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101. Magnet The term magnetism was coined to explain the phenomenon whereby The magneticfield of a magnet is easily made visible by means of iron filings which http://www.newi.ac.uk/buckleyc/magnet.htm | |
102. Understanding Magnetism And Degaussing Methods The field levels due to residual magnetism in turbomachinery occur not from designbut from manufacturing, testing, and environmental causes. http://www.gaussbusters.com/ppm93.html | |
103. Magnetismofplanets magnetism of the Planets. The Earth. The Earth has a magnetic field. Compasses lineup with the magnetic field of the earth. The magnetic field has a north http://www.exo.net/~pauld/activities/magnetism/magnetismofplanets.html | |
104. Geotimes - May 2004 - Deciphering Planetary Magnetism Deciphering planetary magnetism As Voyager 2 neared Uranus in January 1986, NASAscientists They expected the field to be much like those of Jupiter, http://www.geotimes.org/may04/NN_neptune.html | |
105. Intergalactic Magnetism Runs Deep And Wide: Science News Online, May 6, 2000 The stronger the magnetism there or the denser the gas that the field pervades,the more the field rotates the light s polarization. http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20000506/fob5.asp | |
106. Vector » Browse By Classification Records 1 to 3 of 3 in Fundamental areas of phenomenology » Electricity andmagnetism; fields and charged particles. Chapter 6 The romance of electricity http://vector.iop.org/index.cfm?action=browse.home&type=in&dir=A4000/A4100 |
107. Vector » Browse By Classification properties » Magnetic properties and materials » General theory and models ofmagnetic ordering » Crystalfield theory and spin Hamiltonians (magnetism) http://vector.iop.org/index.cfm?action=browse.home&type=in&dir=A7000/A7500/A7510 |
108. Untitled Document The origin and evolution of Cosmic magnetism Strong field tests of gravity This ``cosmic magnetism cannot be ascribed to permanent magnets like the http://www.skatelescope.org/pages/science_genp_key_magnf.htm | |
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