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41. AIE: State Education Resources Guide to higher education in Delaware, providing resources on Delaware colleges and Links to maine s educational programs, homework help, public school http://www.adventuresineducation.org/Portal/index.cfm?page=_st_east.cfm |
42. What's New: Financial Aid Resources, What's New: Financial Aid Resources 800228-3734 (toll-free in maine). HERO (Higher education resources Outreach)maine education Services 526 Western Avenue PO Box 549 Augusta, ME 04332 http://www.nebhe.org/aid.html | |
43. NEBHE Publications: Advertise!, NEBHE Publications: Advertise! Fidelity Fleet Bank Key education resources maine education Services Massachusettseducation Finance Authority Massachusetts Health and educational http://www.nebhe.org/advertise.html | |
44. Job-Hunt.Org: Maine Jobs, Jobs In Maine, Maine Careers And Job Search Resources maine job search and employment resources center find jobs in maine business,education, Jobs in maine education; Bangor School System Bates College http://www.job-hunt.org/jobs/maine.shtml | |
45. Guide To Maine Facts On The Web - SHG Resources Offers a map to maine government resources, media sites, and official state symbols.Find details on maine s institutions of higher education and elected http://www.shgresources.com/me/ | |
46. Maine State Resources maine Department of education 23 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 NICHCY State resources are listings of selected statewide organizations that can http://www.nichcy.org/stateshe/me.htm | |
47. Educational Resources Pictures of maine s Top Agricultural Products. University of maine CooperativeExtension. Crop Insurance education Program http://www.umaine.edu/umext/cropinsurance/educationalresources.htm | |
48. Maine Leadership Consortium - Resources & Reports The maine education Leadership Consortium (MELC) has worked for ten years tounderstand more fully the factors that influence teachers to remain in http://www.umaine.edu/mlc/reports/ | |
49. Internet Special Education Resources: Maine Listings For Learning Disabilities P A Nationwide Directory of Special education and Learning Disabilities Professionals.Special education resources maine Professionals. Therapy Advocacy http://www.iser.com/ME.html | |
50. Maine: Web Links Web Links. About maine; education resources for maine; maine Teacher Organizations;Maps; History; Science and Nature; Arts and Literature; For maine Kids http://www.eduplace.com/state/me/me_links.html | |
51. MSGC: Education Resources The maine Space Grant Consortium (MSGC) would like to welcome teachers and on spacerelated educational resources such as funding opportunities, http://www.msgc.org/2004essay.asp | |
52. Nursing Schools In Maine -- Education-Portal.com -- for nursing schools in maine found the following resources, articles, links, education; Business; Liberal Arts and Humanities; Public Safety and Law http://education-portal.com/nursing_schools_in_maine.html | |
53. MaineLifeScience.com maine Higher education resources. Bates College Bates College Department ofBiology Cooperative Ph.D. Program in Molecular Genetics http://www.mainebiotech.com/education/higher.htm | |
54. Special Education Resources, Resources For Educators, Lewiston Special education resources, Lewiston School Dept, maine. http://www.avec.avcnet.org/~resfored/learning/subjects/sped.htm |
55. Health Physical Education Resources, Resources For Educators Health Physical education resources, Lewiston School Dept, maine. http://www.avec.avcnet.org/~resfored/learning/subjects/healthpe.htm |
56. Challenger Learning Center Of Maine | NASA Resources CLCofMe is also maine s NASA Educator Resource Center! NASA educationalResources are aligned with National and State education Standards http://www.clcofme.org/teachers/nasaresources/ | |
57. Business In MaineToday.com | Resources a variety of teacher education programs and classroom resources for maine Check the CALENDAR for meetings and seminars happening around maine. http://business.mainetoday.com/resources/ | |
58. Government Resources University of Louisville UofL Libraries Government resources Other Related Information education Other Related Information maine http://library.louisville.edu/government/states/other/maine/maineed.html | |
59. State Support And Incentives education Reform Events, Calendar resources The maine education LeadershipConsortium will utilize NBPTS Candidate Subsidy funds to support http://www.nbpts.org/about/stateinfo.cfm?state=Maine |
60. About The Council: Public Education & Participation Committee (PEPC) the creation of an educational supplement. Links. Gulf of maine Marine educationAssociation (GOMMEA) Gulf of maine Aquarium NOAA education resources http://www.gulfofmaine.org/council/committees/pepc/educationalresources.asp | |
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