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41. Mars Exploration: Home Read the article NASA s Multipurpose mars Mission Successfully Launched Read the article NASA s Next Leap in mars Exploration Ready for Launch http://marsprogram.jpl.nasa.gov/ | |
42. Unofficial Biker Mice From Mars Fan Club Extensive character and episode guide, large fan art and fiction archive, vast image gallery, message board, and links. http://www.bikermice.com/ | |
43. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Home mars Reconnaissance Orbiter launched on August 12, 2005 at 743 AM EDT The launch of NASA s mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has been postponed 24 http://marsprogram.jpl.nasa.gov/mro/ | |
44. The Mars Volta http://www.themarsvolta.com/ |
45. Temple Of Veronica Mars Includes articles, episode guide, cast information, image gallery, and message board. http://free.hostdepartment.com/v/veronicamars/index.html | |
46. Mars Global Surveyor 23Jan-04 MOC2-614 Image of mars Exploration Rover, Spirit, on mars mars Global Surveyor s View of Gusev Crater During Spirit s Entry, Descent, http://mpfwww.jpl.nasa.gov/mgs/ | |
47. Mars Hill College, In The Blue Ridge Mountains Near Asheville, North Carolina Southern Baptist affiliated college located in mars Hill, North Carolina. http://www.mhc.edu/ | |
48. Mars Society Home Server Provides entry to project, communication and outreach related sites of the society. http://home.marssociety.org/ | |
49. D Programming Language Compiled, garbage collected, simpler C/C++ replacement by Walter Bright (wrote first DOS C++ compiler). Maximum similarity to C/C++, except where backward http://www.digitalmars.com/d/ | |
50. MarsNews.com :: NewsWire For The New Frontier NewsWire for the New Frontier. A comprehensive news information resource on mars missions, technology, and the search for life on the red planet. http://www.marsnews.com/ | |
51. Mission To Mars Preview of the film http://www.movie-page.com/2000/MissionToMars.htm | |
52. The "Face On Mars" Table 1 List of Viking Orbiter Images of the Face on mars . PICNO Res. PICNO Res. *070A13 43 m 753A06 588 m *035A72 47 m 753A03 596 m *561A25 163 m 717A04 http://www.msss.com/education/facepage/face.html | |
53. Edgar Rice Burroughs Brief description of the 'Barsoom'(mars) series with list of novels within the series. Two nice pictures of cover art. http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~sparks/sff/erb.html | |
54. Malin Space Science Systems Home Page mars Global Surveyor (launch 1996; status active, orbiting mars) mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) MOC Public Target Request Site http://www.msss.com/ | |
55. CNN.com - New NASA Mars Rover To Touchdown Saturday - Jan. 2, 2004 CNN http://cnn.com/2004/TECH/space/01/02/mars.rovers.ap/index.html | |
56. Mission To Mars Cornell University s developments of the new generation rover for the 2003 mars Exploration Rovers. http://athena.cornell.edu/ | |
57. Mars Missions nasajpl.gif, mars Missions - Past, Present, and Future. mpf-vsm.jpg mars Pathfinder - Landed July 4, 1997 mgs-vsm.jpg mars Global Surveyor - In Orbit http://mars.sgi.com/ | |
58. John Carpenter's Ghosts Of Mars (2001): Reviews Information and a crosssection of reviews. http://www.metacritic.com/film/titles/ghostsofmars | |
59. Mars Pathfinder Mission - Home Page What do the mars Pathfinder spacecraft and the landing site look like in 3D? Subscribe to the mars Pathfinder Mission Status mailing list! http://mars.sgi.com/default1.html | |
60. British Astronomical Association Mars Reports Dates of interest for mars Section Circular archives and Report on Observations archives. http://marswatch.tn.cornell.edu/baa.html | |
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