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21. Topical Directory Of Professional Organizations And Associations For Biologists, Aquatic marine biology Botany/Forestry Ecology Conservation biology, Fish Wildlife Management Organization of Biological Field Stations (OBFS) http://www.nbii.gov/datainfo/orgs/topic.html | |
22. North Africa And The Middle East: Biological Organizations And Resources - NBII North Africa and the Middle East Biological organizations and Resources with links, in three fields petroleum, desert agriculture and marine biology. http://www.nbii.gov/geographic/international/North_Africa_and_the_Middle_East.ht | |
23. ASLO: Working In The Aquatic Sciences In general, there is more competition for jobs in marine biology than there is in Attend seminars and join aquatic science organizations such as the http://aslo.org/career/aquaticcareer.html | |
24. The Whitney Laboratory For Marine Biology Whitney Laboratory for marine Bioscience, a University of Florida research institute organizations and Resources. Links to molecular biology sites http://www.whitney.ufl.edu/resources/links.htm | |
25. Marine Biology Career Questionaire After college your marine biology education will be acquired in graduate school. Some work in conservation organizations that seek to protect marine | |
26. University Of West Florida - Department Of Biology - Organizations The organizations that are associated with the biology Department The marine Ecophysiology Research Society of UWF promotes ecophysiological research http://uwf.edu/biology/organizations/ | |
27. University Of West Florida - Department Of Biology - Faculty The organizations that are associated with the biology Department Teaches Intro to Oceanography marine biology, Oceanography, marine Microbiology, http://uwf.edu/biology/faculty/ | |
28. Student Organizations : View Organization - Marine Biology Club Organization Information. Name, marine biology Club. Abbreviation, None. Last Updated, 04 Apr 2005. Approved, 27 Jan 2005 (Until 27 Jan 2006) http://sodb.stuorg.iastate.edu/view.php?id=15 |
29. Marine Biology Books And Articles - Research Marine Biology At marine biology Scholarly books and articles on marine biology at Questia, to marine research organizations such as the The biology of Rocky Shores http://www.questia.com/library/science-and-technology/marine-biology.jsp |
30. People And Organizations - Marine Science - LEARN - The University Of Auckland L Hopkins marine Station is a marine biology research facility that operates as a National Shellfisheries Association is an international organization of http://www.library.auckland.ac.nz/subjects/marine/marorg.htm | |
31. Labs marine Research organizations and Laboratories Trondheim marine Systems Research * University of Bergen Department of Fisheries and marine biology http://www.biosci.ohiou.edu/faculty/currie/ocean/labs.htm | |
32. Oceanographic Web Sites Very extensive Links to oceanographic and marine biology web sites. Also see our Oceanographic organizations Data Bases page and our Commercial Ocean http://www.openseas.com/oceanweb.htm | |
33. Links To Ocean Related Organizations And Databases This page contains links to some ocean related organizations and Data Bases. marine biology Links marine biology Web at SUNY, Stoney Brook http://www.openseas.com/oceanorg.htm | |
34. Internet Resources For Marine Studies ÂAn educational resource for marine biology students with reference lists organized by It is also a partnership between several marine organizations, http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/mars/internet.htm | |
35. Marine Biology - MavicaNET shown in filters organizations. The marine Biological Laboratory is an independent scientific institution, founded in 1888, that undertakes the highest http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/eng/18286.html | |
36. @LA Biology/Biological/Life Sciences In Southern California: Los Angeles County, Occidental College marine biology Program, Eagle Rock organizations marine Mammal Research Group, Costa Mesa Orange Coast College http://www.at-la.com/@la-bio.htm | |
37. Eckerd College . Clubs And Organizations The organization will also work with foreign language classes, EC marine biology Club shall promote this objective by offering both on and off campus http://www.eckerd.edu/clubs/index.php?f=home&id=liberal |
38. Palmer - Links Museums Scientific organizations Individual Scientists WWW University Courses This is a listserver dealing with issues related to marine biology. http://www2.biology.ualberta.ca/palmer/links.htm | |
39. Administration - Texas A&M University At Galveston The Department of marine biology offers these four degree programs marine Personnel from these organizations have identified the need for a degree, http://www.tamug.edu/Academics/programOverview.htm | |
40. REEF CHECK | Infocenter | Links marine biology Web. With links to marine programs worldwide. Both volunteers and organizations looking for volunteers can sign up or search the network. http://www.reefcheck.org/infocenter/links.asp | |
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