The Cinematography Mailing List - CML is sponsored by :- kweiwss(kwei[2],"slidesc","sponsorsc",1); kweisi(kwei[2],"slidesc","r"); // kwei [9] [slidesc] [sponsorsc] kweiwss(kwei[3],"slidesd","sponsorsd",1); kweisi(kwei[3],"slidesd","r"); // kwei [9] [slidesd] [sponsorsd] kweiwss(kwei[4],"slidese","sponsorse",1); kweisi(kwei[4],"slidese","r"); // kwei [9] [slidese] [sponsorse] kweiwss(kwei[1],"slidesb","sponsorsb",1); kweisi(kwei[1],"slidesb","r"); // kwei [9] [slidesb] [sponsorsb] kweiwss(kwei[0],"slidesa","sponsorsa",1); kweisi(kwei[0],"slidesa","r"); // kwei [9] [slidesa] [sponsorsa] document.write(doClock("W0","%20-%20","M0","%20-%20","D1","%20-%20","Y0")); Discussion Lists Main Reference Area Film Cameras ... Geoff Boyle (admin) do not use without permission Filming The Sun Yours, Exposure is only one of the things you need to address. if you are shooting at ~1/30th, good starting point would be somwhere around f256 for 200 ISO film. Obviously, you Another element that would seem to be of likely concern is to be able to get some color to the sun. If you shoot this sun mid-day, as your discription calls for, you will get nothing but a white disc. You will need to add color, if you want color. Yet another element to be concerned with is whether you want to make allowances for how people have come to view "big sun" photographs. Most people have an association that has them prejudiced twards a sun that shimmers. This shimmering they've seen in previous photography comes from atmospheric interferance when shooting the sun low on the horizon. If you want this effect, shoot the sun close to the horizon, but since it is to be a mid afternoon sun, be certain to not include any horizon. The closer you shoot the sun to the horizon the less color filtration you will need ... a "rosey sunset" is caused by the filtration of the sun's light through the atmosphere on earth. | |