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21. Mathematician (from Eudoxus Of Cnidus) -- Encyclopædia Britannica of proportions (equal ratios) forms the basis for the general account ofproportions found Collection of biographies of noted female mathematicians. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-2181 | |
22. German American Corner: EINSTEIN, Albert (1879-1955) Since the time of the English mathematician and physicist Sir Isaac Newton, On the basis of the general theory of relativity, Einstein accounted for http://www.germanheritage.com/biographies/atol/einstein.html | |
23. The NSDL Scout Report For Mathematics Engineering And Technology-- Volume 3, Num With this website, mathematics fans can honor at least one mathematician a day The Indexes of biographies starts in 500 AD and goes to the present, http://scout.wisc.edu/Reports/NSDL/MET/2004/met-040604-general.php | |
24. Read This: The Mathematical Explorer The inquisitive user will soon get the general idea and may take the initiative to It also allows one to search for concepts, mathematician biographies, http://www.maa.org/reviews/mathexplore.html | |
25. Biographies The French mathematician and scientist Cauchy contributed to just about every branch De Morgan is best known for the general principle of duality in set http://www.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/vesta/Virtual_Labs/resources/resources3.html | |
26. Helpful Links: Math--Homeschool Christian.com A listing of links for math including these subtitles general, RivendellEducational Archive mathematician biographies, Fractal Image Gallery. http://www.homeschoolchristian.com/Links/Math/ | |
27. Math Literature Ask Dr. Math This is by far the best general resource on math for 3 stars Women mathematician biographies - Lots and lots of biographies. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/7726/mathematics.html | |
28. Multnomah County Library Homework Center - Biographies - Homework Center - Multn Mathematicians Native Americans Nobel Prize Laureates Oregon biographies http//www.rembrandthuis.nl general information about the house as well as http://www.multcolib.org/homework/biohc.html | |
29. Biographies General Curriculum biographies of Women Mathematicians, Men weren t the only minds behind greatmathematical discoveries. Throughout history, women have made a significant http://district.sbschools.net/ite/test/curricpages/gc_biographies.htm | |
30. Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727) Laplace, who is in general very sparing of his praise, makes of Newton the This page is included in a collection of mathematical biographies taken from http://www.maths.tcd.ie/pub/HistMath/People/Newton/RouseBall/RB_Newton.html | |
31. Rene Descartes (1596 - 1650) In his letters Descartes illustrated his theory by giving the general rule This page is included in a collection of mathematical biographies taken from http://www.maths.tcd.ie/pub/HistMath/People/Descartes/RouseBall/RB_Descartes.htm | |
32. Evariste Galois' Biography biographies of Mathematicians Ãvariste Galois. Born 25 Oct., 1811, Galois proved that no such general method could be found, at least using a purely http://www.andrews.edu/~calkins/math/biograph/biogaloi.htm | |
33. Biography Of Charles Hermite biographies of Mathematicians Hermite Hermite is also famous for solvingthe general quintic equation, which requires transcendental (elliptic) http://www.andrews.edu/~calkins/math/biograph/199899/biohermi.htm | |
34. The Math Forum - Math Library - History/Biography biographies of Women Mathematicians Agnes Scott College general history ofastronomy pages on the Web a catalog of archives and libraries, museums, http://mathforum.org/library/topics/history/ | |
35. The Math Forum - Math Library - History/Biography Famous mathematicians biographies, portraits; student more An integratedbody of resource material for a high school general mathematics course. http://mathforum.org/library/topics/history/?keyid=14176149&start_at=301&num_to_ |
36. BIOGRAPHICAL RESOURCES general biographies Artists Celebrities Composers Inventors Mathematicians Nobel Mathematicians Indexes of Mathematicians biographies http://www.wisdomportal.com/Biography/Biography.html | |
37. AWM Links For Biographies biographies of women in the mathematical sciences and science in general. biographies of Women Mathematicians This award-winning web site hosts a http://www.awm-math.org/biographies.html | |
38. CyberStacks(sm)Mathematics (General) Screen The archive contains the biographies of more than 1000 mathematicians. About 200of these biographies are fairly detailed and most are accompanied by http://www.public.iastate.edu/~CYBERSTACKS/hyb_qa_1.htm | |
39. Copernicus, Nicholaus (1473-1543) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific B Polish astronomer and mathematician who, as a student, studied canon law, But Copernicus had made no observations and stated no general laws. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Copernicus.html | |
40. Kids --- Biographies AfricanAmericans biographies in general Books Children s Authors Explorers biographies of Women Mathematicians The biographies are listed in http://oceancounty.lib.nj.us/Kids/biographies.htm | |
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