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61. CENTER Mathematics Sources /CENTER general. If I had to pick one Kline s is probably the best single volume biographies of Mathematicians. Cardano The Gambling Scholar, Oystein Ore. http://math.bu.edu/INDIVIDUAL/jeffs/biblio.html | |
62. Recommended Books @A mathematician s Apology, GH Hardy (Why would you become a mathematician? a long list of fascinating biographies of mathematicians the most recent, http://learn.sdstate.edu/flintd/flint/books.htm | |
63. IllumiRate Directory | Education & Science | Mathematics | General Biography of the mathematician Wilhelm Weber (18041891), with links to furtherinformation general mathematical, science and physics educational items. http://www.illumirate.com/cat_items.cfm?cat_id=424000 |
64. IllumiRate Directory Biographies Of Women Mathematicians Science/Mathematics/general/biographies of Women Mathematicians Keywordsbiographies women mathematicians woman subject reference resource research http://www.illumirate.com/opinions.cfm?cat_id=424000&item_id=87833 |
65. Malaspina Great Books - Sophie Germain (1776) Sophie Germain (17761831) was a mathematician born to a middle-class merchantfamily The general explained to Gauss that Germain had asked that he be http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_553.asp | |
66. Mathematics general theories of twentieth century mathematics and why they matter. Contains the biographies of important women mathematicians over the last several http://www.booksink.com/general-mathematics.htm | |
67. Bowditch, Nathaniel -- Encyclopædia Britannica Bowditch, Nathaniel selfeducated American mathematician and astronomer, American mathematician, astronomer, and educator who computed the general http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9016009 | |
68. EEVL | Mathematics Section | Browse There are also links to general history and biography sites for mathematics There are links to the biographies of mathematicians who contributed to the http://www.eevl.ac.uk/mathematics/math-browse-page.htm?action=Class Browse&brows |
69. EEVL | Mathematics Section | Browse This is the general topology page of the Los Alamos National Laboratory s There are links to the biographies of mathematicians who contributed to the http://www.eevl.ac.uk/mathematics/math-browse-page.htm?action=Class Browse&brows |
70. Homework Help -- Mathematics general. Ask Dr. Math Answers to math questions are provided by math studentsand professors Mathematicians/History. biographies of Women Mathematicians http://www.kcls.org/hh/mathematics.cfm | |
71. Internet Resources For Use In Mathematics Classes biographies of Mathematicians Full Chronological Index covering over 30 reporters, politicians, activists, and in general many nonmath people. http://www.internet4classrooms.com/math_gen.htm | |
72. G1ASOC -- Mathematics And Society -- Useful Links A biography, George Green mathematician and physicist 17931841, For moregeneral comments on mathematics and literature, see first the general course http://www.maths.nott.ac.uk/personal/anw/G1ASOC/Links.html | |
73. View All Mathematics biographies of Female Mathematicians, biographies of Mathematicians, In general, mathematics books that were published between 1830 and 1900 or are http://www.library.nd.edu/ddw/public/resource_list.cgi?term_id=4044&list_type=vi |
74. Mathematics Resources For Educators Arithmetic, Elementary Math and general High School Math MathQuest. Mathematicians of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries biographies http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/math.htm |
75. Mathematician At The Ballpark Odds And Probabilities For Baseball You don t need to be a mathematician, but you d better not be afraid to look at Military biographies - Grant and Sherman The Friendship That Won the http://www.books-on-line.com/bol/BookDisplay.cfm?BookNum=30697 |
76. Owens Library Mathematics WWW Resources A list of links is provided on topics that include general sites, web resources, biographies of Women Mathematicians is part of an ongoing project by http://www.nwmissouri.edu/library/courses/math/mathwww.htm | |
77. QUT Library Finding General Information Resources In Mathematics Finding general Information Resources in Mathematics Biographical dictionaryof mathematicians reference biographies from the Dictionary of scientific http://www.library.qut.edu.au/subjectpath/mathematics.jsp |
78. Biographies Good, general starting point for biographies of Women Mathematicians, Description Brief biographies of over 70......Academy of American Poets, http://www.lib.depaul.edu/eresource/infotype_subject_search.asp?MaterialID=4 |
79. UOB MathsLinks: Mathematics Education Sites On WWW Contains a wide variety of links from the general to the specific WomenMathematicians Welcome to the web page for biographies of women in mathematics. http://www.edu.bham.ac.uk/maths/links/ |
80. LII - Results For "mathematics" biographies of Women Mathematicians. Biographical information on more than 125 women This collection consists of the digitization of over 450 general http://www.lii.org/search?subsearch=Mathematics;query=Mathematics;searchtype=sub |
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