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61. Quiz Feature 1 We all know that Christopher Columbus discovered the new world in 1492. alexander mackenzie, a North West Company fur trader, set out in 1789 to http://www.readersdigest.ca/mag/1997/10/quiz_01.html | |
62. Famous Freemasons From Around The World Fleming, sir alexander. Scottish bacteriologist and discoverer of Penicillin . 1062, Brooklyn, new York. Peary, Robert E. American explorer. http://www.durham.net/~cedar/famous.html | |
63. THE NOR'WESTERS: SOME TRULY GREAT CANADIANS William McGillivray, sir alexander mackenzie and any three of the The tradersexplorers of new France built a string of forts and thriving trade http://www.quebecoislibre.org/05/050515-9.htm | |
64. Picture Sales :: New Products mackenzie Thorpe, A new Child, Sculpture. mackenzie Thorpe, she loves me, Painting alexander Millar, Thank You sir, Painting. alexander Millar, So What http://www.picturesales.co.uk/newproducts.asp | |
65. Homework Helper - Explorers mackenzie, sir alexander; sir alexander mackenzie http//www.nlcbnc.ca/2/6/h6-221-e.html. Magellan, Ferdinand; Ferdinand Magellan world Explorer http://www.mcallen.lib.tx.us/library/child/homework/explrs.htm | |
66. Famous Scots McKellar Kenneth (1927- ) - This popular tenor toured the world with Scottish mackenzie - sir alexander (1764-1820) - Explored Canada and reached the http://www.rampantscotland.com/famous/famous.htm | |
67. Tourism BC | Cariboo Chilcotin Coast | Historic & Heritage Sites Called the eighth wonder of the world, the 642km (400-mi) Cariboo Waggon To reach sir alexander mackenzie Provincial Park -the westernmost point of http://www.hellobc.com/en-CA/SightsActivitiesEvents/AirLandActivities/HistoricHe |
68. Welcome Messages | 2004 CSEG National Convention Come Âexplore your wild sideÂ, renew friendships and make new ones. initiating the sir alexander mackenzie Canada Seato-Sea Bicentennial Expedition. http://www.cseg.ca/conventions/2004/welcome.html | |
69. Secondary Social Sciences - History: Educational Resources The Colonial Period, The Victorian Era, The First world War, sir SandfordFleming, Captain Robert Bartlett, sir alexander mackenzie, Louis Riel, http://www.qesnrecit.qc.ca/socialsciences/cycles45/history/links414/links.htm | |
70. The HARVEY GENEALOGIST of the new land in European minds. Many of the explorers, It was opened tothe fur trade through the efforts of sir alexander mackenzie and others http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/6575/canada/history.htm | |
71. Leithner&Company Pty Ltd - The Leithner Letter One particularly enterprising NorÂwester, sir alexander mackenzie, The tradersexplorers of new France built a string of forts and thriving trade routes http://www.leithner.com.au/newsletter/issue65.htm | |
72. CHRS - What's New - 2002 Archives Other explorers, such as sir John Franklin, soon followed and the Coppermine became mackenzieÂs route was officially proclaimed in 1997 as the alexander http://www.chrs.ca/New_Archives/New-Archives02_e.htm | |
73. Canada GenWeb Project - Projet GenWeb Du Canada 1793, sir alexander mackenzie crosses Canada by land. 1793, (9 July 1793) UpperCanada s Abolition Act forbade any new slaves, and gave freedom to children http://www.rootsweb.com/~canwgw/html/e-timeline.html | |
74. THE PEACE RIVER AND SIR ALEXANDER MACKENZIE He was twentyfour year old alexander mackenzie, a brand new partner, So far in our story we have spoken mostly of mackenzie as an explorer and a http://www.calverley.ca/Part 02 - Fur Trade/2-007.html | |
75. DAVID THOMSON, THE SCOTTISH FOUNDER OF NEW HAMPSHIRE And, to those who knew him in the new world of new England, he was referred to as a When sir William alexander became Scottish Secretary of State, http://www.scotsgenealogy.com/online/DavidPart02.htm | |
76. Explorers Of North America - EnchantedLearning.com The King of Spain sent Aviles to Florida in the new world, sir AlexanderMackenzie (1755?1820) was a Scottish-born fur trader and explorer who charted http://www.enchantedlearning.com/explorers/namerica.shtml | |
77. Canada In The Making - Teachers Resources For example, alexander mackenzie, CanadaÂs second Prime Minister, was born inScotland Areas to explore include. Key historical figures (eg sir John A. http://www.canadiana.org/citm/education/lesson11/lesson11_e.html | |
78. Alexander Mackenzie - Mapping The Northwest - 18th Century - Pathfinders And Pas alexander mackenzie, the first explorer to cross North America, was born inScotland in 1764. On February 10, 1802, he became sir alexander mackenzie. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/explorers/h24-1630-e.html | |
79. §6. Archæological Antiquaries. XV. Scholars, Antiquaries And Bibliographers. V In 1872 mackenzie Edward Charles Walcott had published Traditions and India was ably filled from 1870 to 1885 by majorgeneral sir alexander Cunningham, http://www.bartleby.com/222/1506.html | |
80. Australia Scots Australian History First governor of Western Australia; Stuart, sir alexander Premier of new SouthWales; Stuart, John McDouall Explorer; Stuart, sir Thomas Peter Anderson http://www.electricscotland.com/history/australia/ | |
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