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Martens Wildlife: more books (34) | ||
41. Michigan Wildlife Conservancy The number of bald eagles, pine martens or other wildlife supported is the bottomline for us. The average cost of wetland restoration by the Michigan http://www.miwildlife.org/rm.asp | |
42. ADW: Martes Foina: Information A population of beech martens is now established in Wisconsin, United States seed dispersal by stone and/or pine martens. wildlife Biology, 9(1) 1119. http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Martes_foina.htm | |
43. Scottish Wildlife In Lochaber Pine martens are also regular visitors to the lodges but like the Squirrel needa little enticement. Highland wildlife Park (Just north of Kingussie) http://www.birchbrae.com/activities/seewildlife.asp | |
44. BirdForum - RFI: Pine Martens - Speyside Or West Coast Thanks to all those who recommended Speyside wildlife for Pine martens Mum andDad had a fantastic evening watching these, and Badgers. http://www.birdforum.net/archive/index.php/t-32420 | |
45. The Waabizheshi (pine Marten) Project and the Great Lakes Indian Fish wildlife Commission (GLIFWC) are trying to Typically, pine martens eat redbacked and meadow voles (a mouse-like http://www.glifwc.org/pub/spring02/waabizheshi.htm | |
46. Mink Art - Mink Paintings & Mink Sculptures (Marten,Fisher,Wolverine)- Wildlife wildlife paintings and wildlife sculptures for sale by wildlife artist and natureartist members of the Worldwide Nature Artists Group. http://www.natureartists.com/mink-martens-fishers-wolverines.asp | |
48. Search Results For: Marten In Cultures And Groups : Wildlife Gifts : Marketplace wildlife, All Products family crests martens Family Crest Sweatshirt.$24.99 Add To Cart. martens Family Crest http://www.cafepress.com/shop/animals/browse/Ntt-marten_Ne-25_bt-3_N-3773_Ntk-Al | |
49. Entrez PubMed In two areas of the Federal Republic of Germany, 191 rabies cases in martens wereinvestigated for t http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8 |
50. Summit Daily News For Breckenridge, Keystone, Copper And Frisco Colorado - News martens and other wildlife officers met with Redstone residents in a town meetingon Aug. 6. Taylor, Haddock and others contend they were again assured that http://www.summitdaily.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20040917/NEWS/109170012&Se |
51. DMNS : Wildlife Exhibits North American wildlife. martens and manatees and moose, oh my! These animalsare all part of the diverse wildlife on display in the spectacular North http://www.dmns.org/main/en/General/Exhibitions/CurrentExhibitions/Wildlife Hall | |
52. Bill's Wildlife Sites; Art And Photography Hans martens Features beautiful photographs of African wildlife. CatherineMcClung - Watercolor paintings of birds and wildflowers. http://www.wildlifer.com/wildlifesites/wildart.html | |
53. BBC NEWS | England | North Yorkshire | 'Extinct' Pine Marten In Comeback wildlife experts believe the pine marten, once declared extinct in England Vincent wildlife Trust, said I m reasonably confident we do have martens in http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/north_yorkshire/3953599.stm | |
54. Country Reflections Article - Mallard Country Reflections wildlife column Mallard. PINE martens could soon be seenagain in southern English woodlands which is bad news for a certain http://www.countryreflections.co.uk/columns/pinemarten.htm | |
55. JWD -- Sign In Page Livetrapping and immobilizing American martens. wildlife Society Bulletin 24555Â558. GRASSMAN, LI, JR. 1999. Ecology and behavior of the Indochinese http://www.jwildlifedis.org/cgi/content/full/40/3/575 | |
56. Species At Risk - Species At Risk - RENEW Annual Reports - Canadian Wildlife Ser Latest population estimate about 300 martens in Newfoundland (1996) The recovery team is working on establishing wildlife/ecological reserves and http://www.speciesatrisk.gc.ca/publications/renew/1988-98/marten_e.cfm | |
57. Dancing Pelican Nature Photography - Stock Photography Subject List marshes (wildlife) martens mating, courtship (large files, many species) meadows,fields meadows, fields (flowering) meadows, fields (wildlife) http://www.dancingpelican.com/stock_list.html | |
58. Martens And Fishers (Martes) In Human-Altered Environm...-Springer Animal Ecolog martens and the fisher have high metabolic rates, have large spatial requirements,have high surface area to volume ratios fishers. martens. wildlife http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,5-135-22-34955983-0,00.h | |
59. SR.com Reintroduction Effort Gives Mountain Quail A New Start In Idaho, Craig Mountain wildlife manager Jim White said the agency receivesreports of one or When birds die, martens will attempt to learn the cause. http://www.spokesmanreview.com/local/story.asp?ID=62486 |
60. National Wildlife: Emerging From Obscurity - Researching Martens And Fishers Historically, fishers and martens were found from the Pacific rain forests wildlife research / North America martens / Research Weasels / Research http://www.gradewinner.com/p/articles/mi_m1169/is_2000_April-May/ai_61456526 | |
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