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41. Service Learning: Disabilities And Special Needs Students And Service-Learning: Disabilities and special needs Students and ServiceLearning Selected maryland Student Service Alliance. special Education Service Learning Guide. http://www.servicelearning.org/lib_svcs/bibs/disab_sel/ | |
42. Service Learning: Service-Learning And Individuals With Disabilities Performing maryland Student Service Alliance. special Education Service Learning Guide. The I CAN Project is designed to teach special needs kids of school age and http://www.servicelearning.org/lib_svcs/bibs/indiv_disab/ | |
43. Disabilities Expo - Seniors Expo - World Of Possibilities - Respite Care - Carin Denton, MD, Partners for Success/maryland School for the Deaf Columbia, MD Woodbine HousePublisher of the special needs Collection http://expo.caringcommunities.org/support.php | |
44. FAQ GT-LD Examines educational needs of students who are learning disabled and gifted Secondary School Students; *special Education; *special needs Students; http://ericec.org/faq/gt-ld.html | |
45. Resources Justice, Justice for All; Promoting Disability Awareness in the Jewish Community Teaching special needs Students in Jewish schools. http://archive.jesna.org/cgi-bin/webpages.php3?op2=ne_ressne |
46. The School Years Provides information and support for parents and caregivers of school childrenwith special needs. maryland Developmental Disabilities Council Link. http://family-networks.org/school_aged.cfm | |
47. Mini-Grant Activities A project of the maryland Developmental Disabilities Council under a grant from To provide trained respite workers to meet the special needs of Jewish http://family-networks.org/minigrants.cfm | |
48. JHU Center For Technology In Education JHU and the maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) joined forces to the quality of life of all children, particularly those with special needs. http://cte.jhu.edu/aboutus_history.html | |
49. SEVERE AND/OR MULTIPLE DISABILITIES Fact Sheet Number 10 (FS10 schools are addressing the needs of students in several ways, for Childrenand Youth with Disabilities (NICHCY). Back To special Education Articles Page. http://www.theteachersguide.com/SevanMultDisFactSheet.html | |
50. Mikulski Joins Colleagues In Passing Special Education Bill, Vows To Continue Th And it allows schools to help students who need special attention, but not necessarily ÂEverywhere I go in maryland, I hear about special education. http://mikulski.senate.gov/record.cfm?id=221515 |
51. Senator Mikulski Fights For Special Education And it allows schools to help students who need special attention, Caring fora disabled child can be exhausting. School should not be one of the many http://mikulski.senate.gov/record.cfm?id=205530 |
52. Uniquely Gifted - Resources For Gifted/Special Needs Children Advocacy/special Education Getting What Your Child needs from schools Gifted Children with Learning Disabilities A Review of the Issues by Linda http://www.uniquelygifted.org/ | |
53. Education Update - Special Education As a principal of a private school for learning disabled children, Offeringpsychotherapeutic services for Parents of special needs Children http://www.educationupdate.com/sections/special_education/index_04.html | |
54. Policy Review, January-February, 1999 -- "Sending Public School Students To Priv Far from abandoning the needs of special education students, the private sector Before then, many disabled students didnÂt attend school at all or were http://www.policyreview.org/jan99/fox.html | |
55. Burden Of Proof Yet An Issue To Be Settled - The Honolulu Advertiser - Hawaii's The school district argues that under maryland law, the party taking the appealhas the specialneeds children are entitled to and deserve a free, http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/2005/Jul/24/op/507240311.html | |
56. Books On Disabilities For Parents And Students Living With A Brother Or Sister With special needs A Book For Sibs, a newstudent at Bear Country School who is disabled and uses a wheelchair, http://www.cesa4.k12.wi.us/programs-services/lrc/parentresources.htm | |
57. Learning Disabilities OnLine - LD-Indepth: Parenting Information Parenting a child with special needs is quite a challenge. Between Parentsand schools, Learning Disabilities Assoc. of America, LDA Newsbriefs, Vol. http://www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/parenting/parenting.html | |
58. High School Information - Montgomery College, MD community program for students with special needs exiting high school. Montgomery College Grants for High School Students. maryland State Dual http://www.montgomerycollege.edu/Departments/studev/hsinfo.html | |
59. School Bus Transportation News At STN Media Indeed, the Individuals with Disabilities Act allows a school district to ask DC schools transport about 3500 special needs students at about $40 http://www.stnonline.com/stn/articlearchive/bluth082000.htm | |
60. A School Zone - Assistive Technology And Alternative And Augmentative Communicat TrackStar special needs hardware and softwarehas 20 good sites listed to visit Assistive Technology for disabled Children A program aimed to help with http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/6097/assist_tech.html | |
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