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181. USMC/COMBAT HELICOPTER ASSOCIATION An organization of Marine helicopter pilots and aircrew who flew combat missions Feel free to join us, or just stop in at www.popasmoke.com often to http://www.popasmoke.com/ | |
182. CNN.com - U.S. Forces Prepare For Possible Kandahar Assault - December 3, 2001 CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/central/12/03/ret.afghan.marines/index.html | |
183. Marines Direct Offers reunion support, message boards and information about the Marine organization. http://www.marinesdirect.com/ | |
184. CNN - U.S. Marines Come Under Fire In Kosovo; Gunman Killed - June 23, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9906/23/kosovo.marines.03/index.html | |
185. ++ Imperium: Final Wars ++ Features battle reports, tactica and information the Space marines. Also includes information on Epic and Mordheim. http://free.hostultra.com/~hellequin/ | |
186. Marines QuestÂÂÂ}ÂÂÂNÂGÂU ãÂÂã¿ãªãÂÂãªãµãÂÂãÂÂç®æÂÂãÂÂ親åÂÂã®æÂÂéÂᏬÂé²ã¨éÂÂæÂÂã£ãÂÂ観æ¦é²ãÂÂã¢ã¡ãªã«æ è¡Âè¨Âã http://cozero.s59.xrea.com/ | |
187. APÂ -Â The Washington Times, America's Newspaper us Marine Capt. Jeffrey Pool, a military spokesman, disputed the account. Pool said two roadside bombs exploded near a us convoy in the Ramadi area. http://ap.washingtontimes.com/dynamic/stories/I/IRAQ?SITE=DCTMS&SECTION=HOME |
188. Sgt Grit's Marine Forum Includes an open forum as well as forums for tributes, wives, moms, future marines, and a restricted forum for marines only. http://www.grunt.com/forum/ | |
189. Marine Corps League Auxiliary - Department Of Illinois The wives, widows, mothers, stepmothers, daughters, stepdaughters, granddaughters, sisters of marines who have honorably served and Women marines, former, active, and reserve. http://www.geocities.com/mclaillinois | |
190. SebIma@ges.aqua Photos sous marines r©alis©es en France, en Mer Rouge ou  Cuba. http://scorrieu.free.fr |
191. CNN.com - Three Marines Injured In Blast - January 18, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/asiapcf/central/01/18/ret.marines.hurt/index.html | |
192. Official Website For The United States Marine Corps Welcome to the Official Homepage of the United States Marine Corps. http://www.usmc.mil/ | |
193. United States Marine Corps - Image Archive Welcome to the Official Homepage of the United States Marine Corps. http://www.usmc.mil/marinelink/image1.nsf/imagearchive | |
194. Seeq_Results: Your Source For World-war-II - Grunts - Grunts.net InfoPage.com Your Source For worldwar-II - grunts - grunts.net. http://www.grunts.net/ |
195. National Data Buoy Center NWS forecasters need frequent, highquality marine observations to diagnose conditions before they prepare forecasts and to be sure their forecasts are http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/ | |
196. USMC Marine Scout Sniper Association An association of Marine Scout/Snipers. http://www.marinescoutsniper.com/ | |
197. Marine Corps Marathon (iad1-srv02) Didn t get into the Marine Corps? Register for our partner marathon Anchors Away for the Marine Corps Marathon Spirit Cruises http://www.marinemarathon.com/ | |
198. Marine Zone NonProfit Website Dedicated to the 7th Marine Regiment s Vietnam Veterans. Neither the United States Marine Corps nor any other component of the http://www.marzone.com/ | |
199. Mote Marine Laboratory - Research center and aquarium concerned with shark and dolphin research as well as marine life indigenous to Florida waters including sea turtles, http://www.mote.org/ | |
200. Marine Corps United States Marine Corps. Marine Corps Units Introduction Marine Corps Links Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory; Marine Corps Systems Command http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/usmc/ | |
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