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121. Media Box - Audio Grabber, Mp3 Encoder, Mp3 Decoder, Mp3 Player, Free Download Audio Grabber, WAV, WMA, WMV, AVI, MP3 encoder, decoder, player and much more!Free download, free updates. http://www.e-soft.co.uk/FreeDownload.htm | |
122. Education Media OnLine Login Does your institution subscribe to Education media OnLine? Latest additions tothe Education media OnLine collections Preview Film Clip http://www.emol.ac.uk/ | |
123. Refugees, Asylum-seekers And The Mass Media Project REFUGEES ASYLUMSEEKERS media (RAM) PROJECT Promoting best practice in mediarepresentation of refugee and asylum issues http://www.ramproject.org.uk/ | |
124. New Media Knowledge - New Media Knowledge New media Knowledge (NMK) is a learning and business information resource fordigital interactive media in the UK. http://www.nmk.co.uk/ | |
125. Media Recruitment Jobs - The Media Network UK media recruitment consultancy specialising in journalism and editorial jobswithin magazine publishing, online news services and corporate communications http://www.tmn.co.uk/ | |
126. Media Smart® Helping Children To Watch Wisely. media Smart, the media literacy initiative for UK primary school children, focusedinitially on advertising. http://www.mediasmart.org.uk/ | |
127. Newsquest Media Group UK unit of Gannett publishing newspapers, magazines, supplements and specialpublications, as well as offering internet sites, contract print facilities, http://www.newsquest.co.uk/ | |
128. Recruit Media - Freelance And Permanent UK Jobs In New Media, Editorial, DFP And Providing permanent, contract and freelance jobs in the UK and Europe. Recruit mediaspecialise in new media and technical, editorial, dfp, http://www.recruitmedia.co.uk/ | |
129. Guardian Media Group PLC Guardian media Group plc is a UK mutlimedia organisation. Publishing and printingprovide our core business but recent investments have taken the group http://www.gmgplc.co.uk/ | |
130. MEDIA DESK UK UK media Online information for the UK audiovisual industry about Europe smedia Programme, grants and loans for development and distribution, http://www.mediadesk.co.uk/ | |
131. Home mediaWise is the new name for PressWise, the independent media ethics charity, Working with the media A handbook for health communicators. http://www.presswise.org.uk/ | |
132. Performing Artists' Media Rights Association http://www.pamra.org.uk/ |
133. ADAM, The Art, Design, Architecture & Media Information Gateway ADAM is a searchable catalogue of over 2000 Internet resources catalogued byprofessional librarians for the UK higher education community. http://adam.ac.uk/ | |
134. Coventry City Council: Herbert media, The Herbert s Digital media production and programming team, isproud to present the first public screening of Story Without End  a new http://www.coventry.gov.uk/ | |
135. Mousetrap Media - Online Publishing, Newsletters, Ezines, News And Conference Ph Mousetrap media can help build your online community with email lists, newsletters,content management tools and web design. We source, edit and compile http://www.mousetrapmedia.co.uk/ | |
136. Roche UK - Latest Media Releases This section of the site is intended for members of the media and contains mediareleases issued by Roche in the UK. http://www.rocheuk.com/html/news/list.asp | |
137. Evangelical Alliance Represents1.2 million Christians in 40 denominations, promoting evangelical unityand representing evangelical concern to government and media. http://www.eauk.org/ | |
138. Semiotics For Beginners media and Communication Studies Site Daniel s Homepage In Association withamazon.co.uk. This page has been accessed times since 18th September 1995. http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/S4B/semiotic.html | |
139. Multimap.com - Online Maps To Everywhere Global mapping service including street maps of Europe, North America and Australia. http://www.multimap.com/ | |
140. GlaxoSmithKline - Redirect GlaxoSmithKline Inc., based in Research Triangle Park, NC, is a leading researchbasedpharmaceutical firm. http://www.gsk.com/ |
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