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41. Sea Grant News Media Center - Marine Science Calendar CONTACT Kristen WhitingGrant, maine Sea Grant, 207-646-1555, ext.115, CONTACT Sara Peck, UH Sea Grant extension service West Hawai i, 808-329-2861, http://www.seagrantnews.org/calendar/cal-2002-jul.html | |
42. City Of Portland: Forestry Division: Informational Links maine Forest serviceÂs Insect Disease Lab University of maine Cooperative ext. maine Audubon Greater Portland Landmarks Portland Trails http://www.portlandmaine.gov/misc/forestry/links.htm | |
43. Orono City, County, State, Municipal Government - Maine (1 - 30) ME Yellow Pages University Of maine Cooperative ext Franklin Conty Orono, ME 04473 (207) 5812311 Allied Medical service. Lewiston Search Nearby http://municipal.addresses.com/yp_category_search/government~and~community/city, | |
44. Ruffed Grouse Society - Coverts Program University of CT coop. ext.Ctr 139 Wolf Den Rd. Brooklyn, CT 062341729 maine. Project currently inactive. Maryland. Jonathan Kays http://www.ruffedgrousesociety.org/covertsprogram.asp | |
45. Cornell Cooperative Extension Agriculture Livestock Contact Joan Petzen ext. 124. Family Farm Labor Law pdf New York Ag Market Statistic service University of maine Cooperative extension http://www.cce.cornell.edu/allegany-cattaraugus/agriculture/agriculture04.htm | |
46. LVD State Contact List cooperative extension service PO Box 391 Little Rock, AR 72203 Tel (501) 6712100 Southern Univ. coop. ext. Program PO Box 10010 Baton Rouge, LA 70813 http://web.aces.uiuc.edu/lvd/contacts.htm | |
47. Census.gov Is Experiencing maine Department of Health and Human Services Bureau of Health Office of Data, Research and Vital Mr. William Tillman, Jr. (E,P) (919) 7337061 ext. 279 http://www.census.gov/population/www/coop/coop.html | |
48. Florist New Haven Connecticut, Connecticut Agric., coop. ext. Serv. S544.3.N3C66 ISSN 08951985 Reno, Nev. The College. Fact sheet - cooperative extension service, University of Maryland Fact sheet http://creekin.net/k19675-n210-florist-new-haven-connecticut-connecticut.html | |
49. EPA; Beaches; Plan A Trip; Where You Live Univ. of maine Cooperative extension and Sea Grant ext. 166 or 167. John Backus Dept of Environment, Technical Regulatory Services, 410537-3906 http://www.epa.gov/beaches/plan/whereyoulive_state.html | |
50. Yankee Magazine - Gardening Reference Room: Cooperative Extension Services Knowledge and KnowHow cooperative extension Services. Alabama www.aces.edu. Alaska www.uaf.edu/coop-ext. Arizona www.ag.arizona.edu/extension. Arkansas http://www.yankeemagazine.com/garden/knowledge/cooperativeextension.php | |
51. COAST Bus: Serving The Seacoast With Public Transportation Provides bus service between New Hampshire and maine. Information on schedules and fares. http://www.coastbus.org/ | |
52. The Old Farmer's Almanac - Cooperative Extension Services cooperative extension Services. Contact your local state cooperative extension Web www.uaf.edu/coopext. Arizona www.ag.arizona.edu/extension. Arkansas http://www.almanac.com/garden/resource/coopext.php | |
53. Purdue Sustainable Agriculture Resources And Links Farmland Preservation and Land Use, Purdue Cooperative ext. service Purdue University Cooperative extension service. back to top http://www.ces.purdue.edu/sa/saglinks.html | |
54. 4-H/Military Liaisons By State/Installation Cooperative Extension service, College of Natural Applied Science, University of maine Cooperative Extension State 4H Office, 5741 Libby Hall http://www.usda-army-ydp.org/contact_liaisons.html | |
55. Gigablast Search Results South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension service University of maine Cooperative Extension Links to county offices, resources, publications, http://dir.gigablast.com/Science/Agriculture/Education/Cooperative_Extension/ | |
56. CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Elliott, Tammy, extension Agent, 4H, NC Cooperative extension service, NCSU Resource Splst, University of Alaska Cooperative ext. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp | |
57. Cooperative Extension Sponsored Or Co-sponsored Volunteer Water Quality Monitori Cooperative Extension Director University of Florida Extension service University of maine Cooperative Extension PO Box 309 235 Jefferson St. http://www.uwex.edu/ces/csreesvolmon/VolunteerMonPrograms/ | |
58. Parental Stress Center University of Alaska Cooperative extension service is an outreach educational delivery Virginia Cooperative extension. Contact http//www.ext.vt.edu/ http://pscfamily.net/resources/national_resources.php | |
59. NOAA News Online (Story 2377) According to the NOAA National Weather service office in Taunton, Mass., Saturday s low of minus 29 degrees F in Bangor, maine, was the city s lowest http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2005/s2377.htm | |
60. Alexa - Browse Education North Carolina Cooperative extension service Colorado State University Cooperative extension www.ext.colostate.edu Site Info http://www.alexa.com/browse?&CategoryID=346862 |
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