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41. MaNEP - Switzerland. Magnetic Fields, Superconductivity And Medical Imaging. The concept of magnetism is based on the magnetic field or what is known as a Without going into detail, the source of magnetism lies in the field http://www.manep.ch/en/technological-challenges/emfields.html | |
42. Project Links | Electricity & Magnetism Index Electicity magnetism. To find out more about what the version numbers mean, You will learn to display electric fields and examine their geometric http://links.math.rpi.edu/webhtml/EMindex.html | |
43. Physics - Electricity And Magnetism Electricity and magnetism (last updated 2005 August 12). Chapter 1. Electric fields 8.4, Charged Particle in an Electric and a Magnetic Field http://orca.phys.uvic.ca/~tatum/elmag.html | |
44. Arbor Scientific - Magnetic Field Viewers - Magnetic Accessories Use the Magnetic Field Observation Box to study magnetic fields in three dimensions . Magnetic Mysteries magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction, http://www.arborsci.com/Products_Pages/Magnetism/MagnetismBuy5.htm | |
45. Magnetism And The Sun: Magnetic Fields The magnetism and the Sun Activity explores the basic principles of magnetismand how they apply to the Sun. http://solar-center.stanford.edu/magnetism/magneticfields.html | |
46. Magnetism And The Sun: Magnetism On The Sun The magnetism and the Sun Activity explores the basic principles of magnetism in magnetic fields, we can now focus on magnetism particular to the Sun. http://solar-center.stanford.edu/magnetism/magnetismsun.html | |
47. 8.02T > TEAL At MIT Visualizing Electricity and magnetism at MIT Our visualizations are organizedinto five categories Vector fields, Electrostatics, Magnetostatics, http://web.mit.edu/8.02t/www/802TEAL3D/teal_tour.htm | |
48. USATODAY.com - Magical Magnetism, Electron 'spin' And Easy Iron Paths All atoms have electrons with electron spin and magnetic fields due to their orbits When we take the magnet away from pure iron, its magnetism goes away http://www.usatoday.com/tech/columnist/aprilholladay/2005-04-01-wonderquest_x.ht | |
49. The Nucleus Subject Electricity magnetism / Electric fields and Potential. Post a comment.Developed as a part of the MIT TEAL/Studio Physics Project, http://www.compadre.org/student/search/search.cfm?gs=224&b=1 |
50. MSN Encarta - Magnetism magnetism, an aspect of electromagnetism, one of the fundamental forces of nature . Magnetic fields are used to change the paths of charged particles in http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761552678/Magnetism.html | |
51. MSN Encarta - Electricity Electricity produces magnetic effects and magnetism produces electric effects . If the wire is placed between the poles, the magnetic fields interact to http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761566543_7/Electricity.html | |
52. PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY FORUMS (WITH A CONCENTRATION ON ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM) Magnetic fields have a profound effect on the development and growth of all living Experiments done by Davis and Rawls showed magnetism can be used to http://physicsastronomy.com/read.php?f=4&i=181&t=181 |
53. Chapter 1: Magnetism Heat up the pin or screwdriver to show how heat destroys the magnetism. Magnetic fields exist because somewhere electrons are moving. http://www.scitoys.com/scitoys/scitoys/magnets/magnets.html | |
54. Fizzics Fizzle: Advanced: Electricity And Magnetism: Magnetic Fields You have a basic understanding of the magnetic field already but we will review the A moving charge, or a current, creates a magnetic field around it. http://library.thinkquest.org/16600/advanced/magneticfields.shtml | |
55. Magnetism And Induction Magnetic fields are measured in Tesla 1 T field exists when 1 meter of The generalized equation for a generator is Motion + magnetism = Electricity http://online.cctt.org/physicslab/content/PhyAPB/review/summaries/Magnetism.asp | |
56. Magnetism Resource Lesson magnetism. Magnetic fields can be defined as the regions surroundinga magnet where another magnet or a moving electric charge will feel a http://online.cctt.org/physicslab/content/PhyAPB/lessonnotes/magnetism/magnetism | |
57. Magnetism Science Learning Kits Create motors, compasses, magnetic levitation, force fields, 10) A DifferentWay to Get magnetism Use electricity to create magnetic fields. http://www.homeschoolscience.com/homeschool_science/magnetism.html | |
58. DC Physics Help - Solved Magnetism Problems A collection of magnetism problems and solutions. Thermodynamics Optics Electric fields Magnetic fields Electric Circuits Vibrations and Waves http://www.dctech.com/physics/help/magnetism/ | |
59. Elsevier.com - Theoretical Foundations Of Molecular Magnetism those scientists and students working in the field of molecular magnetism who Magnetic quantities Thermodynamic relationships - Alternating fields http://www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/620267 | |
60. Electricity And Magnetism, An Online Physics Textbook. Electricity and magnetism, an online physics textbook. 6.1 The Magnetic Field6.2* Calculating Magnetic fields and Forces 6.3 Induction http://www.lightandmatter.com/area1book4.html | |
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