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Marine Archeology (underwater): more detail |
61. Underwater Archaeology - MavicaNET Center of marine archaeology a Center under Danish National Reseach fondation. Relive the past at the Scottish Crannog Centre - (underwater) archaeology http://www.mavicanet.com/directory/eng/5586.html | |
62. WWW Virtual Library: Anthropology: Archaeology: Marine Archaeology Section lists links to marine archaeology web sites. General info on (underwater) archaeology in Northern Europe. Found at http//www.abc.se/~m10354/uwa/ http://vlib.anthrotech.com/Archaeology/Marine_Archaeology/ | |
63. Nautical Archaeology (underwater) Archaeology at Florida State University is described here. National (underwater) marine Agency, located in Austin, Texas. http://ils.unc.edu/maritime/nautarch.shtml | |
64. Aegean Institute - Archaeology In The Aegean Sea A course in (underwater) archaeology. Through classroom sessions and field studies at an marine Archaeology in the Mediterranean A review covering early http://www.aegeaninstitute.org/archaeology_details.html | |
65. Underwater Archaeology The majority of marine archaeology is devoted to the recovery of naval (underwater) Recording marine archaeologists like land archaeologists have to have http://collections.ic.gc.ca/archaeology/second/archaeology/science/miscellaneous | |
66. Archaeology Underwater Archaeology (underwater). Twenty six ships have been documented as being sunk in The marine Archaeology Unit of the Canadian Parks Service relocated the http://collections.ic.gc.ca/louisbourg/arcwater.html | |
67. EVTEK theoretical and practical training in the area of marine archaeology, the (underwater) environment, (underwater) archaeology and history of shipbuilding http://www.evtek.fi/muotoilu/aikuiskoulutus/koulutusohjelmat/marine/info/ | |
68. Institutes, Organizations, And Government Agencies Dedicated to (underwater) Archaeology in Argentina and South America. Company based in North Carolina that specializes in marine archaeology. http://www.anthro.fsu.edu/research/uw/links/directory_files/institutes.html | |
69. Universities With Programs In Underwater Archaeology (underwater) Archaeology at Florida State University, USA The Department is currently developing a program in marine Archaeology. http://www.anthro.fsu.edu/research/uw/links/directory_files/universities.html | |
70. Ministry Of Culture: Underwater Archaeology: Ontario's Marine Heritage (underwater) Archaeology Ontario s marine Heritage. Photo canon under water. Barrel of a carronade staring through the rails of the US warship Hamilton http://www.culture.gov.on.ca/english/culdiv/heritage/archwat.htm | |
71. Underwater Archaeology (underwater) archaeology links, (underwater) archaeology web directory. bullet, Channel Islands (California) marine Archaeology Resources http://archaeologic.com/underwater_archaeology.htm |
72. Nanhai Marine Archaeology -What Other Say Nanhai marine Archaeology Sdn. Bhd. 25 Jalan Wawasan Jaya, 26 820 Kuala Rompin, Malaysia. History hunter (underwater). Byline Jennifer Rodrigo http://www.mingwrecks.com/WhatOthersSay.html | |
73. Books On India, Nepal, Tibet, Indology And Buddhism - Akhil Books Book Details. marine Archaeology (Recent Advances) He is presently heading the (underwater) Archaeology Wing of the Archaeological Survey of India. http://www.akhilbooks.com/servlet/akgetbiblio?bno=001579 |
74. Bae Aberteifi SAC ~ Cardigan Bay SAC. Management Plan - Marine Archaeology & Sal marine archaeology and salvage from wrecks has taken place in the past within (underwater) marine archaeological or salvage work will usually also result http://www.cardiganbaysac.org.uk/english/manplan_dolph_5316.shtml | |
75. Underwater Archaeology: New & Used Books Category Search Result For Underwater A (underwater) Dig Introduction to marine Archaeology, 2nd Edition By Robert F. Marx Paperback / Pisces Books / July 1990 / 1559920319 http://www.fetchbook.info/fwd_topics/startFrom_7/id_1517386.html | |
76. Underwater - Topics - Archaeology - Social Sciences - Science - (underwater) Topics - Archaeology - Social Sciences - Science - Rhode Island marine Archaeology Project - Performs background research, http://www.myonlinecolleges.com/school/Science/Social_Sciences/Archaeology/Topic | |
78. Mts1 A Guide to (underwater) Archaeology Resources on the Internet (underwater) and Maritime Archaeology RIMAP Rhode Island marine Archaeology Project http://www.mtsociety.org/pro_committees/marine_archaeology/archaeology links.htm | |
79. MARINE TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY: Conference Information The (underwater) Intervention Conference is a joint effort by the marine marine Archaeology Workshop The third annual marine Archaeology Workshop was held http://www.mtsociety.org/conferences/index.cfm | |
80. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Social_Sciences/Archaeology/Topics/Underw Nordic (underwater) Archaeology Describes how the cold brackish Baltic Sea has Rhode Island marine Archaeology Project - Has performed background http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Social_Sciences/Archaeology/Topics | |
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