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141. Family Law Source - Divorce, Custody, Support & Mediation family law research, information and resources, family mediation, domestic violencebooks, research on Minnesota law and other state laws. http://www.familylawsource.com/ | |
142. Mediator, Divorce Mediation - Mark Portman Mediation mediation and family law services for separation and divorce in the greater San Francisco Bay area. http://www.themediator.com/ | |
143. Bob Binder & Associates, P.C. Offers services for personal injury litigation and mediation for family law and civil cases. http://www.texaslawyers.com/binder/ | |
144. Welcome To The Law Offices Of Karen Drury Russell San Jose attorney specializing in collaborative law and divorce mediation without court resolution. http://www.kdrlaw.com/home.html | |
145. DivorceNet - Divorce Net: Family Law Information, Solutions, News And Community Collaborative law Avoid going to court. Divorce mediation - Negotiate youragreement. Financial Planning - Understand your finances. http://www.divorcenet.com/index_html | |
146. New Zealand Legal Mediation : Law, Mediator, Facilitator, Arbitrator, Associate The definitive map of New Zealand Web space. Use Rocket Search to find business,legal mediation, computers, education, entertainment, government, health, http://www.nzs.com/business/legal/mediation/ | |
147. FindLaw - Law, Lawyer, Lawyers, Attorney, Attorneys And Legal Resources San Leandro family law practice that also offers divorce mediation services. http://www.kathleenreeves.com/ | |
148. Articles And Publications Arbitration, mediation and Adjudication. Court refused order pendinginvestigation by law Society because of difficulty of assessing potential outcome http://www.nadr.co.uk/articles/articles.php?category=15 |
149. An Analysis Of Principled Advocacy In The Development Of The Uniform Mediation A mediation is a distinct process from the practice of law, Further, if mediationis the practice of law, then lawyers may find that practicing law http://www.acrnet.org/uma/Firestone.htm | |
150. CaliforniaDivorce.com: Find A California Divorce Attorney. California Divorce La Seal Beach attorney whose practice is limited to family law litigation and mediation. http://www.californiadivorce.com/ | |
151. CMC Website Homepage Under the ministry of law, this center provides a dispute resolution service through the use of mediation as a tool to resolve social and community disputes. Read about their mission and background, as well as register and obtain brochures online. http://notesapp.internet.gov.sg/__48256E09003B1AF3.nsf | |
152. David Hollands - New Zealand Contains interesting information about dispute resolution (conciliation, facilitation, mediation, arbitration) and construction contracts (law and administration). http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~deh/ | |
153. Negotiation Of Agreements And Mediation - Law Firm Davis Matthews & Quigley PC A Articles Negotiation Of Agreements And mediation PDF version Elizabeth GreenLindsey, Esq. Emily Widmann McBurney, Esq. Davis, Matthews Quigley, http://www.dmqlaw.com/CM/Articles/Articles88.asp | |
154. Sheri Y. Dean Associates Offering services for family law, estate planning, mediation, and Social Security denials. http://sheriydeanassoc.lawoffice.com/ |
155. BEVERLY J. GREELY, Attorney - Mediator, TEXAS DIVORCE, Child Custody, Child Supp General practice law firm, also offering mediation services. http://www.bjgreely.com/ | |
156. Labour Justice Specializes in labour law, IR and mediation service. http://www.labourjustice.com/ | |
157. STRYKER, DUENSING, CASNER & DOLLISON - ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW - U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS Attorneysat-law. Areas of practice include insurance defense of personal injury cases, banking and real estate law, admiralty and maritime law, arbitration, mediation, labor and employment law, commercial litigation, corporations, limited liability companies and general business matters. http://www.vilawyers.com/ | |
158. DivorceNet - Massachusetts Divorce Family law articles, FAQs, links to local counsel and mediation, selfhelp information and interactive bulletin board. http://www.divorcenet.com/ma/ma.html | |
159. UWLS Clinical Law Program Students complete mediation training through the law SchoolÂs Continuing Julia Ann Gold is Senior Lecturer in law and Director of the mediation Clinic. http://www.law.washington.edu/Clinics/mediation.html | |
160. Home Page Of The Division Of Administrative Law Appeals Includes information on 801 CMR, frequently asked questions, recent decisions and mediation. http://www.mass.gov/dala/ | |
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