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Low Income & Fair Housing Law: more detail |
41. St. Lawrence County Planning Office - Articles - Fair Housing : Not Just The Law fair housing is the law it involves legal protection when housing choice is housing units, and to improve living conditions in lowincome housing. http://www.co.st-lawrence.ny.us/Planning/SLCPOAJT.htm | |
42. Office Of Fair Housing And Equal Opportunity (FHEO) - HUD HUD has charged two landlords with violating the fair housing Act by As a result, HACP will create 264 fullyaccessible units for low-income persons http://www.hud.gov/offices/fheo/index.cfm | |
43. Title VIII: Fair Housing And Equal Opportunity - HUD Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (fair housing Act) prohibits discrimination in ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES for low and VERY low-income PERSONS http://www.hud.gov/offices/fheo/progdesc/title8.cfm | |
44. Live-In Aides As Reasonable Accommodations Under The Fair Housing Act And Relate Does the fair housing Act, or do other federal laws, protect my clientÂs It is an open question whether units assisted by the low income housing Tax http://www.bazelon.org/issues/housing/infosheets/13livein.htm | |
45. New Hampshire Legal Assistance Legal assistance to enforce fair housing laws, from investigation and testing We ensure that lowincome people can have a voice on some of the laws and http://www.nhla.org/nhlafhp.php |
46. New Hampshire Legal Assistance Manchester, NH Â The fair housing Project (FHP) of New Hampshire Legal We ensure that lowincome people can have a voice on some of the laws and http://www.nhla.org/fhdiscrim.php | |
47. NHLP: Fair Housing AN OVERVIEW OF THE PRINCIPAL fair housing LAWS. http//www.nlihc.org/oor99/ (National low income housing Coalition s Out of Reach). http://www.nhlp.org/html/fair/outline.htm | |
48. NHLP: Housing Preservation The National housing law Project testified at this hearing and submitted written Note While the Emergency lowincome housing Preservation Act of 1987 http://www.nhlp.org/html/pres/index.cfm | |
49. DisabilityInfo.gov: Housing: Laws And Regulations: Fair Housing Act Compliance with fair housing Act for low income housing Tax Credit Properties Summary of fair housing laws, including the fair housing Act. http://www.disabilityinfo.gov/digov-public/public/DisplayPage.do?parentFolderId= |
50. DisabilityInfo.gov: Housing: Builder & Provider Resources: Low-Income Housing Ta Compliance with fair housing Act for low income housing Tax Credit Properties. Memorandum Of Understanding among the Department of the Treasury, http://www.disabilityinfo.gov/digov-public/public/DisplayPage.do?parentFolderId= |
51. Consumer Action - Fair Housing: It's Your Right - Fighting Back Against Housing In some states and municipalities, fair housing laws also protect Legal aid organizations exist in many communities to provide low income people with http://www.consumer-action.org/English/library/housing/2001_FairHousing_Fight/in | |
52. You Have A Right To Fair Housing SSI or other public assistance and does not require this from other lowincome tenants. In Vermont, fair housing laws cover all landlords, except http://www.vtlawhelp.org/Home/PublicWeb/Pages/Housing/FairHousing | |
53. Fair Housing Laws This is against fair housing laws. Lean more in this document from the National Are you lowincome? Are you a victim of abuse? Do you have a disability? http://www.vtlawhelp.org/Home/PublicWeb/Library/Index/1690000/1690100/FairHousin | |
54. Office Of Housing Programs Purpose To provide an opportunity for low and moderate income City in the Alexandria housing market and promote compliance with fair housing laws. http://www.ci.alexandria.va.us/city/housing/programs.html | |
55. California Housing Advocates: Low Income, Affordable Housing Lobbyists Renters A California housing Advocates. Lobbyists for low income Renters, Affordable housing Commemorates the 40th anniversary of the Rumford fair housing Act. http://www.housingadvocates.org/default.asp?ID=748 |
56. Housing Crisis For Seniors In Los Angeles Public housing. List of Public housing agencies. fair housing agencies CES organizes low and moderate income tenants (of privately owned rental housing http://www.la4seniors.com/housing.htm | |
57. Housing The Shriver CenterÂs housing attorneys advocate to preserve lowincome housing The Shriver Center advances fair housing and serves as an integral player http://www.povertylaw.org/advocacy/index.cfm?action=housing |
58. Fair Housing: the commission that the area has a high percentage of lowincome residents and The use permit requirement runs afoul of fair housing laws only if it http://www.asu.edu/caed/proceedings97/james.html |
59. LS-835: STEPS TO INCREASE FAIR HOUSING ACT COMPLIANCE ANNOUNCED The lowincome housing tax credit has led to the creation of more than one reap the program s financial benefits respect America s fair housing laws. http://www.treas.gov/press/releases/ls835.htm | |
60. Fair Housing Council Of Montgome designed to inform renters and homebuyers about fair housing laws; is powered by civilrights.org The National low income housing Coalition http://fairhousingmontco.org/Resources/Resource Lists/Related_links.htm | |
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