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61. Electronic And Magnetic Properties Of The Fcc Fe(001) Thin Films: Fe/Cu(001) And Title Electronic and magnetic properties of the fcc Fe(001) thin films Fe/Cu(001)and Cu/Fe/Cu(001) Authors Fu, CL; Freeman, AJ Affiliation http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1987PhRvB..35..925F | |
62. IBM Journal Of Research And Development: Magnetic Properties Of Transition-metal Full text of the article, Magnetic properties of transitionmetal multilayersstudied with X-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy from IBM Journal http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3751/is_199801/ai_n8804731 | |
63. Magnetic Layered Materials Building on our ability to manipulate the magnetic properties of atoms in ÂStructural and Magnetic properties of Vanadyl Dichloride Solvates From http://web.mit.edu/chemistry/dgn/www/research/frustration.html | |
64. The Nobel Prize In Physics 2003 - Information For The Public These retain their superconductive property even in a strong magnetic field. The magnetic properties of the helium atoms act together, whereas those of http://nobelprize.org/physics/laureates/2003/public.html | |
65. Magnetic Properties Of Mid-Ocean-Ridge Basalts From Ocean Drilling Magnetic properties of MidOcean-Ridge Basalts from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 1871.Yen-Hong Shau,2 Masayuki Torii,3 Chorng-Shern Horng,4 and Wen-Tzong http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/187_SR/204/204_.htm |
66. 10. ROCK MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF SEDIMENTS FROM CEARA RISE (SITE The variations in magnetic properties mirror changes in clay content, whichprovides excellent evidence that the susceptibility variations reflect http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/154_SR/ABSTRACT/10.HTM |
67. Abstract EGS 1998 Climatic Influence on Sediment Magnetic properties of Small Kettle Lakes Our recent studies of sedimentmagnetic properties of three small glacial http://www.irm.umn.edu/people/cgeiss/agu_99.htm | |
68. Institut Of Physics - University Of São Paulo Transport properties in semi magnetic semi- conductors Optic and electricalproperties of semiconductors III-V and Magnetic semiconductors of low http://www.if.usp.br/if_eng/experimental.shtml | |
69. Ab Initio Calculations On Magnetic Properties Of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors Some diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS), in which magnetic elements aresubstituted for a small fraction (~5%) of host elements in a semiconductor http://www.nsti.org/procs/Nanotech2003v3/12/T52.05 | |
70. Ab Initio Calculations On Magnetic Properties Of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors Some diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS), in which magnetic elements aresubstituted for a small fraction (~5%) of host elements in a semiconductor http://www.nsti.org/Nanotech2003/showabstract.html?absno=310 |
71. Elements Issue 3 - Physics Fundamentally, the magnetic properties of matter are the result of Magnetismplays a very important part in understanding the properties of matter. http://www.ul.ie/~childsp/Elements/issue3/rahman.html | |
72. Accessing Article We measured the magnetic properties of assynthesized crystals of Magneticproperties of an evacuated amorphous sample of MOROF-1 were also measured. http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/v2/n3/full/nmat834.html | |
73. Untitled Document Magnetic properties of Iron and Steel. Chains of paper clips can be hung from amagnet. Each paper clip magnetises the one below it by induction and the http://www.le.ac.uk/se/centres/sci/selfstudy/mam7.htm | |
74. General Magnetic Properties 1- - Oral 1- - Poster 1 17, PECULIARITIES OF MAGNETIC properties OF COPPER METABORATE IN A ZERO MAGNETICFIELD 1-21, Effect of substitution on magnetic properties of CuB2O4 http://eastmag-2004.kirensky.ru/program/1/ |
75. JYI: Magnetic Properties Of Single-Grain Icosahedral Rare-Earth-Mg-Cd Quasicryst Above Tf, thermal fluctuations dominate the magnetic properties, The magneticproperties of these single RMg-Cd quasicrystals can be well represented http://www.jyi.org/volumes/volume8/issue1/articles/huie.html | |
76. IBM Scientists Demonstrate Single-atom Magnetic Measurements IBM scientists have measured a fundamental magnetic property of a single atom Upcoming experiments will explore how magnetic properties change when http://www.physorg.com/news1114.html | |
77. Magnetic And Transport Properties Of High-Tc Superconductors We have studied the effects of doping on a set of magnetic properties, namely,spin excitations, susceptibility, and staggered magnetization, within the tJ http://cftc.cii.fc.ul.pt/RESEARCH/IP/HTSC.htm | |
78. Crystal-lattice Disorder Effects In Electronic, Magnetic And Superconducting Pro influence of radiation damage on superconducting and magnetic properties, The study of anisotropy of kinetic and magnetic properties of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 http://www.ilt.kharkov.ua/bvi/structure/depart_e/d06/bel_e.htm | |
79. PMZ: Projects Magnetic properties of Ferric Hydroxides and Iron Sulfates Information onthe magnetic properties at low temperature has been limited in general to http://www.geophys.ethz.ch/mag/projekt.htm | |
80. Cookies Required GaMnN thin films were synthesized using gassource molecular-beam epitaxy.Mn concentrations between 3 and 12 at.?% were investigated. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1481533 | |
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