.de.gcsu.edu/~dvess/ids/medieval/cist.html | |
43. Subject: D111 Medieval History Library of Congress Subject Areas (50) D history general and Old World (4) D history (general) (4). D111 medieval history (2) http://etdindividuals.dlib.vt.edu:9090/view/subjects/D111.html | |
44. A Guide To Medieval History Resources - LEARN - The University Of Auckland Libra For general books on medieval history use the Subject Heading Middle Ages history.To find books on Voyager on medieval history relating to particular http://www.library.auckland.ac.nz/subjects/hist/medievalresourcesguide.htm | |
45. History: General Works Larousse Encyclopedia of Ancient and medieval history. Glossary of medievalterms. Â Bibliography (including both a general bibliography and one for http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/hss/medieval/Advanced Searching/HistoryGeneralWorks.htm | |
46. The Costumer's Manifesto:Â Medieval European Costume Links Page general medieval Costume. The history of Fashion and Dress Byzantium and Earlymedieval Europe The history of Fashion and Dress Late medieval Europe http://www.costumes.org/history/100pages/medievalinks.htm | |
47. E-Intro To Old English - Appendix C Peter Baker's bibliography lists important printed works in several categories general works, grammars, dictionaries, bibliographies, collections of texts and translations, literary criticism, history and culture, manuscripts, art and archaeology. Also includes a selection of online aids. http://www.wmich.edu/medieval/research/rawl/IOE/read.html |
48. General History Department â Academic Staff Ginio, Aliza, aginio@post.tau.ac.il, 025633713, medieval history, Spain Head of general and Interdisciplinary Studies; American history; Education http://www.tau.ac.il/humanities/faculty/history/history.eng.html | |
49. Auckland City Libraries: Medieval History Useful medieval Shelf Numbers. 940 European history general. 940.1 Europe -history - medieval. 940.12 Early medieval Europe. 940.14 Normans Feudalism http://www.aucklandcitylibraries.com/general.aspx?ct=595&id=2877 |
50. SULAIR : Medieval Studies : General Bibliographies And Other Guides medieval Studies general Bibliographies and Other Guides Davis (1971) medievalEuropean history A Select Bibliography, 2nd ed. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/medieval/genbib.html | |
51. SULAIR: 1.C. General Bibliographies And Other Guides Reference; Church and Intellectual history 3001050. general Studies; Church inLate Antiquity and Early MA; Early medieval Monasticism http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/medieval/ahacon.html | |
52. Teresa's Medieval History Page Recent Additions, general medieval history, University Sites, Bibliographies,British history, Historical and Romance Fiction, Teresa s Articles, http://www3.sympatico.ca/eckford/Medieval.htm | |
53. Medieval History Links And Articles medieval Britain general British history DarkAge Britain Historical KingArthur Ireland Scotland Wales. medieval Europe Europe general http://riverrats.net/sonicdeli/lissa/lair/medieval.htm | |
54. BUBL LINK Catalogue Of Internet Resources many links covering areas such as British and American history, Europeanhistory, black history, the holocaust, medieval history, and general resources. http://bubl.ac.uk/link/linkbrowse.cfm?menuid=11369 |
55. Great General Websites For Ancient History In Sixth Grade Great Websites for Ancient and medieval history in Sixth Grade. general ResourcesSocial Studies School Service The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World http://www.globalwebvisions.com/Ancient Civilizations/ancientwebsites.htm | |
56. Department Of History At The University Of Manchester An introduction to the specialists in medieval history at Manchester and to medieval English social and economic history and general social theory, http://www.art.man.ac.uk/HISTORY/postgraduate/programmes/medieval.htm | |
57. LC Classification: D - History: General And Outside The Americas 5195, Ancient history. 101-110.5, medieval and Modern history (general). 111-203,medieval history. 135-149, Migrations. 151-173, Crusades http://www.info.library.yorku.ca/yorkline/lc/d.html | |
58. Resource Centre Listbox (history) Select, Ancient history, medieval history, Early Modern history Select,Aboriginal Australia, China, Egypt, general, Greece, Mesopotamia (Sumer) http://www.hi.com.au/resource/rhistory.asp | |
59. Scotch College Library And Information Centre - Medieval History - General Resou medieval history general Resources. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Full-text versionof this definitive source for medieval history. Economic life http://www.scotch.vic.edu.au/Library/resources/netsites/history/medigen.htm | |
60. Medieval History For information on how to do research in general, check Research Strategy. Examples of primary sources in medieval history include The Paston Letters; http://library.queensu.ca/inforef/history/medieval.htm | |
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