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61. Press Release macau government Tourist Office, Macau Tower, TurboJET and GRULAC Coorganizedby the Macau Sports Development Board, macau government Tourist Office http://www.macautower.com.mo/en/press/20041030.asp | |
62. The Macau Government Headquarters Open Day To Be On June 22-23, 2002 - Latest Tr The macau government Headquarters Open Day to be on June 2223, 2002. Latest TravelNews from ASIA Travel Tips.com - updated daily, and available free http://www.asiatraveltips.com/travelnews2002/9June2002Macau.shtml | |
63. Macau Guide - China - Contact Addresses - World Travel Guide Provided By Columbu Direcção dos Serviços de Turismo (macau government Tourist Office) GovernmentHead Quarters of Macau SAR Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau http://www.columbusguides.co.uk/data/mac/mac000.asp | |
64. Macau Guide - China - Social Profile - World Travel Guide Provided By Columbus T Special Events The macau government Tourist Office can supply details of themany festivals celebrated in Macau. Festivals which are also official public http://www.columbusguides.co.uk/data/mac/mac460.asp | |
65. BBC News | ASIA-PACIFIC | Macau To Widen Casino Trade macau government Macau Handover. The BBC is not responsible for the content ofexternal internet sites. Top AsiaPacific stories now http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/839298.stm | |
66. Annual Report 1995 -- 6 MACAU-ORIENTED ACTIVITIES and Training projects, modalities for their execution, etc. UNU/IIST regularlyapproaches the macau government in order to ascertain its expectations. http://www.iist.unu.edu/home/Unuiist/newrh/I/3/4/page_6.html | |
67. Portuguese Colonial Rule Over Macau Ends After 442 Years The new macau government, headed by the banker Edmund Ho, has indicated that the1000 Chinese soldiers who marched into the territory on Monday, http://www.wsws.org/articles/1999/dec1999/mac-d22.shtml | |
68. AsiaSource: AsiaTODAY - A Resource Of The Asia Society This Business Times article discusses how the new macau government will not onlyhave to address structural economic problems, but also will have to http://www.asiasource.org/news/at_mp_02.cfm?newsid=7641 |
69. Travel Consideration: Macau, Official Advisories , China Official Advisories, .C See also the macau government home page at http//www.macau.gov.mo/. The pataca (US$1.00to approximately 7.78 patacas) is the official currency in Macau. http://www.realadventures.com/listings/1024419.htm | |
70. Macau : Planning A Trip | Frommers.com Overseas There is no macau government Tourist Office (MTGO) in the United In the arrivals lobby, at A06, you ll find the macau government Tourist http://www.frommers.com/destinations/macau/1491010002.html | |
71. TIME Asia Magazine: Macau's Big Score -- May. 31, 2004 The gambling businessÂwhich contributes 75% of Macau s government s revenue andsupports Today, with separate gaming licenses from the macau government, http://www.time.com/time/asia/magazine/article/0,13673,501040531-641209,00.html | |
72. A Briggs :: Macau Foreign Entry Requirements See also the macau government home page at http//www.macau.gov.mo. The Macaugovernment provides a telephone list of hospitals and health centers http://www.abriggs.com/high_level/FER_M/Macau_FER.php | |
73. Going Out In Style - Macau's Bela Vista Signals The End Of An Era / April 1999 The macau government had declared the Bela Vista an historic monument and in 1990a joint venture company, formed by the government, Shun Tak Holdings and http://www.hotel-online.com/News/PressReleases1999_2nd/Apr99_BelaVista.html | |
74. About.com: Http://www.macau.gov.mo/ MACAUBy the decision of the macau government, the Pataca is linked to the Hong Kongdollar (HK$) which is also accepted as currency in Macau. http://chineseculture.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://www.macau.gov |
75. Untitled Document Rector Iu Vai Pan and Director of macau government Tourist Office Jo M Costa UM and macau government Tourist Office signed a cooperative memorandum on http://www.umac.mo/um_news/issue_14/english/comco1.html | |
76. CardsNow!Asia - The Online Edition This is a result of our excellent cooperation with the macau government, commented The cutting edge solution was commissioned by the macau governmentÂs http://www.cardsnowasia.com/article.cfm?id=629 |
77. ALU Archive: Sex Workers In Macau During the survey, the macau government cooperated with the police bureau The macau government gave a list of women who were suspected sex workers to http://www.amrc.org.hk/Arch/3304.htm | |
78. International Anti-Corruption Newsletter January 2000 The macau government has undergone a smooth transition. He joined the MacauGovernment in 1980 and has served as the head of the Department of Public http://www.icac.org.hk/text/eng/newsl/issue1/cac1.html | |
79. Cell Phones Coverage Map Of Macau The macau government said Friday it has awarded China Unicom s Macau unit Subsequently, the company will apply to the macau government to offer full http://www.cellular-news.com/coverage/macau.php | |
80. Blogmacau.info - An Independent Macau Weblog :: Government The macau government Tourist Office (MGTO) organised a largescale promotionalcampaign Macau Week in Las Vegas to woo the long more » http://macau.blogharbor.com/blog/Government | |
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