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81. British Society For The History Of Mathematics Mission is to promote research into the development of the field from ancient times to the present, as well as to study uses for teaching the subject. Membership includes researchers, teachers, students, and anyone with a general interest in this topic. Page includes newsletter, list of meetings, archive of journals referenced in publications, and resource links. http://www.bshm.org/ | |
82. Articulation Guide - General Education Courses The following is taken from the mathematics section of that document. The mathematics component of general education focuses on quantitative reasoning to http://www.imacc.org/articulation/gened/ | |
83. Uwmc Mthwww Server HOMEPAGE Covering most branches of mathematics and a good selection of general math resources. Compiled by M. Maheswaran, University of Wisconsin Marathon County. http://mthwww.uwc.edu/wwwmahes/homepage.htm | |
84. Topology Set Theoretic and general Topology research group members. http://www.math-inst.hu/staff/topology.html | |
85. Mathematics, General B.S. mathematics, general BS The College Physical Sciences Required mathematics 115A, 117, 123, 131A, 170A or Statistics 100A or 110A, one course from 131B http://cis.ucla.edu/studyArea/course.asp?type=MAJ&code=394 |
86. Analytic Solution For The Burgers Equation Provides the general analytic solution for the Burgers equation in the form of a 4D commutative hypercomplex function. The solution exhibits the main dynamic features in a Burgers medium propagation of disturbances, shock waves, propagating state change fronts, and solitons. A page is included to explain the hypercomplex mathematics. http://home.usit.net/~cmdaven/burgers.htm | |
87. Mathematics, General B.S. mathematics, general BS (The College) Physical Sciences Required mathematics 115A, 117, 123, 131A, 170A or Statistics 100A or 110A, one course from http://cis.ucla.edu/studyArea/courseprint.asp?id=106 |
88. Math Forum Discussions Sci.math Instructors of general and advanced mathematics will find others who share their interests at the sci.math discussion list. http://mathforum.org/epigone/sci.math/ | |
89. University Of New South Wales - School Of Mathematics - General Studies Courses general Studies Courses. Summer Session Courses. GENS 2002 mathematics in Architecture. Session 1 Courses. GENS 0501 The Marine Environment http://www.maths.unsw.edu.au/students/current/courses/gscourselist.html | |
90. Galois Galois theory, a branch of mathematics dealing with the general solution of equations, group theory, method of determining when a general equation could be solved by radicals, solved many longstanding unanswered questions. http://history.math.csusb.edu/Mathematicians/Galois.html | |
91. 2000 National Doctoral Program Survey - Survey Results Results by year of graduation, mathematics, general/Other programs Recent graduates vs. current students, mathematics, general/Other programs http://survey.nagps.org/getComparison.php?t=144 |
92. Mechanics And Mathematics Department Official site of the department with general information on the department's activity. http://mmfd.nsu.ru/ |
93. 2000 National Doctoral Program Survey - Rank Programs Basic Rankings for mathematics, general/Other Programs. Choose a criterion for ranking departments from the following list. http://survey.nagps.org/getWeights.php?deptSet=1&deptType=144 |
94. Bachelor Degree In Mathematics, General College And University Degrees. mathematics, general A general program that focuses on the analysis of quantities, magnitudes, forms, and their relationships, using symbolic log. http://www.universities.com/On-Campus/Bachelor_degree_Mathematics_and_Statistics | |
95. Download Mathematics - General Diesel EBooks mathematics general e-books download at Diesel eBooks. http://www.diesel-ebooks.com/cgi-bin/category/JNF035000 | |
96. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Publishes educational, professional, medical and general interest books, textbooks, CD ROMs, and reference materials. Includes computing, engineering, medicine, social sciences, mathematics. Books available for purchase online. http://www.mcgrawhill.ca/ | |
97. Mathematics, General -- Education-Portal.com -- Prospective students who searched for mathematics, general found the following information relevant and useful. http://education-portal.com/directory/category/Math_and_Statistics/Math/Mathemat | |
98. Overview Of Mathematical And Statistical Software Libraries Source code and documentation for libraries in the areas of geophysical science, Fast Fourier Transforms, separable elliptic PDEs, interpolation, Legendre polynomials, spherical harmonics, general mathematics, eigensystem solvers, linear equation solvers, nonlinear equation solvers, ordinary differential equations, special functions, and statistics. http://www.scd.ucar.edu/softlib/mathlib.html | |
99. Career Information For A Degree In General Mathematics -- Education-Portal.com - Students who searched for Career Information for a Degree in general mathematics found the following related articles, links, and information useful. http://education-portal.com/articles/Career_Information_for_a_Degree_in_General_ | |
100. Mathematics At The University Of Tasmania Conceived as a triumvirate research component, along with the discplines of Physics and the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies. Provides the visitors with details about the educational staff and the semestrial organization of seminars, general information for students, pertaining to scholarships, courses and admission standards, and research domains, publications and facilities. Also includes geographical facts and contact addresses about the departments of Hobart and Launceston, and hyperlinks to various domainrelated Web sites. http://www.maths.utas.edu.au/ |
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