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21. Minority Students In Special And Gifted Education To Nurturing Minority Students With special needs or Talents Individuals withDisabilities Education Act requiring schools to serve disabled students, http://www4.nationalacademies.org/news.nsf/isbn/0309074398?OpenDocument |
22. Honolulu Star-Bulletin News /2005/08/07/ involves a maryland couple and their specialneeds son A couple s disputewith maryland public schools over a special education program for their son http://starbulletin.com/2005/08/07/news/story4.html | |
23. The National Organization On Disability - Emergency Preparedness schools for students with disabilities; 50% did not have a special needs on Emergency Evacuations for People with Disabilities Issued in maryland http://www.nod.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=Page.viewPage&pageId=11 |
24. CampDepot.com - Roadmap To X Inclusion for Students with special needs. by Wayne Steedman, Esq. Placingchildren with disabilities in separate classes or schools may occur only if http://campdepot.com/SC_RoadmapToX.html | |
25. High Court To Hear Md. Special-Ed Case (washingtonpost.com) schools Must Prove Adherence to Disabilities Law, Couple s Suit Asserts a major impact on millions of parents and their children with special needs. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A45395-2005Feb22.html | |
26. Tutoring For Special Needs Children Maryland Isaac Cohen tutor for special needs kids maryland tutoring services forstudents with learning disabilities from elementary school through college. http://www.iser.com/icohen-tutoring-MD.html | |
27. Special Educational Needs And The Foreign Service Child Services in School for Children with special needs What Parents Need to Know Provides intelligence, and developmental disabilities. ARC of maryland http://www.state.gov/m/dghr/flo/9856.htm | |
28. Enriched And Innovative Instruction: Gifted And Talented, Learning Disabled Montgomery County Public schools, Rockville, maryland High School Studentswho need the more intensive support of a special GT/LD setting, may be served http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/curriculum/enriched/gtld/ | |
29. NASP Position Statement - Early Intervention Services Public schools are involved in the provision of special education and relatedservices Bridging early services for children with special needs and their http://www.nasponline.org/information/pospaper_eis.html | |
30. Students With Special Needs: Community Collaboration Including Young Children with special needs Ilene S. Schwartz, Jay McTighedescribes an innovative collaboration of maryland school districts. http://www.newhorizons.org/spneeds/inclusion/collaboration/front_collab.html | |
31. Learning Disabilities Association Of Maryland, Inc. Federation for Children with special needs is a center for parents and parent maryland Resources for Persons with Disabilities maryland School http://www.ldamaryland.org/ | |
32. Maryland Education Resources For People With Disabilities And Their Families schools. The maryland Association of Nonpublic special Education This specialeducation school serves students with multiple disabilities ages 5 to 21. http://www.linc.org/resedu.html | |
33. Maryland Recreation And Art Resources For People With Disabilities And Their Fam with learning disabilities sponsored by Annapolis Sailing School and the maryland special needs Day Camps a list sponsored by Preston-Whitelaw http://www.linc.org/resfun.html | |
34. Going To School, Ir A La Escuela educational opportunities to children with special needs is a family issue, GOING TO SCHOOL ~ IR A LA ESCUELA shows how mothers of disabled children http://www.richardcohenfilms.com/GoingtoSchool.htm | |
35. Learning Disabilities In The School-Aged Child Learn disabilities in schoolaged children. Children with special needs The University of maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD. http://www.healthatoz.com/healthatoz/Atoz/hc/par/spcl/bsld.jsp |
36. Md. Urges Takeover Of City S Schools - Baltimoresun.com Calling Baltimore s specialeducation program a failure of extraordinary in which lawyers for disabled students alleged that the city schools failed to http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/education/bal-te.md.special19jul19,1,6281402.st |
37. Site Services | Baltimoresun.com In court filing, state officials call special ed extraordinary failure; in which lawyers for disabled students alleged that the city schools failed to http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/education/bal-te.md.special19jul19,1,6281402.st |
38. Maryland Committee For Children The special needs Enhanced Counseling Service. The maryland Committee for Finding Child Care Choosing Child Care special needs or disabilities http://mdchildcare.org/mdcfc/for_parents/specialneeds.html | |
39. Message maryland Infants and Toddlers Program and Preschool special Education needs todevelop the skills that will be the foundation for school success. http://www.marylandpublicschools.org/MSDE/Programs/specialed/infant_toddlers/mes | |
40. After Graduation: Meeting Special Needs of this technologybased alternative high school in Baltimore, maryland. A volume detailing a full range of programs for special needs students. http://soundprint.org/radio/display_show/ID/586/name/After Graduation: Meeting S | |
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