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121. Medicine Net Focus On Urological Disorders Offers medical information, doctor produced, written for patients experiencing disorders such as urinary tract infections, and overactive bladder. Includes procedures, tests, and medications. http://www.focusonurology.com |
122. Boston University School Of Dental Medicine The mission of the Boston University School of Dental medicine is to provide excellent education to dental professionals throughout their careers. http://dentalschool.bu.edu/ |
123. HealthWeb The Greater Midwest Region of the National Network Libraries of medicine andparticipating HealthWeb institutions will not be liable for any complications, http://healthweb.org/ | |
124. UIowa Libraries Web From the University of Iowa, lists of Internet sources in family medicine, general practice and primary care. http://www.arcade.uiowa.edu/hardin-www/md-fam.html | |
125. Welcome To The ACVPM.Org Website! General information about the ACVPM, information regarding certification, news, an employment area, meeting announcements, and details on their epidemiology specialty. http://www.acvpm.org/ | |
126. NFHS | Sports Medicine Sports medicine. Print this Page Print This Page. The NFHS Sports medicine AdvisoryCommittee shall advise the National Federation of State High School http://www.nfhs.org/scriptcontent/va_Custom/vimDisplays/contentpagedisplay.cfm?c |
127. Center For Medical Informatics - Department Of Medicine - Mount Sinai School Of Projects around World Wide Web (WWW) based signout and discharge summary systems that capture and store information about a patient's hospitalization, provider identification and notification systems, disease management, remote consultation,outpatient electronic record systems(OEMRRI), CITE, PharmFree, Med JAAM a Webbased evidence based medicine system). http://www.mssm.edu/medicine/medical-informatics/home-page.html | |
128. Chest Medicine - General Practice Notebook Coverage of this medical speciality. http://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/MedwebPage.cfm?ID=-939130877 |
129. Medco Supply Company Supplies for athletic training, competition, rehab, physical therapy. http://www.medcosupply.com | |
130. Doc Misha : Chicken Soup Chinese Medicine Tips for choosing a practitioner, FAQs. Maintained by Misha Ruth Cohen. Clinic in San Francisco, California. http://www.docmisha.com/ | |
131. Medicine http://www.meddent.uwa.edu.au/medicine/ |
132. Welcome To CyberU - It's A New Day, Learn Something. Directory to online medicine and healthcare courses. Provides a broad selection of online classes and learning resources in the medical field. http://medicine.cyberu.com | |
133. Holistic Medicine And Natural Health - Alternative Herbal Therapies - Holistic T Holistic alternative herbal medicine, complementary natural health therapies, longevity research, news and informative articles. http://www.NaturalHealthHolistic.com | |
134. KingNet°ê®aºô¸ôÃèå The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.webhospital.org.tw/medicine/ | |
135. Naturopathic Medicine Network Extensive information on Naturopathic training and practice. Professional resources include physician center, round table discussion, and free MedLine search. http://www.pandamedicine.com/ | |
136. Home Remedies For Better Health Free Of Disease Using Home Remedy & Herb Free information on herbal healing, home remedies, a complete guide listed by illness. Learn how to treat common conditions without drugs. http://www.homemademedicine.com | |
137. Newfolk NDiF: Cultural Diversity, Alternative Medicine, & Folk Medicine Treatise prepared by a Penn State College of medicine professor on the importance of recognizing cultural diversity of health beliefs and practices. http://www.temple.edu/isllc/newfolk/medicine.html | |
138. American College Of Physicians - Internal Medicine - Doctors For Adults The web site of the American College of PhysiciansAmerican Society of Internalmedicine. Publishers of Annals of Internal medicine. http://www.acponline.org/ | |
139. Alternative Medicine - Pet Articles Alternative Pet Articles http://www.alternativemedicine.com/AMHome.asp?cn=Catalog&act=SearchAttribute |
140. EMJA: Craig Et Al, Evidence-based Medicine: Useful Tools For Decision Making An article from the Medical Journal of Australia explains the basic processes and concepts, with descriptions of common computerassisted research tools. http://www.mja.com.au/public/issues/174_05_050301/craig/craig.html | |
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