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101. Lovebirds Classifieds 2 peachfaced lovebirds for sale. They were born in March. Sex is unknown. Breeding pair of Dilute Green Fisher lovebirds. Asking $150.00 firm. http://www.hoobly.com/0/2156/0/ | |
102. Earth Angel Aviary Breeder specializing in fischer's and masked lovebirds, and conures. Also sells nest boxes. Located in Independence. http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/eaaviary/EAAVIARY.html | |
103. Lovebirds Classifieds In Michigan If anyone of your friends or relatives are seeking lovebirds, he will make theperfect first bird. Takes to people very quickly. vistors are welcome to meet http://www.hoobly.com/12014/2156/0/ | |
104. FINABIRDS Small family owned business of Exotic Birds. Raises cockatiels, quakers, lovebirds, turqoisine and rosellas. Located in north Central Texas. http://www.angelfire.com/de/finabirds/ | |
105. Www.pack-o-fun.com/projects/valentin.htm lovebirds OCLClovebirds. http://www.pack-o-fun.com/projects/valentin.htm |
106. Home Page Breeder of handfed English and American budgies, tiels, peachface and black masked lovebirds, and canaries. Located in Olympia. http://wabirds.freeservers.com | |
107. Lovebirds [OCLC] lovebirds. OCLC, lovebirds, Close window. OCLC lovebirds. If quot;lovebirds quot;are a member of the parrot (636.6865) family, why don t they have a http://www.oclc.org/middleeast/en/dewey/updates/tips/classification/lovebirds.ht | |
108. Carolina Flight Aviary Specializing in fischer's lovebirds, also breeding cockatiels and zebra finches. Located in Raliegh. http://www.geocities.com/carolinaflight/CarolinaFlightAviary1.html | |
109. This Page Has Been Generated By VCOM Technology KMEO lovebirds. lovebirds BELOW PET SHOP PRICES. ALL OUR lovebirds ARE HAND FEDAND TAME lovebirds CAN LEARN TO TALK WITH PROPER TRAINING http://users.zoominternet.net/~kmeolovebirds/ |
110. Lovebirds Around the place I have about one hundred lovebirds, give or take a handful, andI look at them every morning and dare them to be sick. http://www.ozbird.com/birdslovebirds.htm | |
111. Ingham's Aviaries Breeders of cockatiels, lovebirds, finches parakeets, and doves, also sells cages and supplies. Located in Oakdale. http://inghamsaviaries.tripod.com | |
112. Our Lovebirds This is the dominant colour for lovebirds but several mutations have been developedfrom this base colour such as the Lutino. Djinnie is a Lutino Peachfaced http://www.magsi.com/Aviary/lovebirds.html | |
113. Parrots Of The World Lovebird lovebirds earned their name because of their affectionate behavior, lovebirds are social and if you re away from your home a lot, http://www.parrotsoftheworld.com/otherpets-lovebirds.html | |
114. The Hindu : Andhra Pradesh / Visakhapatnam News : Chirpy Lovebirds: An Ornitholo VISAKHAPATNAM lovebirds, as the name suggests, are birds that seem to be lovebirds (scientific name Agapornis), which are members of the parrot family, http://www.hindu.com/2005/08/06/stories/2005080616720200.htm | |
115. Lovebirds And Indian Ringnecked Parakeets Eye Ring lovebirds at Agapornis Acres II, wpe42.jpg (7995 bytes). wpe4.jpg (7502bytes). larrw.gif (1004 bytes) The nursery. http://www.mresource.com/Birds/homepage.html | |
116. LOVEBIRDS lovebirds are found in a variety of vivid colors in their native tropical habitats.Though they are often kept as pairs, lovebirds also thrive when kept http://www.barronseduc.com/0764130625.html | |
117. All About Lovebirds & Keeping Lovebirds As Pet Birds lovebirds can be kept as single pets, however if doing so, lovebirds kept inpairs mate for live, it is said, if one bird dies, the other will too. http://www.petcaretips.net/lovebird.html | |
118. Lovebirds lovebirds are small parrots from Africa and Madagascar. There are 9 differentspecies from They are called lovebirds because they are so affectionate. http://www.petshub.com/bird/breeds/lovebirds.php | |
119. Echo's Haven Complete Bird Search Engine - Lovebirds Echo s Haven Complete Bird Search Engine lovebirds. http://www.toolady.com/links/lovebirds.html | |
120. Endemic Birds Of Ethiopia Although the behavior of captive Blackwinged lovebirds has been documented indetail, no study of this species has been done under natural conditions. http://www.ethiopiafirst.com/Tour/endemic/Endemic-Bird-Lovebird.html | |
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