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81. Early Explorers Of Canada Early Explorers of Canada. Canada s National Flag. The search for new alexander mackenzie (b. 1755? d. 1820) was a Scottish-born fur trader and http://www.members.shaw.ca/kcic1/explorer.html | |
82. Andrewcoyne.com: The Bank Of Blanda Strikes Again of David Thompson the Mapmaker, or sir alexander mackenzie ( from Canada, Explorers? My nominees would include George Brown and sir William Osler. http://andrewcoyne.com/2004/03/bank-of-blanda-strikes-again.html | |
83. Long Life Of Hudson's Bay Company Born in Scotland, alexander mackenzie traveled to new York state with his Pond, one of the earliest Nor Wester explorers, taught young mackenzie how to http://historynet.com/we/blcompanynotdie/index2.html | |
84. Studies In Canadian Literature 1 alexander mackenzie, The Journals and Letters of sir alexander mackenzie, ed . See alexander mackenzie, Explorer The Hero Who Failed (Toronto McGraw http://www.lib.unb.ca/Texts/SCL/bin/get.cgi?directory=vol7_2/&filename=Maclaren. |
85. Northern Names Explore the reasons behind some town, city, river, and/or street names in your sir alexander mackenzie and Samuel Hearne schools in Inuvik, and sir John http://www.usask.ca/education/ideas/tplan/sslp/names.htm | |
86. Monarchy-Free Canada / Replacements For The Queen On Canadian Currency sir alexander mackenzie, (1764 1820) In 1793, mackenzie became the first sir John Franklin, (1786 - 1847) British explorer, led expeditions to the http://www.monarchyfreecanada.org/canadians.htm | |
87. Famous Masons A-L Bowell, sir mackenzie British-born Canadian Prime Minister 1894-96 who laterled the Fleming, sir alexander - British bacteriologist who discovered http://www.masonicinfo.com/famous1.htm | |
89. Explore The Hill - Statues | A Treasure To Explore: Parliament Hill (Ottawa, Ont Top of page. 10. alexander mackenzie (18221892). Once a member of his cabinet,sir Wilfrid Laurier described mackenzie as One of the truest and strongest http://www.parliamenthill.gc.ca/text/explorestatues_e.html | |
90. Famous Scots From Rampant Scotland Directory He first came to the public notice in 1877 when alexander mackenzie published a sir alexander mackenzie Explorer, discoverer of mackenzie River, Canada http://www.rampantscotland.com/famousscots.htm | |
91. Volcanology Explorers Volcanology Explorers. Banks, sir Joseph (1743 1820) Born February, In 1805 mackenzie returned overseas. sir alexander mackenzie died in Scotland on http://faculty.sulross.edu/jlwstark/explorers.html |
92. Robert Farnon Society and the grand old man of Scottish orchestral music, sir alexander mackenzie . sir Edward Elgar was an early admirer of Coates, placing a standing http://www.rfsoc.org.uk/ecoates.shtml | |
93. New World Explorers Cavelier De La Salle Cavelier de La Salle_This important explorer was driven by his desire to her colonial policy in the new world in the eighteenth century until finally http://www.archaeolink.com/new_world_explorers_cavelier_de_.htm | |
94. North West Company: Information From Answers.com On the Pacific Northwest coast, which was largely explored by Northwesters, In addition to alexander mackenzie this group included Americans, http://www.answers.com/topic/north-west-company | |
95. Explorers Before Lewis & Clark sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the world, stopping along the British explorerAlexander McKenzie traveled across the Canadian Rockies to the Pacific http://www.nps.gov/jeff/LewisClark2/Circa1804/WestwardExpansion/EarlyExplorers/E | |
96. Pioneers Many Scottish emigrants have left their mark on the world. For instance, SirAlexander mackenzie (17641839) who was born in Stornoway, Lewis, http://www.nwlink.com/~scotlass/pioneers.htm | |
97. The Mackenzie Institute The Institute is named for the voyageur alexander mackenzie, mackenzie hadthe courage to explore routes that everyone knew existed, but feared to try. http://www.mackenzieinstitute.com/ | |
98. Tracy Mullins As part of the team, Tracy portrayed sir alexander McKenzie in numerous public Tracy Mullins sees himself as a modern pathfinder and explorer, http://www.emich.edu/public/geo/tracy.html | |
99. Newfoundland Biographies - A-D - Newfoundland History Bannerman, sir alexander (17881864). Colonial governor of Newfoundland Master-mariner and explorer, was born at Brigus, Newfoundland on August 15, http://www2.marianopolis.edu/nfldhistory/Newfoundland biographies A-D.htm | |
100. ON THIS DAY 1454Amerigo Vespucci, Italian explorer of the new world, born. ALSOSirAlexander McKenzie, Scottish explorer of Canada, died. http://www.literary-liaisons.com/On This Day--Mar.htm | |
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