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161. Lung Cancer Dissertation By Will Roberts A scholarly work by Will Roberts, Medical Student at Leicester University, UK. http://willroberts.com/lungcancer/index.html | |
162. Error We're more susceptible than men. It kills more of us than any other cancer. And our daughters are taking up smoking in record numbers. Read on. http://www.4woman.gov/editor/Apr01/Apr01.htm | |
163. USATODAY.com - Lung Cancer Throws A Curve Doctors say Dana Reeve, the widow of Superman star Christopher Reeve, doesn tfit the profile of a typical lung cancer patient. http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2005-08-09-reeve-cancer-cover_x.htm | |
164. Lung Cancer Susceptibility And Outcomes Study Presents the work of Dr. David Christiani and his team at the Harvard School of Public Health on risk factors and treatment response. http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/lungcancer/ | |
165. Canada Courageous Canary Tells the story of Heather Crowe, who has lung cancer from secondhand smoke at the restaurant where she worked. http://you-are-the-target.com/TCC.html | |
166. Lung Cancer Staging Staging lung cancer. Accuracy of mediastinal staging of nonsmall cell lung cancer.M1 evaluation. http://www.chestx-ray.com/StagingLungCa/LungCancerStaging.html | |
167. Articles:Listing Lung_cancer Of the lung cancer deaths of Peter Jennings and Bel Geddes, Hagman said I Lucas also is using the 67year-old journalist s death from lung cancer on http://www.tobacco.org/articles/category/lung_cancer/ | |
168. Lung Cancer Support Community lung cancer Support Community, Message Board, Information, Treatment, Diagnosis,Support for survivors and caregivers. http://www.lchelp.com/community/ | |
169. Lung Cancer Vaccine (GVAX) - Clinical Stage Portfolio lung cancer Vaccine (GVAX)developed by Cell Genesys. http://www.cellgenesys.com/clinical-lung-cancer.shtml | |
170. NASD: Current Intelligence Bulletin 54: Environmental Tobacco Smoke In The Workp Report from the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health provides discussion of the research base (as of 1991) and measurements of various toxins and carcinogens in firsthand and secondhand smoke. http://www.cdc.gov/nasd/docs/d001001-d001100/d001030/d001030.html | |
171. The Wellness Community-Frankly Speaking About Lung Cancer Also, knowledge about lung cancer and treatment is in a continual state of evolution, Managing the Side Effects of lung cancer Its Treatment http://www.thewellnesscommunity.org/programs/frankly/lung/lung_cancer_home.asp | |
172. Environmental Tobacco Smoke Focus is on lung cancer caused by secondhand smoke. http://www.meds.com/lung/smoking/environmental.html | |
173. The Price Of Coffins: Specious Arguments By Eminent Doctors Against The Dangers Letter to the British medical Journal reviews some tobacco, medical, and public policy history good evidence showed that smoking causes lung cancer; the media's response to this information was initially resistant; specious arguments were used to detract from the real issue, which confused the general public and lessened its concern; after 40 years there has been little change in smoking rates. http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/319/7225/1621 | |
174. Lung Cancer Links - Building Opportunities For Self-Sufficiency lung cancer Links Building Opportunities for SelfSufficiency Comprehensiveinformative lung cancer urls with links to international websites. http://www.cancerlinks.org/lung.html | |
175. Site Map - Canada.com Network News story profiles physician and patients dealing with one of the most lethal, yet one of the most preventable, kinds of cancer. http://www.canada.com/edmonton/story.asp?id=112D889B-400E-4F93-AE99-3BD915292B21 |
176. Smoking In Public Should Be Restricted -- White 316 (7135): 881 -- BMJ Smoking in public places should be restricted on the grounds of public health, concludes the report of the Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Healtha group of independent scientific experts. Passive smoking causes lung cancer and ischaemic heart disease. http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/316/7135/881 | |
177. BBC News | Health | Scots Tobacco Death Toll Studied Scotland's title as Europe's lung cancer capital has come under the spotlight at a major antismoking conference. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/379366.stm | |
178. Tobacco Facts And Cancer, Smoking, Larynx Cancer And Quitting The facts on tobacco products and cancer of the larynx, lung, and mouth, emphysema, epidemology, and how to quit; information and graphic pictures from a Kentucky physician. http://www.tobacco-facts.info | |
179. About The Louisiana Cancer And Lung Trust Fund Board Committed to the prevention of addiction to tobacco. http://www.lcltfb.org/tobacco/default.html | |
180. Cancer Research And Prevention Foundation - Home Dedicated to cancer prevention through scientific research and education. CRFA is a national nonprofit organization focusing on preventable cancers such as colon, breast, cervix, prostate, lung and skin through education and by funding grants and fellowships. http://www.preventcancer.org/ | |
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