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61. Internet Public Library: Business & Economics business Administration management Theories and examples of organizing, running, finance The management of money, banking, investments, and credit. http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/bus00.00.00 | |
62. Mondas PLC Mondas intranet, extranet and workflow ebusiness technologies allow Securities and Investment houses deploy new front office client relationship management and back office settlement applications, to enable straight through processing. Mondas provide collaborative knowledge management, internet content management and business process software solutions. Our professional services group project manage large scale application integration, legacy migration and ebusiness projects for financial sector companies in the UK http://www.mondas.com/ | |
63. Finance Management Business Events Global Home finance management business Events In addition, the leaders in our key finance and performance management areas share their expertise http://www.accenture.com/xd/xd.asp?it=enweb&xd=services\finance\fpm_events.xml |
à An institution which provides education both at the undergraduate and graduate level mainly in the fields of economics, business administration, management, marketing, and accounting and finance. http://www.aueb.gr/ | |
65. School Of Business Services - Finance And Management The School of business Services (finance and management) provides high quality training, assessment and consultancy services. To do this we have a team of http://www.ballarat.edu.au/vfed/business_services/finance_mgt/index.shtml | |
66. UNL | Business & Finance | Facilities Management And Planning Policies | Policy The University of NebraskaLincoln, founded in 1869, is one if the nation s premier land-grant institutions. UNL is a member of the Association of American http://bf.unl.edu/fmppolicy/FacilitiesUse.shtml | |
67. EWEEK.com - Enterprise Technology News And Reviews gray dot Corporate finance business Intelligence gray dot IBM Content management manages all your information, smarter and more affordably. Learn how. http://www.eweek.com/ | |
68. Business & Finance business finance news reviews. Articles on business money, personal corporate finance, business finance management, planning more. http://www.buzzle.com/chapters/business-and-finance.asp | |
69. Portland State Registration & Records | Course Planning Guide | Business Adminis business administration, finance law. business admin, info systems quantitative analysis business administration, international management http://www.pdx.edu/registration/fin.html | |
70. Managing For Business Success - Finance List of links on the topic of finance for business management. Budgeting and Financial management (In French only) The Quebec Ministry of Economic http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/epic/internet/inmfbs-gprea.nsf/en/lu00011e.html | |
71. MBA Ranking Graduate School Ranking University Ranking College Ranking For Gradu Directory of business schools offering finance and tax degrees, including information about certification and affiliations. http://www.financialcertified.com/mba.html | |
72. Center For Entrepreneurial And Small Business Finance - Welcome Research institute associated with the finance Group at the European business School in OestrichWinkel, Germany provides reports on real options, corporate risk management, corporate governance, private equity, and venture capital. http://www.cicf.de/ | |
73. Wachowicz's Web World: Web Sites For Discerning Finance Students Financial management web sites grouped to correspond with the major topic A collection of cuttingedge business and management information from the http://web.utk.edu/~jwachowi/wacho_world.html | |
74. Small Business Taxes & Management Small business Taxes management TradeMark has been providing tax and AbbreviationsSome common abbreviations used in business and finance. http://www.smbiz.com/ | |
75. Orbian Provides a businessto-business finance and payment solution. http://www.orbian.com/ | |
76. Business And Finance | University Of Luton Some courses in the field of business and finance offer opportunities for work business and management MSc Chartered management Institute Executive http://www.luton.ac.uk/courses/bysubject/busfin | |
77. SAS Financial Intelligence Corporate performance management, business performance management, Watch the ondemand business finance Influencer s Webcast Overcoming The Fiefdom http://www.sas.com/solutions/financial/ | |
78. Asian Business Strategy A free daily ezine of topical analysis and on-the-street commentary on Asian business, management, marketing, economics, finance, politics, business culture and management practice with authoritative market intelligence and research background. http://www.apmforum.com/ | |
79. International Journal Of Intelligent Systems In Accounting, Finance And Manageme Table of contents, abstracts. http://www.usc.edu/schools/business/atisp/AI/IJISAFM/forthcom.htm | |
80. Pearson Education - Business Books business management Books business management Corporate Financial management is a thorough and comprehensive introduction to corporate finance, http://www.pearsoned.co.uk/Bookshop/subject.asp?item=1 |
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