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101. Association Free Lutheran Congregations Home Page AFLC Association Free lutheran Congregations, organized in 1962 grown to become the fourth largest lutheran body in the US. http://www.aflc.org/ | |
102. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church includes ministry and missions statement, worship times, activities, location, contacts and links. http://www.telcsb.org | |
103. Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary Pacific lutheran Theological Seminary is one of the seminaries of the Evangelical lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and a member of the Graduate Theological http://www.plts.edu/ | |
104. Listing Of Directory: /christikon/ Includes contacts, location and program description for youth, families and disabled adults. http://members.aol.com/christikon/ | |
105. Trinity Lutheran Seminary Trinity lutheran Seminary is a school of theology of the Evangelical lutheran Church in America. http://www.trinitylutheranseminary.edu/ | |
106. Lutheran Pioneers Youth organization dedicated to development of spiritual and personal leadership for youth. Affiliated with WELS. http://www.lutheranpioneers.org | |
107. Gundersen Lutheran Online Located in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Information on this complete healthcare network providing primary and specialty care in southwestern Wisconsin, http://www.gundluth.org/ | |
108. Evangelical Lutheran Church Of The Good Shepherd Of The Unaltered Augsburg Confe Missouri Synod. Profile, pastors' biographies. http://www.lutheransonline.com/servlet/lo_ProcServ/GID=0114100136098484338638802 | |
109. Lutheran Theological Seminary At Gettysburg lutheran Church in America, the oldest lutheran Seminary in the United States information includes academic program, contacts, faculty and alumni news. http://www.ltsg.edu/ | |
110. Home Includes Worship schedule, calendar of activities and events, faith and mission statements, newsletter, location, and contacts. http://www.lcosgreenville.org | |
111. The Young Lutheran {home} Welcome to THE place for lutheran youth on the web. Explore, connect, have fun! We re all on this journey together. once wellsaid, Finding what fits you http://www.theyounglutheran.org/ | |
112. Zion Lutheran Church Includes Worship schedule, mission and ministry statement, calendar of events and activities, fellowship and service opportunities for youth and adults, email newsletter, location, contacts and links. http://www.zionbismarck.com/ | |
113. Lutheran Heritage Foundation Charitable foundation dedicated to translation, publication and distribution of Confessional lutheran materials, both classical and new, presently working http://www.lhfmissions.org/ | |
114. Berea Evangelical Lutheran Church Contains worship times, calendar, pastoral message, history, study and fellowship opportunities, location, and contacts. http://mlegurath.tripod.com/BereaLutheran/ | |
115. Lutheran Theology Web Site Compendium of basic lutheran texts and commentaries. Also original essays in Confessional lutheran theology by Rector David Jay Webber of Saint Sophia http://www.angelfire.com/ny4/djw/lutherantheology.html | |
116. Faith Lutheran Church - Fairlawn, Ohio Includes Worship schedule, calendar, service and fellowship opportunities, faith statements, sermon archive, devotional material, newsletter, location, contacts and links. http://www.faithlutheranchurch.org/ | |
117. Project Wittenberg Additions to this section will begin with the Handbook of the lutheran Hymnal. Bob is an avid scholar in the lutheran tradition and has done much to http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/wittenberg/wittenberg-home.html | |
118. 301 Moved Permanently Includes Worship schedule, history and congregational profile, location with sketch map and directions, and contacts. http://members.aol.com/salby/ielc.htm | |
119. Lutheran Hymnals Texts of selected English, German, Latin and Latin hymns, some in original and translation. http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/wittenberg/wittenberg-hymnals.html | |
120. Ascension Lutheran Church Includes location and contacts. http://www.palosverdes.com/ascension/ | |
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