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81. Schoolcraft College - Library Schoolcraft college Home Page, Schoolcraft college, Link to Home Link to Help magazines/Journals Newspapers Ato-Z Guide to Journals Online http://www.schoolcraft.edu/library/periodicals.htm | |
82. American River College Library: Journals Or Magazines? The difference attributes of library journals and magazines. http://www.arc.losrios.edu/~library/journalmag.html | |
83. UCLA College Library: Selecting The Right Source Magazines Slant, May reflect the editorial bias / slant of the magazine. Try a magazine for.A cover story on the state of marriage in the US; An opinion essay on http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/college/help/selectsource/selmag.htm | |
84. The Online Books Page: Browse Call Numbers: LH LH, college and School magazines and Papers (Go to start of category). LH1 .I5,The Argus (Bloomington, IL Illinois Wesleyan University, 1894present) http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/browse?type=lccn&key=LH |
85. OhioLINK Databases - MasterFILE Premier (popular Magazines) MasterFILE Premier (popular magazines) provides full text for more than 1900general reference, Antioch college; Ashland University; Athenaeum of Ohio http://www.ohiolink.edu/resources/show_details.php?db=x_ebscof5h |
86. NEW HAMPSHIRE TECHNICAL COLLEGE, LACONIA MAGAZINES IN THE LIBRARY September 1995 Community college Times (newspaper) (weekly) kept six months Kiplinger s PersonalFinance Magazine (monthly) kept three years http://www.laconia.nhctc.edu/library/MAGSLST.htm | |
87. St. Mary's College Of Maryland | The Library Links to other freelyavailable newspapers, magazines and related media on the web college resources for students and faculty from the New York Times. http://www.smcm.edu/library/newsmagsmediaweb.cfm | |
88. State College, PA Magazines State college Home / Business / M / magazines magazinesDealers. Adult PlaytimeBoutique, (814) 238-2275. B. Dalton Bookseller, (814) 234-3389 http://www.statecollege.com/business/directory.phtml?cat_id=301&Index=M |
89. Rend Lake College - Learning Resource Center (LRC) Rend Lake college JOURNALS/magazines. CINAHL (ProQuest) Cumulative Index ofNursing and Allied Health Literature. EBSCOhost http://www.rlc.edu/lrc/el_journals.php | |
90. JCR Exec Minutes FURNES S COLLEG E JCR college magazines. Here you will find archived copiesof the regular Furness college newsletters and magazines. http://furness.lusu.co.uk/jcrmags.htm |
91. This Web Site Is Not Fully Functional Without The Use Of A state community college in Hobbs, New Mexico, aimed at providing quality Older bound magazines and journals as well as magazines; peerreviewed http://www.nmjc.edu/library/inforesources/magazines.asp | |
92. Columbia College Chicago Library - Popular Magazines Vs. Scholarly Journals Library information and links useful for current students at Columbia college Chicago. http://www.lib.colum.edu/research/subjects/Pop_vs._Schol.htm | |
93. WWCC Hay Library 2500 college Drive Rock Springs, Wyoming 829020428, Call 307-382-1700, Emaillibrarystaff@wwcc.wy.edu Read issues of journals and magazines that are http://www.wwcc.cc.wy.us/library/ | |
94. October/November 2001 State Legislatures Magazines: Making College Affordable State Legislatures Magazine October/November 2001 A college degree isinvaluable in today s world. Making it affordable is the challenge. http://www.ncsl.org/programs/pubs/1101coll.htm | |
95. The Hisorical Record - The First College Magazines The first Queens college magazine, which appeared in 1904, was entitled The Members of the college were urged to treat the Magazine as the wax disc of http://www.quns.cam.ac.uk/Queens/Record/1997/History/Mag.html | |
96. Kongutamil : Links To Useful Tamil Sites [ Http://kongutamil.cjb.net ] Collection of links to magazines, newspapers, useful sites of Government of India and Tamil Nadu, engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu, songs, jokes, free greeting cards and free Kongutamil email. http://www.geocities.com/kongutamil2002/index.html | |
97. Canadian Home Based Learning Resource Page Formerly Canadian Homeschool Resource Page. Links to chats and forums, other homeschooling sites, educational sites and homeschooled kids' personal pages; lists of homeschooling conferences, universities and colleges accepting homeschoolers, books, magazines, catalogues; news, the homeschoolca list quilt project, kids and parents speaking about their experiences, science projects and science questions answered. http://www.flora.org/homeschool-ca/ | |
98. Fisher College Of Business The Fisher college of Business at The Ohio State University produces qualityresearch and high quality graduates with the knowledge, skills and global http://fisher.osu.edu/diversity/ | |
99. FindArticles - News, Magazines, Reference - On Health, Fitness, Business, Home, Searchable online article archive of back issues from hundreds of newspapers,journals and magazines. http://www.findarticles.com/ | |
100. Peter Li Education Group  HOME PAGE college Planning Management is the primary magazine exclusively devoted to thebusiness of managing colleges and universities, reaching over 30000 key http://www.peterli.com/ | |
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