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181. AOA | Visit Our New Web Sites Certification requirements and discussion of requirements for designation of added qualifications in a variety of subspecialties. http://www.aoa-net.org/Certification/internalmed.htm | |
182. MedBioWorld: Medical/Medicine And Bioscience Journals, Associations And Resource MedBioWorld is the largest medical and bioscience reference site, includingjournals, associations, and databases. Other research tools include medical http://www.sciencekomm.at/ | |
183. Home - Department Of Medicine In The Medical School At The University Of Minneso Department of medicine Department of medicine in the Medical School at theUniversity of Minnesota. http://www.dom.umn.edu/ | |
184. College Of Dental Medicine@MUSC Information on the Medical University of South Carolina Dental School. http://www2.musc.edu/dentistry/dental.html | |
185. Untitled Document Annual congress for veterinarians active in veterinary internal medicine, mainly companion animals http://www.vet.uu.nl/esvim | |
186. Asthmaweb A resource for clinicians involved in respiratory medicine. http://www.asthmaweb.net/ |
187. Hyperbaric Healing Center In Beverly Hills Specializing In Healing Wounds And Co Comprehensive explanation of Hyperbaric Treatments. Pictures and description of our facility, before and after photos of wound care, and cosmetic surgery. FAQ, forum, a physician's area, and information on uses such as CP and strokes. http://www.hyperbaricrx.com/ | |
188. Veterinary Index Includes board members and staff, contact information, licensing information, veterinary statutes and regulations, and complaint process. http://www.dora.state.co.us/Veterinarians/ | |
189. Buying Medicines And Medical Products Online FAQs FAQ on health concerns and legal aspects of buying medications over the Internet and from foreign sources. http://www.fda.gov/oc/buyonline/faqs.html | |
190. SpringerLink Home - Main Information about scientific books and journals of the Springer publishing group,CDROM publications, software products, and catalogues, and online access http://www.springerlink.com/ | |
191. Family Practice Notebook A compendium of notes on approaches to common problems seen in family practicewith supporting references. http://www.fpnotebook.com/ | |
192. New Medicines In Development For Women - DrDonnica.com - The First Name In Women Dr. Donnica discusses the different types of ongoing research for women's health and how women can become involved in clinical trials. http://www.drdonnica.com/articles/00000148-001.htm | |
193. Blackwell Publishing Home Page Independent publisher of books, journals and educational software for the academicand professional market. Includes list of international offices. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/ | |
194. HerbMed An interactive, electronic herbal database which provides scientific data underlyingthe use of herbs for health. Includes human clinical studies, http://www.herbmed.org/ | |
195. MedBioWorld: Medical Journals Links to the homepages of medical journals in dozens of disciplines. http://www.medbioworld.com/med/journals/med-bio.html | |
196. Bandolier - Evidence Based Thinking About Health Care Monthly independent journal about evidencebased healthcare, written by Oxfordscientists for healthcare professionals and consumers. http://www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/bandolier/ | |
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